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 May 2017 NPt
Just like your handwriting
You’re a mess
You hide yourself
By cunning words
Trying to disguise how you really feel
But that’s okay
I see right through the facade
You are the type of guy
Who sometimes cries alone
In his room
The type of guy
Who teases and messes with girls
Making them feel awful
Because it’s hard to express how you really feel
You are the type of guy
Who never shows his inner thoughts
You don’t believe anyone will understand
The chaos in your mind
But that’s okay
I see right through it
I am the type of girl
Who’s willing to put
My heart out there
You are the type of guy
Who never sees
A girl like me.
 May 2017 NPt
 May 2017 NPt
The depth of feeling I have for you is terrifying.
You’re a walking contradiction
Of the most captivating kind.
I’m a moth and you’re the flame --
And ours was the most beautiful encounter I’ve ever had.
 May 2017 NPt
From a distance
 May 2017 NPt
I would love you if I could
To the edge of the earth
The bottom of the sea
Alongside undiscovered planets in the galaxy

I would love you until we're old
Until we start to see the wrinkles on our skin
Formed by the joy and the pain we shared together
I would love you through missing teeth
And through the forgetfulness in our last few years.

I would love you more than you've ever been loved
If you only bothered to look back
And see where I'm standing
Waiting, foolishly, to flash you with my best smile.

I would love you without end nor reason
With pure madness I would dance wih you
Spin you round and round until we fall in a circle of our entwined feet
And drown in fits of laughter.

I would love you if only you picked up the note I slipped into your pocket
And read the words I dare not say to your face
I would love you
In a way you've never been,
In a way she could never love you.

I would love you with every fiber of my being
With all my soul
If you only let me
I would love you behind the shadows
And reveal what you never seem to see
I've been right here all along
Waiting for you to let me in.
 May 2017 NPt
Constance Alexandra
Someone once asked me
If I was afraid of dying.
I said yes.
What else is there to be afraid of
Besides that?
Now, looking at you
Your breath against my neck
Your eyes searching my face
Your smell soaking into my sheets
I realize I answered like a child.
If I am asked that question again
I think I will answer
that I am afraid of one thing
That one day
Your eyes will close
Your head will turn
and I will lose you
To someone
Who isn't me.
 May 2017 NPt
They say I love too much, and I ask
Is there any other way?
Because if there is, then what’s the point
If you’re not going to give it all away?

Some you keep, some you give away
Or so I’ve been told
But what’s a life if not
One of those fairytales of old?

A fool – that’s what I am they say
Better a fool than a selfish man
Who has a world to give away

— The End —