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1.3k · Feb 2018
Upside Down
NonLight-Weight Feb 2018
Love, Care, Joy
ove, Care, jo
ve, Care, j
e, Care
, Care
Hate, A
Hate, Ab
Hate, Abu
Hate, Abus
Hate, Abuse
Hate, Abuse,
Hate, Abuse, S
Hate, Abuse, Sa
Hate, Abuse, Sad
How quickly things of good can be evil
891 · Feb 2018
Glass Chandelier
NonLight-Weight Feb 2018
Over a glass-floor ballroom
A sparkling chandelier hangs
Reflecting everyone on the floor
All of those too proud
It shows what they truly feel
And if one should act
On their true feelings
Release what they have been dying
To say
The chandelier should see
And hear all
If it shall turn sour
And the chandelier falls
All of the true feelings it reflected
Shall be released
And show to them all
Just feeling frustrated
623 · Jan 2018
The Origami Truth
NonLight-Weight Jan 2018
pulling out
pushing in
And finally,
your masterpiece
of pain
But did you ever
stop and wonder
about what
that small piece
of paper
ever did
to be this broken
Sometimes people are just like origami. Broken and ripped or Masterpieces of time.
451 · Dec 2017
NonLight-Weight Dec 2017
Light bleeds through
Breaking the calm
People come to see the view
With their plaster
and tape
Closing these cracks
Not to fix them
To cover them up
To hide the broken
Using their empty promises
"It won't happen again"
"It was an accident"
They're as clear as glass
Only lies hide inside
So they cover up the truth
The pain of who they hurt
The broken souls
Who shattered like mirrors
Against angry fists
Cracks covering the outside
They run deeper than the eye can see
Until the soul has broken completely
Can they see how much damage
They really did do
433 · Mar 2018
NonLight-Weight Mar 2018
Why do
I even

Why am
so nice
to you?

Why am
I a
Horrible Person
most of the time?

Why do
I not
expose you?
I'm having a hard time with myself and others around me
428 · Jan 2018
Hi 4 am Me
NonLight-Weight Jan 2018
Finally going out
It comes back
The light bulb
Fragile little thing
Easily replaced
In time
Breaking again
and again
Fixing each time
Each glowing
a bit brighter
381 · Dec 2017
NonLight-Weight Dec 2017
They're just like us
******* the outside
Keeping everyone out
But soft on the inside
Caring, Helpful
But you hurt them to get there
You hurt the egg
376 · Jan 2018
Silvery Silver
NonLight-Weight Jan 2018
Moon glowing brightly
over a frozen sea
in photo of me
I'm on the ice
Looking down to the deep
Face glowing
as I see another looking back at me
A silvery mermaid
glowing under the moon
under the ice
up at me
My hand reaching for hers
Flat against the ice
Hers against her side
We can't touch
Until the ice has long gone
We promise to see each other again
I put down the picture
Looking out onto the same sea
Open and fresh
Waiting for me
Her head bobs in the waves
Brightly smiling at me
And off I go
Back to my sea
359 · Feb 2018
NonLight-Weight Feb 2018
Anyone else
why must
we be lonely
on the holiday
of love
or it may
just be me
So is
anyone else
going to be
lonely on
Valentine's day?
Lonely for Valentine's Day
320 · Mar 2018
In the open
NonLight-Weight Mar 2018
does everyone
around me not
notice the obvious secrets
that they are
trying to
I want
to tell them
about each other, but
will they actually
listen to
Of course not.
I'm just
a little *****,
****, *****
attention seeker, someone
trying to ruin their
relationships for my
own gain,
for myself.
if they
actually looked or
cared about me, they
would realize that
I'm not
trying to ruin
their relationships
helping them
to be better.
311 · Mar 2018
Life and Death
NonLight-Weight Mar 2018
Life asked Death
"Why do people
love me and
hate you?"
Death replied,
"Because you
are a
beautiful lie
and I'm a painful truth."
I don't own this but I couldn't find the author
304 · Mar 2018
NonLight-Weight Mar 2018
Creeping in.
I'm Drowning




In this
T h i c k   I c e .
I can't reach
To anyone
On the out|  |side|  .
I can only hear
My own screams.
283 · Feb 2018
Playing with Fire
NonLight-Weight Feb 2018
You are getting close
Playing with a dangerous thing
If you get careless
Do you know what that'll bring?

You're poking a bear
Dancing on coals
Sooner or later
You'll find the result of your foolhardy
And see that burns
Are deeper than you thought

You don't look to the future
Just focus on the present
Making a fool of yourself
Playing with danger
I need to vent
281 · Dec 2017
The End Of All
NonLight-Weight Dec 2017
Ending it would hurt
Tear apart my family
My friends
But the world would keep turning
The sun would rise
and set
People would forget
The little girl
Trapped inside by all her pain
Deciding to go
instead of staying
Leaving her pain
her misery
But no one would remeber
Except those who cared
275 · Dec 2017
NonLight-Weight Dec 2017
It happened that day
Not too long ago
I made a mistake
It wasn't you
I regret what happened
We aren't the same anymore
Because of my mistake
I wish I could change what happened
Not make my mistake
But there is no time machine
No fixing my mistake
I wish you could forgive me
But I will never know if you did
I just want you to know
I'm sorry
269 · Dec 2017
NonLight-Weight Dec 2017
Tiny little stones
Littering the ground
Like shattered glass
Shards of the moon
Can’t be diamonds
Couldn’t be pearls
You’re something greater than those
You can make even the smallest difference
You, my little stones
My little shards of ice
With your hint of blue deep in the eye
Must be the opals
Precious little opals
263 · Dec 2017
NonLight-Weight Dec 2017
If you'd believe your eyes
You'd see amazing things
From reef sharks
To pulsating jellyfish
Any many more
Our world keeps turning
But if you'd just believe
We could be flying with hawks
Or checking out some rocks
All you'd have to do is believe
263 · Feb 2018
NonLight-Weight Feb 2018
Many people need to realize that maybe what they are looking for isn't
hidden at the bottom of the bottle ******* into their hand.
Maybe that the answer isn't written in the amber liquid
of a stiff shot or glass.
You have to make your own answer
when the world pulls away all the ones you've lived with.
Create your own way out
262 · Feb 2018
Re-imagined Quotes (1)
NonLight-Weight Feb 2018
Sticks and Stones
will break my bones,
but words
cut deeper than knives
I was just thinking about all the really old quotes and how I could make them more realistic
258 · Dec 2017
NonLight-Weight Dec 2017
Fire roars
Blood runs
People don’t see
They never will
Ice cracks
Tears shine
People don’t know
They never will
Stones break
Screams muffled
People don’t care
They never will
Together the pain feels unbearable,
But yet,
I survive
Drowning in my silence.
257 · Dec 2017
The Jellyfish
NonLight-Weight Dec 2017
Blobs of color floating through the sea
Colorful and beautiful
But beneath their bright colors
Paining and suffering
That's the thing about jellyfish
Just like you and me
Beautiful things have faults too
Nothing is perfect
254 · Dec 2017
NonLight-Weight Dec 2017
They move within the dark
They keep my mind at bay
Keeping me from myself
Keeping me trapped inside
They move within the shadows
My skeletons in the closet
Coming back
Haunting me
But I'm not afraid of them anymore
Not afraid of the bones
254 · Jan 2018
An Epic
NonLight-Weight Jan 2018
Pain, Pain
Go away
Don't come back
for another day
But it decides to stay
Harboring my body
Leaving scars
Hurting the people I know
It will never go away
Until it's beaten you
Until you're gone
It whispers deep in the night
"You're nothing"
"Who would ever care about you?"
"No one cares"
"Go ahead, hurt another person, it won't fix you"
"You're broken"
Deafening any hope
any sort of reason
From Pain comes Depression
And he's a tricky thing
Taking anything anyone has said
and twisting it
reshaping it
until it's something degrading
He hits you like a truck
You'd never see him coming
I sure didn't
Doctors give pills,
psychiatrists give 'advice'
but it never helps
He's always there
Deep in your mind
An epidemic of the soul

Ding, ****
Depression is back
I cry over you
You'd never know
I hide my pain from you
You'll never find it
You get my hopes up
Only to drop me
Like a rock from a skyscaper
Bringing me back down
Down into my depression
It's just what you say
what you do
That makes my pain greaten
And cry at night
But you wouldn't know
233 · Dec 2017
NonLight-Weight Dec 2017
Nothing changes on beaches
Same Sand
Same ocean
Same Trees
But the people come and go
Leaving little reminders
Footprints in the sand
They leave slowly
The tide washing the marks away
Leaving a clean slate
New beach
No reminders of what has happened
No little marks
But the sand remembers
The sand never goes
Sand never forgets
233 · Jan 2018
Personal thoughts
NonLight-Weight Jan 2018
Hi guys.
You might not read this.
I just need to get some things off my chest.
They're really weighting me down

I hate it when someone things they can threaten me but not say it to my face, but send one of their friends to do it instead.

Some people just need to get over relationships and shouldn't call people "******" because they start talking to a ex.

I wish people would stop the teasing and stop thinking that they can stay things and not think about how it will affect others around them.

People who think they can talk **** about me and are too chicken to say it to my face, you need to step up and own what you say and stop being a ***** about it.

That's all I want to say right now. Thanks for reading if you did.
232 · Dec 2017
The Bottles
NonLight-Weight Dec 2017
They’re everywhere
In the halls of school
Crevasses of my home
Holding my secrets
My pains
My lies
My love
They sometimes are found
And ignored
The bottles want found
They want to be known about
But they never will
Until someone special will come along
And actually care why there's a bottle
Open it
Read my pain
And help
232 · Feb 2018
Miss me
NonLight-Weight Feb 2018
When will you know
That your heart is very so
And if you should ever wonder
If you made a blunder
Ask yourself
"Did I make a mistake?"
"I need a double-take."
Forgive me.
You're going to miss me
Then you'l finally see
Your big mistake
216 · Apr 2018
What could have been?
NonLight-Weight Apr 2018
Have you ever encountered a situation that you think, "That could have been me."
Today, I did.
My friend's cousin's ex, (I know, long title), committed suicide today. It could have been me.
He must have been in a dark place. I've been there before. It could have been me today.
198 · Dec 2017
NonLight-Weight Dec 2017
It’s pouring down
My eyes
My heart
They leak like the rain
People get out their umbrellas
To ignore my pleas for help
To ignore my pain
And they walk away
To get away from the rain
189 · Feb 2020
Broken Heart Day
NonLight-Weight Feb 2020
Heart Day
Time to throw my heart away
I know they won't return the love
I must let it fly away like a dove
If I wanted another heartbreak
I would let it still ache
Valentine's day is never good
Let it blow away like a cottonwood
188 · Jan 2018
NonLight-Weight Jan 2018
Why must we hide
inside these walls?
When there is music
in the halls?
They are haunted by doom.
No more joy
an empty room.
I wish to sing all day
to rise, fall.
Fly away.
Out we crawl
sneaking, creeping
between the walls.
Careful to avoid the weeping
Wailing of the downfalls
161 · Feb 2020
Alice Fell
NonLight-Weight Feb 2020
Insanity, Insanity
There goes humanity
Gotta find an escape
Through some vanity
Finding time to
Spit profanity

— The End —