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734 · Jun 2017
little things(Do-rag)
Natnael Asres Jun 2017
Natnael Asres:
I was thinking about wearing a do-rag
or maybe even do rap
or maybe even do both

I guess that will be dope
cause people this days like a ****** with a do-rag

and ohh they adore one who does rap
so imagine me doing both

ooo-wee your going to envy me
or even clean up after me

all we want is power
so maybe just maybe
my do-rag might get it for me.
The bigge smalls phenomenon
428 · May 2017
21 century boy.
Natnael Asres May 2017
Natnael Asres:
Had a pen and paper to write all my thoughts
had a teacher to answer all my questions....                                                  

­had a bunch of friends who would come over....

but now now those pen and paper are out all I seem to need is a laptop or all be it just a smart phone thanks to Microsoft office and ohh by the way that helped
"bill make all his billions" !!! while we don't even remember how to write "cruses in cursive" and all that.

And what is a teacher I may ask ? I was thought by 'Myspace' in elementary then took over 'google' to get me where I am  always had the answer and sometimes a little sideshow specially when puberty came knocking and a special shout out to 'Encarta kids' that also had my back.

And what about my friends ?  yesI have pictures of them well surely cropped and duly filtered and we talk everyday thanks to the group chat we have talking about dumb **** like who went where who eat what and most importantly who ****** who !

so I am glad to be a 21st century boy
who doesn't know how to write on a paper and don't know the use of a teacher
and who surely doesn't recognize his friends with out there filters !

So # sorry for 20th century people hastag (#) yeaaaa me am the king of the world a dumb Boy who wouldn't make it through a single day in the real world or would I you never know.
292 · Jul 2017
Natnael Asres Jul 2017
I stood 
at the base of the cliff,
I looked skyward
at the sheer rock.
And I as I stared, 
with the sun in my eyes,
I wondered aloud
at what I was doing in this spot.
And while I was wondering
a dog walked by,
he sniffed the ground at my feet
and paid me no mind.
And after the dog had wandered off
a bird of unknown origin 
landed on a limb
in a tree growing next to me.
I saw the bird and heard his song,
but he never saw me there.
And the bird flew off 
to a land unknown
and left me by myself
and all alone.
And then I saw a path
and climbed to the top;
when I was there 
I looked down 
at the spot where I had stood,
and saw no sign 
that I was ever there
So I guess we're all are obsolete  
In life time that goes by like a flick
So click clack shoots fired
Your down on the ground
As you bleed  and fade away to other side
Life goes on to the rest of us
So ****** I guess your just dead
Nothing less not even that much of a mess
So Bye bye    ciao    adivedrice
And any other way to say it

cause I got work tomorrow
An add on.

— The End —