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May 2019 · 315
Never Close Enough
Trisha May 2019
It’s right there,
but just out of reach.
It’s clear as a cloudless sky,
But you’re too shy to try.
You can taste how close your victory is,
But a boulder stands in the way.
That boulder is your self-confidence.
It keeps you at bay,
It leads you astray.
You don’t see you’re worth,
So you stay in the dirt.
You don’t have the will to fight
You’re no longer seeing the light
But alas, I promise it’s there.
The more you give up the farther it is,
It’s off to the right, just out of sight,
You just gotta try,
you’re never gonna fly
if you never spread your wings and fall.
You’ll never succeed if you don’t believe
You’ll never be better if you don’t write that letter,
Or pick up that pen,
Don’t be stuck in a den
You have to at least try.
You will never fly if you never even try.
It seems to be fleeting,
But you’re the one retreating.
It may seem hard,
The goal may be far,
But if you don’t give up,
You’ll end up raising your cup.
Apr 2019 · 168
Trisha Apr 2019
They say you're crazy they say you're nuts,
But do they see all the cuts?
Do they see the cuts in your diet
or the cuts on you skin?
Do they know about the sin,
do they know about the hate?
Do they know about the pain?
You think that you're to blame,
but remember who started this game.
you are perfect,
you are worth it
I loved you then and I'll love you now,
I can't save you from yourself,
but i can be here for you when you need
Because everyone has a friend, and yours is me.
Oct 2018 · 144
Worth It
Trisha Oct 2018
After all the hits I take,
Would it be okay,
If I never wake?
I'm broken and damaged beyond repair.
And yet I still dare.
Dare to glare at the faces full of hate.
The ones that are thin,
The ones that are rich.
The ones that are covered in make-up.
I dare to breathe,
I Dare to live.
'No Pain No Gain' they say.
But tell me,
What do I gain from all this pain?
They say I'm not worth it.
They say I'm imperfect.
But just because I'm not perfect,
Doesn't mean I'm not worth it.
Oct 2018 · 167
Mirror Mirror
Trisha Oct 2018
Age 9) Mirror Mirror, on the wall, am I as fair as them all? Not now not ever.

(Age 11) Mirror, Mirror, in my hand, why did that man have to die? Only because you loved him.

(Age 12) Bully, Bully, In the hall, what did I do to deserve to fall? You where born

(Age 13) Thing, Thing, inside my head, Why do fill my heart with dread? Because they want you dead.
I wrote this when I was 13, so It's not the best I've ever written...
Oct 2018 · 139
Depression thrives
Trisha Oct 2018
Depression isn't a bad breakup. Or a rainy day.
It's not a frown or a sigh,
In fact, it can still hold it's head up high.
Depression is the girl with the perfect smile or the boy that's always laughing.
Depression isn't shown the way sadness is, it's hidden deep in our souls.
Depression is a demon, that lives off the pain of others. It laughs at our tears and pokes at our fears.
Depression hunts for anyone. It hits at any moment.
Depression plagues the little girl with a bright smile.
It haunts the girl that reaches out to help.
It drives fear into the A+ student.
Depression has a sister.
Her name is anxiety.
Anxiety is the reason we doubt ourselves.
Anxiety is the rest of judgment from others.
It's the paranoia that plagues the night.
They work together to drive us mad.
We go insane and can't stand the pain.
  We put the gun to our heads as our hearts fill with dread.
we end our lives and depression thrives.

— The End —