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Sep 2023 · 114
Nephilem07 Sep 2023
It was nineteen and ten when me pa came ashore
after a stint in the Navy see'n the world
took me and placed me atop of his knee
asked me to listen oh so closely

Ill never no never return to the sea,
this me pa told unto me.

War broke out and what do you know
me pa went a sailing till the war t'was done
and when he returned nad reclaimed his days

Ill never no never return to the sea,
this me pa told unto me.

Next thing you know his scotch it ran dry
and all of the honey *** from the canary isles
so up went me pa back to the sea
to refill his liquor with shipping for free
then he returned and reclaimed his days.

Ill never no never return to the sea,
this me pa told unto me.

A dream cruise came up and me pa up'n flew
to see all the wonders of the wide wold
and kiss more'n a few girls.
He came back with tales of sphinxes and minxes
and the fjords up in Norway
and the nations at parley
shott he saw it all even that far off great wall
until he returned and reclaimed his days.

Ill never no never return to the sea,
this me pa told unto me.

Wouldn't you know me pa grew right bored
he'd read all to read and heard all to hear
so up to the waves did he suddenly steer
next thing we know those waves were his home
as the *** and the *** had attacked out the blue
by then id grown tall but a lesson id learned
for id never no never to the sea be returned
in taking up arms I took to the air
dealing reproof from my Corsair.

Then I could say with a wink and a smile,
Ill never no never return to the sea,
just as me pa told unto me.
Jun 2023 · 304
Till then.
Nephilem07 Jun 2023
I search faces without knowing the goal,
Do your lips turn up easy or do you smoulder like coal.
Does your hair have a mind of its own
Or is it slim and controlled never causing a moan.

My heart leaps at smiles
When they show in the eyes
You see id wade for swamps for miles
Just to skirt round the lies.

Ive been hurt before
But never so much as the days im unsure
Of whether ive met you
Or only some distraction on the path to.

Will you look upon the night sky with wonder
And think of me with prayer
When you are out and take shelter from the thunder
At a bus stop or awning with lightning in the air.

Woll my heart endear at first all warm and cheesy
Or will you be composed, cool, going easy
I ask myself these each night when my bed lies empty
Like a puzzle missing pieces or a feast without plenty.

One day maybe soon i wont have to anymore.
I wont have a goal seaching faces on the store
Or look at stars and ponder
What stellar fire you are under.

I will know the ins and outs of your smile
And hold your hand amidst joy and trial
Your hair will claim possession of my clothes
And your words refresh me as a hot day and the wind blows.

Though not now and God only knows when.
So ill simply say God bless. Till then.
Apr 2023 · 279
Nephilem07 Apr 2023
While on the lonely path
I chanced upon a tree in bloom
cool pink under stellar wrath
its value held in its doom.

I gazed upon its beauty
its worth seemed ever true
so unlike diamonds and their cruelty
its day but number few.

Its folds held fragrant melody
its petals soft as silk
yet many think gold a remedy
scrathed from earth by all manner of ilk.

I plucked a handsome cluster
to prolong my chance encounter.
It set the clock to muster
its price all the more profounder.
Apr 2023 · 133
To Lost Correspondents
Nephilem07 Apr 2023
Mark not the day for grief
nor gather round to celebrate
though the time for either was not brief
the wounded heart they will not satiate.

Hours, days, weeks and months
the heart breaks and thunders
hide not the tear or smile once
for you might miss lifes wonders.
Apr 2023 · 124
Nephilem07 Apr 2023
Past the first heat of May
my road was quiet quaint and small
in the grizzled light of day
clay paints the path for fall.
My eyes alit wtih lingered breath
upon a rough hewn cross devoid of death.

The car behind kept me on my way
time seemed stuck or at least a crawl
a scarlet priest rested but did not stay
his very presence a reminder of the call.
The sky golden ambrosia in repose
that bird bright as edens rose.

This second froze, model for pay
my mind gripped that hope might forsestall
the next moments and more from decay.
The frame of vision fragile to befall
victim to the sword of damocles; time
that blade of death ever on its climb.

As I drove ahead amber light framed my way
the cardinals red enshrined to recall
bright as only living things could stay.
His throne my burden to hold tall
path to grace nailed to a tree
born and through a humble man from galilee.
Some moments seem to freeze. On the way home from a funeral on country roads this moment did not flee.
Apr 2023 · 139
Coin in a fountain
Nephilem07 Apr 2023
I was told everyone is two people to each of us.
Who we know them to be in our heads
and who they are.

Does it hold true when its to deep to tread?
When we seek othersi n hte recesses of their hearts
and not just in comfort.

Backstrokes are appealing when we cannot see fathoms.
What does the sky tell us of reefs and wrecks.
Practice breathing.

Beneath the waves light only travels so far.
That which is strange lurks in darker seas.
Bring a light.

Like streets you've traversed too often to need maps
we swim at ease in waters which only hold the known and no more.
Make charts.

We told myths and made statues of conquistadores.
Named places which held other names with abandon.
Do not fear exploration.

How many seas have you KNOWN if you only visit beaches.
Take deep breathes. Plan precautions. Temper forgiving and learning.
Plunge into depths.
Apr 2023 · 122
Nephilem07 Apr 2023
Doors closed ears to match
discourse echoes in place of response
lines murky midst blood and dirt
wash away obscurations
to find multiple lines
blueprints on top of sketches
with no guide.

Blood is heavy, so use it as ink.
Dirt is plentiful so shade in the lines.
Only on a clean sheet can plans be made.
Lessons are not forgotten if the pages are retained.
Feb 2021 · 113
Nephilem07 Feb 2021
The shudder of walls
thunder across the silence
of spaces void of light
echoing in the empty corners.

The shadows rage
with voices of rain
that no light will quiet.

The wary companion
sleeps soundly on intertwined paws.

All my doubts
baring down from every
known and unknown corner,
every empty frame.
Feb 2021
Feb 2021 · 119
Light Unseen
Nephilem07 Feb 2021
The void is like a weighted blanket.
It presses in on you, only sometimes a comfort
flicker the flashlight of security wont stay on
cloink it's beam as dead as certainty
The last flicker of light is the dance of a candle.
It mesmerizes the eyes of all present.
Is it hope? or love? or faith?
or some string of holding on to the world before.
Hope holds on to the last, is this flicker going to remain?
Love is joy and pain and dreams,
can you see a vision in this candle?
Faith is something you don't need to see,
do you need to see this candle?
Feb 20th of a year i dont like.
Jun 2019 · 163
For All Time
Nephilem07 Jun 2019
All the long lonely hours
And discarded flowers
All these tears I have shed
On this path I have tread
All the pain in my gut
As I have had to rebut
All the lies that my love
Was dropped like a glove
All the hope that I held
For our hearts to remedy
Was it all just a waste
Has my ring been defaced.
Jun 2019 · 487
Nephilem07 Jun 2019
Does she look out to sky at night,
whilst i'm a world away,
that we might see cosmic light,
not so far from the blindness of day

For when she sees the majesties,
that i might look upon,
our distance, not so great as galaxies
ever moving, on and on.

I look into the depths
of waves, and space, and thought
every view beheld sharing breaths
in hopes our time apart will fade to but a fraught.
I wrote this on deployment with the navy. Seems so melancholy looking back on it now that my marriage is in shambles.
Jan 2019 · 320
Sailor's bond
Nephilem07 Jan 2019
We share a tale,
   of vaulted views
and columned pews.
   With dappled light
through glass bejewelled
    comes solemn rays,
shining down
    on kneeling few
and dusted air.
   Though far between
our different times
   the hallowed halls
our paths have shared
   on shores we've seen,
though separately.
Wrote this in a couple of minutes for some of my colleagues in the Navy.
Jan 2019 · 218
Not Why
Nephilem07 Jan 2019
What restless minds may wander to
when ever grows the night
and sleep evades from pillows gaze
until the wanderer finds respite.

Where broken hearts may linger
when harsh burns yet the pain
and comfort hides in a friend who tries
to break shackling chains.

When sorrowed eyes may cast away
what borrowed joy was left
and courageous few shrink from view
before a smile can commit its theft.

How hopeful souls may lift
where darkened heart could not
and all the weight upon your plate
to take upon my own.


— The End —