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Oct 2018 · 224
Garden of Youth
Emma K Oct 2018
There was once a little girl
innocent as youth
she wondered in the gardens
her hand grazed the waters
she passed the white flowers
their petals sweet
as a butterflies kiss
she passed the yellow flowers
sour yet soft
like a brush of lemon skin
she passed the pink flowers
primped and perfect
she began to question her beauty
she passed the red flowers
bolder and bigger
they shadowed her youth
she passed the green flowers
they were brushing against her
forcing her to turn to another path
she passed the black flowers
they were thorny and kept a tight hold on her
she struggled and struggled to free herself
finally the thorns cut her enough that she fell to the ground
and one single white flower grew out of her back
Sep 2018 · 265
Secret Love
Emma K Sep 2018
I live being lost
in a river of despair
with hopeless dragging me down
and never surfacing for air

His face is sewed into my brain
and the seams are only thickening
the face he makes when he sees me
is only going to make love more sickening

I feel my heart leap into my throat
and my soft palms begin to sweat
when he ever so gracefully walks
as if we just first met

His eyes how they shimmer
like diamonds in the sun
his hair is a wave of lush
and our secret love has only begun
I’m in love with someone who I know there is a small chance they will ever love me back
Aug 2018 · 241
Pale Blue Eyes
Emma K Aug 2018
They’re everywhere
I see them
They remind me of him
it’s like a tidal wave
i cannot escape
He’s got someone
I cannot love him
I can’t
I can’t
stop it
Forget those pale blue eyes
and perfect smile
and soft laugh
forget how much he made you laugh
he’ll be gone soon
and he has someone
so stop
forget those pale blue eyes
Jul 2018 · 973
Emma K Jul 2018
For years
I have watched
my friends get loved
and then get botched
For years I have seen
everyone having someone
everyone but me
For years
I haves dreamed
of what boy I would find
and how he would gleam
For years
I have lust
for something other
than just a friend
and my search so far has been a bust
This is a true and i know i’m suppose to wait for “the one” but the truth is i’m quite fed up with waiting and i made this pity poem lol
Jul 2018 · 253
Heartbeat Esteem
Emma K Jul 2018
Feel your heartbeat
and listen to it say
I love you
Let your hearbeat feel you
and listen to you say
I love you
your heartbeat is your self esteem you love it and it loves you ❤️
Jul 2018 · 228
Emma K Jul 2018
Entangled in the back
of a midnight SUV
ropes climbed my body
as far as the eye could see

The innocence escaped my soul
like Pandora’s box
and yet with all of the metal sticks
I still refuse to engage with the locks

My hope has flown to Hell
and there it met it’s match
a powerful overdose of
despair, depression, and meaningless cash

My captors amidst
hiding in the front seat
covered in blank expressions
not even glancing at me

The predators lurked
just minutes away
and shabby duct tape covered
what I needed to say

Finders keepers
my family used to say
now it seems anything they touch
is where their money seems to lay
Jul 2018 · 342
Land of the Riches
Emma K Jul 2018
The most beautiful place on earth

is smothered in wealth and worth

gold trickles down from the skies

and into greedy men’s eyes

they ingest silver

and wear extravagant coats made of fur

a thin layer of paper money covers their head

while a pile of ingots creates their bed

The finest silk sings them to sleep

while the coin birds and euro cockroaches weep

the crystal moon starts to rise

and the rich men can’t even hear

the poor children’s cries
Jul 2018 · 253
Think before you Shoot
Emma K Jul 2018
Shoot me once
I’ll call the cops
Shoot me twice
and i’ll be injured
Shoot me three times
and I won’t be able to fight
Shoot me four times
and you are now labeled as ******
Shoot me five times
and I won’t be able to move
Shoot me six times
and my blood will stain your shirt
Shoot me seven times
and you will loose everything
Shoot me eight times
and the cops will arrest you
Shoot me nine times
and the cops will shoot you
Shoot me ten times
and you have taken the life of an innocent youth
for all of the terrible tragedies in mass shootings
Jul 2018 · 250
Emma K Jul 2018
beautiful purple blood seeping into naïve young men turning them into devils
ripping them of there respect
and dignity
it’s the blood of the rich
and the downfall of so many
Jul 2018 · 220
The Wishing Well
Emma K Jul 2018
empty promises
sinking into black water
in hopes to return to the surface
Jul 2018 · 196
Emma K Jul 2018
Time never waits
but waiting is time
Jul 2018 · 178
Emma K Jul 2018
“a terrible tragedy” the reporter announced
as I watched helplessly as daddy was crushed to the ground
small, short, and self explanatory
Jul 2018 · 222
Empty Bed Frame
Emma K Jul 2018
They came in the night
leaving nothing
but an empty bed frame
they took daddy’s needles
and mommy’s pills
they ripped me from the place i called home
and left the empty bed frame
I was shipped off like a package to a strangers home
I was told never to talk to strangers
then, again, the evil people came
and again left the empty bed frame
I was placed where the sun always shines
where the glass is always half-full
but to me every rock, creature, and kiss goodnight
was dull
the empty bed frame sat in a room all alone
crying by itself without kin to call it’s own
the empty bed frame you see
the empty bed frame
is me
Jul 2018 · 474
unhealthy relationships
Emma K Jul 2018
“love me”
                “hurt you?”
            “but I don’t care”
“leave me”
              “with pleasure”
Jul 2018 · 354
Emma K Jul 2018
To you it’s just a word
a word that no matter how many times said
it is always ignored
if I were to give you every reason in the world to do so
you still wouldn’t listen to our pleas
and if we can’t strut the way you want us to
we would be shunned
but if we strutted just how barbie should
you would approach and without asking
take control
I remember teachers saying to cover up our shoulders
but I never heard them tell the boys to stop staring
stop, I said it and I won’t stop until you do
I will fight you because you need to know when enough
is enough
when you were little i’m sure you didn’t lift up little girls dresses
or catcall them just for the pleasure
what happended
to the sweet dandelions that you handed us
or the cheesy love notes being passed from desk to desk
no you stopped with that
because if you continued it would be a sign of weakeness
a sort of loss of “manhood”
but I tell you now a girl would rather have a bouquet of weeds
than a hand up her skirt
so stop
Jul 2018 · 190
Emma K Jul 2018
It strikes from above

and the people below

better wish for a miracle.

or else they never

Jul 2018 · 2.7k
Emma K Jul 2018
To death do us part
I will love you with all of my heart
any issue will be resolved with a kiss
and when you’re away you will be missed
Good bye I say with a kiss on your cheek
and a loving smile, I feel like a geek
I sit at home, awaiting your arrival
but temptations lurk and I cling for survival
My phone rings early in the morning
and the doctors tell you’re now an angel soaring
I cloak myself in black tears falling from my chin
and I walk up to your casket dark
and grim
I feel your small hands to innocent to be dead
sorry says people you were just newly weds
to death do us part
I loved you with all of my heart
and with one final heavy sigh
I tell you your last goodbye
the sad reality of what happens to the innocent drivers when they meet drunk drivers
Jun 2018 · 185
Emma K Jun 2018
crying in
a locked room still
waiting for this long
nightmare to be over with
Jun 2018 · 366
Blue Jay
Emma K Jun 2018
It’s warm in here
But it’s to cramped
I break out of my egg
cold and damped
Mother feeds me a slushy worm
while my sisters and brothers
squeal and squirm

My feathers started dripping colors
black, white, and blue
I look at my resting mother
thinking about how she flew
I spread my wings
making sure every feather is flexed
and then I leap out of the nest
making sure this flight is well dressed

I am big enough now
where I can hunt my own bugs
and I no longer need
my mother’s warm hugs
I tell my mother goodbye
and take to the sky
and fly away
never looking back
Jun 2018 · 201
Don’t Jump
Emma K Jun 2018
true beauty
Jun 2018 · 197
Odd Satisfaction
Emma K Jun 2018
Apples they crunch
in my teeth and feel my
mouth with sweetness it is
an odd feeling of relaxation I
feel loved by this apple if you
understand what I mean I
take each bite and feel
normal for once
This is just a fun little thingie that i decides I would do. Life as a poet everything seems a little more special to you
Jun 2018 · 196
The hole
Emma K Jun 2018
Down you go
into the rabbits hole
disappearing into darkness
as fire disperses into coal
time ticks
as the mad hatter clicks
his black shoes back and forth
your compass is confused
from south to north
but are you really going to leave
this magical fantasy
just because it’s abnormal?
Jun 2018 · 184
Emma K Jun 2018
terrified of
landing or never
touching the ground again
Jun 2018 · 204
Emma K Jun 2018
Hey, when you smile
The world tends to smile back
And you forget fear
Jun 2018 · 404
Emma K Jun 2018
Black and White
Up and Down
Field and City
Poor and Crown

Happy and Sad
Warm and Cold
Light and Dark
Stole and Sold

Peace and War
Wet and Dry
Open and Closed
Exposed and Shy

These all of one thing in common
One can’t exist without the other
Jun 2018 · 206
Emma K Jun 2018
The words I speak
The things I do
are permanently written
on my tombstone
Jun 2018 · 200
Little things
Emma K Jun 2018
It never said
Humpty Dumpty
was an egg
Just a fun poem
Jun 2018 · 198
I love you, kind of
Emma K Jun 2018
Yeah, okay
You said the same thing
Jun 2018 · 347
Reverse Poem
Emma K Jun 2018
Me, crying in a corner
I could never imagine anymore
Me, being happy
It was almost unreal
My parents hated me
And I knew it was a lie that
They loved me
My friends and siblings
couldn’t stand me anymore
Satan he just
controlled my life
I finally
,after all this fighting,
I was done

-now read it bottom to top
ariana barely inspired me to write one of these poems. I doubt it would be as good as hers but I gave it a shot
Jun 2018 · 211
Emma K Jun 2018
You may know a place where dreams overflow
Where colors drip from the tree tops
To the innocent sprouts below
The silver wind dances
as the tiger leaps, the lion roars, and the leopard prances
The sky is often jealous of the pretty sight below
and he often makes stars
more beautiful than the face of bo
The vanilla orchid laughs as her pure petals are exposed
and once again the sky is out opposed
monkeys dance to the sound of faint madagascar drums
and the birds sing
to the small, yet powerful, beetle hums
and as the sun peeks up from the east
and she hopes
that the hungry men who eat up her forest
are not back for another feast
Jun 2018 · 179
Youth Innocence
Emma K Jun 2018
twinkle little star
dream on
while you still can
Jun 2018 · 197
I saw him
Emma K Jun 2018
I saw him
from afar
my pupils widened
shamefully, I hid this illegal scar
this habit I have
he didn’t know it
and I liked it that way
or did he know it
was he hiding the same secret
I knew him
he wouldn’t
but there are those moments
where I see his pupils widen to
Jun 2018 · 184
Can you see me?
Emma K Jun 2018
am I invisible?
Jun 2018 · 197
Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday
Emma K Jun 2018
I went to war
I’m wishing I kissed mama “bye”
I regret ever signing up for this
Jun 2018 · 191
Emma K Jun 2018
They seep down your throat as if a liquid
lies coil your insides strangling their innocence and youth
the pain won’t cease until you’ve admitted your fibs
and by that time the lies have already called dibs
on your heart which is forever scarred
and your gut which is to always remain empty
Jun 2018 · 395
Emma K Jun 2018
I used to walk
I used to talk
but now I just sit in my room
staring at a blank wall
Jun 2018 · 206
The waiting room
Emma K Jun 2018
It’s like a New York Bakery
We are craving good news
knowing it will come
with a hefty price tag

The simplistic of desserts are expensive
and being forced to wait
to even find out if you will get that dessert
is pain

The suspense wriggles up your spine
scenarios play out in your head
and the dessert you have paid and waited for
ends up dead
Jun 2018 · 203
Never die, please
Emma K Jun 2018
I realized someday

I will have to bury her

that her, my mother
Jun 2018 · 226
Emma K Jun 2018
If a murderer never kills innocent people but other murders
Does that make him pure?
If a women never had *** but constantly does drugs
Does that make her pure?
If a child never steals but constantly lies
Does that make it pure?
Jun 2018 · 650
Emma K Jun 2018
if i cried myself a river
i would build a boat
and sail away
Jun 2018 · 193
Emma K Jun 2018
My special day
happens once
and it comes
with balloons
and joy
and for once
I forget
my fears
Jun 2018 · 211
End of the World
Emma K Jun 2018
If there was an end
the end of the world
I would sail to its highest point
and gaze into its eyes
and never go back
Jun 2018 · 206
Loud noise
Emma K Jun 2018
If you just heard
a loud noise
it was my heart
Jun 2018 · 243
When you get to know me...
Emma K Jun 2018
I would rather believe in good lies
Than hard truths
I would rather believe in physical attraction
Than a good personality
I would rather believe in multiple terrible friends
Than one faithful one
That’s just the hard truth
Jun 2018 · 198
Emma K Jun 2018
You know them
beautiful yet
they frighten you
climbing into
and then they just
haunt you forever
Jun 2018 · 620
Emma K Jun 2018
is just life
in person
#brokenlife #stitches
Jun 2018 · 531
Emma K Jun 2018
dark midnights
beautiful yet
this dark night is a
nightmare in the making
Jun 2018 · 321
There was a Man
Emma K Jun 2018
There was a man
he carried a sheep
He warmed the sheep with his hands
There was a man
he carried this lamb
across deserts and unknown lands
He had a flock of 1000 sheep
but he lost this one
so he traveled across the lands
and found this lost lamb
Then he carried it back
on his shoulders
he sacrificed everything
this one determined man
Jun 2018 · 204
For David
Emma K Jun 2018
I toy with you
and send you mixed signals
My eyes are just there to look at the outside
These ears are only here to listen to what I want to hear
My looks stun you and I remind you of that everyday
I never tell you how pretty you are to make myself feel better
Whenever I kiss you it’s only entangle you more in my trap
This way I can break your heart again
But I eventually come back bearing a two-faced grin
That way I can start breaking your heart
again and again
Jun 2018 · 200
Emma K Jun 2018
I see the shower floor
The grated tiled housing tiny drops of water
soap cloaks me as it is my only protection
the fresh scent of vanilla is what helps me
It helps me get through my day
I earn compliments meant for the soap
I earn smiles and whistles thanks to the soap
I feel the oil begin to sink into my skin
My heart rejects it
My brain tells me no
My eyes and nose say yes
I need compliments to make me feel good
don’t I?
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