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every poem has a sheet
over it,
protecting life from its deeper meaning.
i will not do that,
I will let this world know what it does
to the people.
my friend took His
to save mine.
the world pushed me down
into a hole.
But my friend
pulled me out.
still I ran away,
toward the world.
everytime, He was there.
by my side.
My friend, who died on my cross for my sins.
like a wind a gentle breeze
like a river a clear one
like a steady flow of colors
then someone ruins it
the wind turns to storm
river turns to rapid currents
colors turn one color
and i lose something in me
and my reflexes kick in
then everything slower
then before it was normal
 Aug 30 Morgan Howard
Behind my okay’s are a thousand  lies
They say okay is a common lie
But what if your also lying to yourself
When do you say enough is enough

Behind my okay’s are the tears
I shed in the dead of night
When I use all my strength
But still just can’t fight

Behind my okay’s are the words
That you said, all the judgements
Saying I’m a Freak, saying
I don’t deserve what I seek

Behind my okay’s
I am broken
 Aug 30 Morgan Howard
The only poems I’ve ever wanted to read
Were the brief stanzas of our texts.

I crave you
Like the Earth craves the Sun’s warmth.
Without you,
I feel dark, lost and incomplete.

You’re cold
But I want to warm you
Just as you warmed me with your presence
When we talked and shared,
When we loved and all.
The sky bled on me today
I heard the clouds shriek
As I ran away
But the sound followed me
I heard her sobs
I felt her bleeding
I knew it throbbed

Finally I looked up
As I heard someone say
Stand up sweetie
It's only rain
Room full of people;
mind racing
connection chasing
silence embracing

Ton of chatter;
want to be secluded
never included
confrontation eluded

Party is over;
mind at ease
alone with the bees
feels like a disease
 Aug 29 Morgan Howard
what do i have
that you could want?

you’ve flown like missiles
swam like submarines
i haven’t counted grains of sand on the beach

i haven’t roared the thunders
or painted islands,
…and yet you look at me?
Some day I hope that the
Dark gray walls
Are lighter in color
Because I know the locks won't open
But staring at a purple barrier
Is at least better
Than a wall painted gray
Break me down - I dare you
Take out my knees
Feed me lies
Break your promises
I won't cry

I won't cry when the shots are fired
I won't sob at the blood in my hair
I'll stand up as my world catches fire
I won't cry
Watch me rise

— The End —