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Greenie Oct 2017
At 11 AM, I awoke and went to inform my mother that the day was timeless. I then sat amongst it and waited for the thing to recommence/

It didn't.

Later, I
found myself in aisle no. 5 (an obligation valued before the supposed ceasing of time), becoming - !desperado! in aisle no. 5, 5 for baking, because baking is community, comfort, a kiss on the forehead, a dream. Disgusted by the
of the place, I hurried with my business, out and past the parking lot people who appeared quite oblivious to this state of affairs. One glanced at me, but my aisle 5 eyes took care of the situation.

I woke up in the car, tried my hardest to ignore the fakeness of the dash clock, and pulled
into the road, leaving aisle 5 behind in some pop-up book land of apparent responsibility.

And cried, as it is oh so weary to crave death in a place so meant for life.

from summer- im awful at narrativey things, but
Greenie Oct 2016
Numbed spines, turn-table minds of froth and iron, we shook-
Holding the flashlight while he wrenched at engine and rubber in the rain. Ward of the physical touch. When it wasn't too wet, we'd paint the windshield to match infinity then get in and drive. Drive, just go! As we

Or lie in feilds. How many they are, numerous as stars, grassbeds sprinkled with violets and clover. -So similar. So same. The roads (we'd race, tires screeching, screaming, outrunning, false) and clouds that look like bedroom windows.

Anything's better than home when you don't know you're sick.
Greenie Jan 2017
Tiger, i
swim at night to keep my skins
Pale. And marinate moon-dipped tundras.
Splash, ripples as i spear tides with flesh and bone, collapse into waters taut as untested brides. 'Paradise,' I'm told, though my eyes reveal but shadows upon the shores. Not to be depressing.
Stay under with me a bit longer my love.
Greenie Apr 2016

He ate out my heart and threw it up.
Poison lungs, poison veins-

Viscera numbed, spined eels wriggle,
I am ******.

****** as in : a shut-in, swain of Gehenna, rocked, rolled.
He needed more rope for his net and so cut out my tendons.

What skies to worship now? What skins?
#lost #heart
Greenie Jun 2017
Spring folds,
its deck shred
'cross poppy laden

Away with the heavy air and a bit lighter on the lungs!
          Color seeps
          from stone and skies

In evening-time, we walk past the old playgrounds, as always, while sleepy suns settle their eyes on lazy toes and swing-set reds.
Land that is known,
stay awhile.
Greenie Nov 2015
flesh and b
flesh and b  l  o  o  d
                                          traps me
                                          |           |
                                          traps me
Greenie May 2018
I made sure to /bruise/ your neck before you'd left me- your choker tattoo, compliments of cupid. I'd !******! and !!******!! and !!!******!!! but none of you had come out. I'd gnawed^.^. for your blood but my lips had burst and I'd been left with my own. With unflinching ease, you neatly grabbed me by the teeth and bent bone from gum.

Needless to say, no lesson was learned.
Greenie Feb 2016
prairie girl, home for the summer
                    steals ceramic eyes to shade
         sunrises of gasoline kisses -
                    she lies underneath and counts
                             each, whilst marveling at snow-
                             globe winds and birds that can't
Greenie Sep 2017
(hidden in last years physics notebook)

Today, you blared at me from the sun. No
prior              #    warning,  took me a-
back with that qui~ve~ring snarlll.
I glAnced uP, and, without my
you maybe could
piece   t-oge-the-r,
factually, that I am
in  love  with
you, still ~ I
tried to cover up the
of my eyes but he
-ard you gasp as you looked
down and
Greenie May 2017
Steering wheels too. I grip and they slip. Zero-gravity throats and an acute awareness of how heavy limbs become when theyre unwanted. Flash past street signs ("Virginia", "Jefferson") and cars, those glistening hunks of destiny.

Dont criticize personalities, it kills.
Greenie Jan 2017
Its all skylights from here.
(Eros collects any leftover heartbeats and I smile)

Holding the stars to his face, its nonsensical, this stash of inhabited husks and sienna skies ; we should quake with

anticipation. "Yes," we'll be grunged cigarettes, coaxed, a rained-out velvet, I'll smash bottles on traincars- like so - ($) - and he'll pick the scraps out of us with his teeth
Greenie Dec 2014
And in the mirror is an older girl from yesterday, for it was then that I wrote every fantasy for which i've yearned upon a golden sheaf and I tied it to a kite, black and red and orange, and I watched it sail up and up and up and forever away from here, for what will dreaming do me except milky teardrops and sagging doorframes. I'd like to live a life in peace away from falsities, and it is for that reason which I cringe at the lies and shallow untruths which are spoken around my core, too close, I push away. If I could fly I would go to the seas with whitecaps of pearl and ruby fishes jumping across my lazy, sundried belly, impregnated with ideals, puffy with a folly that gives the only true happiness. But if is but a word and I am but a girl and maybe with my grandmothers looking down upon me I will be that emerald eyed fox running for the moon.
Greenie Nov 2015
Under a younger sun
                     ­                         You
might have saved my life.

                       grim reaper
Greenie Jun 2014
like the sun
to drip from shadows
and crawl across my lazy blue eyelids
as I lie here, in this palace
we call our own,
with desire to
Greenie Apr 2014
Falling asleep to love songs i'll never hear
Knowing that I'm dependent on the one thing that I fear.
I wrote my skin a letter today
'I love you,' It said, 'but never again play.'
Looking outside at the bloodred moon
Wishing somehow for a deeper cocoon.
Feel the lines underlying my eyes
Each one fought a tear for a man in disguise.
Fingers made of ashes, heart made of lead
Can't seem to repay in gold, the one that for me bled.
Patterns prevail, vibrants on which to set my mind
But not even the pen, to me will be kind.
Gather up your children for I come around at dusk
May try to steal a precious gem to fill this empty husk.
Bed of fresh snow, sheet of ancient lanterns
Lying in numbness, whilst thought of being woman, turns.
Greenie Apr 2014
Sometimes I feel Beautiful.
incense drips from the cold tile
Exotic even,
never worth the pain bestowed
but priceless still.
Greenie Jan 2015
on days when this house is not a home i
pull my body out the doors and into the
earth's  chilly fragrance. and if the sky is
bold  i   light  my  heart  with  the  stars'
possibility  and  i  hope  and  i hope that
one day maybe i will be who i want and
i  will  look in the mirror in the morning
and say to myself yes, this  is  who i am,
who i lived for all those days  when  my
fingers    felt    sick  and people said my
smile didn't  match  my eyes. maybe i'll
find  someone to  explode  with,  maybe
i'll     share     my    freedom    with    my
ancestors    maybe    i   will  but  i  hope.
Greenie Apr 2016
'She's kilt for sure,' as the sparrows look down at us,
Bluegills pecking away toes, memories.
Greenie Jan 2015
sometimes the
stars seem to clink
like glass and then fall
out of place and drop and drop
until maybe I guess they land in some
farmers field in Armenia or Laos and then
perhaps a young boy will go out to play and find
a feat that will take away his boyish charm
but oh those boyish fantasies will
Greenie Nov 2014
dealer looks at me
he makes time stand still
drilling through the barren sea I call my face
and I can tell he knows, just how much like jelly
my bones become with him standing there and how melty
the wasteland I call my heart gets: a phenomenon Id call unsafe and self betraying.
Greenie Apr 2018
The devil has been in my bed-
Shouts with loud eyes, cures sickness with teeth that keep growing,
Licks my neck.
I have been away from home for too long, I
dream of rivers, of fathers with soft voices, of magic,
Where skyline and city puddle together with twinkling light,

where no one's afraid of the dark.
Greenie Feb 2014
Forget me.
I can only bring you down.
Forget me, and you will soar on
To light and liberty bound.
Forget me.
And your dreams will come true
Because the only thing I ever did
Was to make them impossible for you.
Forget me.
I rock at your wake
The love we shared is buried past
This smile for you I fake.
Forget me.
As you look into her eyes
Forget me, and she'll be the one
Your ransom from the skies.
Forget me.
As the ache of those days fades
As you share her kiss
I stare at my reflection in so many blades.
Forget me.
And all that could make you blue
But one promise I'll keep
That I'll never forget you.
Greenie Oct 2016
look at me with
       unseeing eyes, fevered cheeks,
so I reach
down into my throat and pull out my stomach.
Here. Here! Touch! Taste!
This is me! Thus I am!

I clench it in my fists. I squeeze, nails subducting into pinkish jellies.
I lunge wildly for their mouths, I smear.
~Alas, they also lack tongues.
Greenie Mar 2015
I prefer that the adrenaline race alongside my bones rather than swim at an unpretentious gait and
I know it's short-lived but ,oh god, I love the feeling of no-tomorrows.
Greenie Jan 2015
in          the
midst of all
this    numb
i   begin   to
see       with
the      duller
stars  i   may
have     once
prayed    on.
Greenie Nov 2017
I've decided  to
swallow you w
h ole. That way
, I'll get the full
flavor without
having you lin
ger about amo
ng my  t e e th.

See,  I  haven 't
the palate for y
our earthy afte
r t   a s    t  e   s.
Greenie Oct 2016
Tosses me with black eyes~ He,
flipping us onto our necks, whistles.

Devil, devil, look me in the face and LIE.

Me again, (it's real, it's real) i can't help but tear out the zippers of my clothes for you, crunch on muscles, oil my teeth.

And the sun kisses the sky goodnight :my dear: with its evanescent arms trailing out over the waters, tickling the fish i'd bet. But,

Marbles. They're obsidian carved, best of the best. He puts them where his eyes were when we met and thinks i can't tell the difference. Well i know. Oh boy sure i do, do i know, do i.
Greenie Nov 2015
Ran, i
{ r { a } n }
with my heart beating, beating, beating I
and in my running , a thought   !~<    Ripped    >~!   into my chest as I threw myself                                                           ­                                                                 ­                                                      Forwards:
t­hat I would perpetually toss myself out
                                                             ­        w i n d o W s
for Him.
the whole of my insignificant existence.
Greenie Mar 2016
i am:
fall off the bone, tenderized,
dry. Caked mud falling from the mass.
God forsake me. The way in which a love clouds my nostrils and my mind will mesh shut at each new instance of the molecules O and H forming the stuff of my body, makes me faint.
I am now. Heartbeats tick unwillingly. I am yes.
Kiss me and I'm yours, I'm -fall into his arms, princess, you who have the world at your beck and call- , casual, I am innoculation.
innoculation:  a historical method for the prevention of smallpox by deliberate introduction of its pustules into the skin
Greenie May 2016
And if it's propriety keeping me from gobbling
                                                        ­              up your suns and
                                                             ­                        moons
*******, fool i am, yes. But,
then again,
                                            id be but a shadow
                                            across your horizon,
nightmare from which you'll never wake,
                                                           ­      witch.
And, i say again, my love,
I never wished this upon you.
Greenie Nov 2015
we were blistering alongside streetlights in someone's
c,  a,     r , the blackened sky woven
together with a net of stars, I guess but I
didn't see,

gazed back at me from the front-
seat, his eyes spiking the air with
ecstasy — I
lacing my body with
fluctuations from the all-consuming bass and the blackness with its
w         b

killing me
but it was lovely.
Greenie Aug 2014
lately ive been feeling a bit blue
moondance on my own  ===  just one shadow the light does skew
ive cracked my wrists, and I cant seem to figure,
stare dumbly down, aching to feel what once was vigor
but whats strange this time, is the space between
the humorly disgust for them who did once upon me === preen

guess im on my own now
love you Ari.
Greenie Jan 2015
i used to want to be the hero

now I just wish to be saved

from myself, like some helpless

princess in a tower
Greenie Nov 2015
i blame You for this
t r a s h e d feeling in my
oh sWeET
song of mine.
Greenie Oct 2016
You painted me pink and gold, wrapped around me ribbons of it to become my skin, my hair, ribbon. Would let the loose ends fly, too. For windy days, i was a private ballet, swirls and leaps with me, standing there, watching you, enjoy.
Greenie Jan 2015
being that I am
alive  as  best  I  can
look forward to the days
full of humming thrall and the
nights in which I may rest in peace.
Greenie Apr 2017
today i
cut my
leg ab
ove the
knee be
low the
hip bec
ause  i
didn' t
want yo
u to ask
w h e n
we have
and you
me get
Greenie Nov 2015
She is looking out the window

again. Wishing for there to be

no window. That she could feel the

tumbles of pittering rain droplets as they

run with the wind. On her face. She

thinks on how her autumn-harvest

hair would plaster against her pinked-out

cheeks and jaw and lips. She

watches, seemingly unable to forget her

evening plans. It's down to her mother's

black silk or the leopard-skin

gloves, but both are ripped and she

doesn't know how to sew. She

isn't tired. She's exhilarated. Ready to

feel the rain and wind and trees sail

across her face and down her neck. She

sits and watches through glass panes as skies

whip clouds like batter.
Greenie Aug 2014
And they say it should be unconditional
and it is, dear
but I'd never let you hear that from any lips of mine
Greenie Apr 2019
Watch me diss a p
pe a  r     s
     o eas

li ke  s
     tr a nger
         sto a   ju ng
*praise be to Bradbury
Greenie Jun 2015
am not
stable and  I  like
my tea with a smoke so
what  I  am  still human and
still   forced   to   trudge  through
this god-awful place the same as you.
Greenie Feb 2018
In gold, I

a tribe of cloud
lollygags 'cross cob-
bled brick.


Roses. As only
gods could have. I have
NOT accepted the human condition, I,
(skin tugged by the ad-dition of time) REFUSE! to
step down from the sun
<   O   >
Greenie Jun 2014
I remember watching the sun
slide to the purple folds beneath my window
the day he died.
The oak of his coffin was grainy
/In Jerusalem there's no oak trees.

In kindergarten I sang of Jesus' love
the same way I sang of big blue dinosaurs that fly
Why is it that I can see them in my dreams but not Jesus?
after I've arranged all my clocks on the mantle from small to large
i'll sit in front and hold my breath till their silence drowns eachother out
maybe then he'll start the show
Greenie Nov 2020
I want to go back to my roots,
to playgrounds and sunsets, soft grasses.
To silky skin, where winds blew
pink and unfamiliar. To before.
Greenie May 2014
if I were real
id feel the air rush
down into my lungs and throughout
and down my veins, into my pounding heart because
I guess that's what real people do in their free time
Greenie Mar 23
One day, I woke to find you lodged in my chest.
You had peeled back the skin in surgical fashion, then driven in
like a stake, flush with the sternum.
What am I to do with a man between my lungs?

I clean the wound as best I can and wait for your next move.
Greenie Aug 2017
So I try and paint you. Because I was driving home last night and then, all of a sudden, someone turned the street signs turned into your smiles and the traffic lights into your eyes. Upon sketching out your jaw, the arc of your cheek, the nose line you so despised, I grow weary and elect to go with a sunset instead. Having limited canvas, I carefully rip your face in two, detaching the teeth from the smiling eyes, the upper from the lower. The symbolism disappears and what once resided on the backing of my scenery shot becomes a lone mouth: a strangers mouth. I erase it because it's none of my business.
Greenie Oct 2015
The doctor’s screen flashes with
boxes, bells, ribbons
all so enchanting, shimmering, shining;
She’s been forgiven;
God says ‘yes,
you are,’ and she claps ‘please, please,’
her lungs now underseas, with blue ***** and
barricudas in search of new colonies.
Greenie Nov 2017
Cool bite of our ocean, we'd swim
all the way to the moonlight where the rip-
ples lapped black against our thighs- she'd
slice the wet with a laugh like SUN, golden fingers
i          t               r              w       n               d
        n           e             t               i        e
with the earthiness of mine. Then, smiling at
our absur^dities, we,
picked out
* stars ** to
for our
own, webbing
a map of
f            o            r      e          v      e          r.­
Greenie Mar 2015
run-smooth leather
these passenger seats bare
never hides truly these
run-down ambitions
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