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Elle Aug 2018
She's hiding again
Behind her books
Behind her unspoken thoughts
Behind the world she created inside her head
Behind her poetry.

You see
She has the tendency to disappear
But it doesn’t necessarily mean
That she doesn’t want to be found
She just wants to be seen
Not for the surface she created to please
But for the beautiful and raging storm within.
Elle May 2018
Guardian of memories
That’s what poets are
Their words dance like a candle flame’s shadows against the soft blow of the wind
Flickering, whispering
In the silence of the night
Humming a lullaby.
Their words the tune that tell
A story.
A memory.
Of what once was, of what is,
And of what will be.
Elle Apr 2018
I’m in love with the night
Its loneliness, the vulnerability
Hiding in plain sight
Like it wants to be seen
But fears unacceptance.

I’m in love with the moon
That ethereal glow, surrounded by stars
Like a speck of sparkling dust
A constant reminder
That the night can be beautiful too.

The night has the kind of light that the day does not have.
Elle Dec 2017
Someone’s ray of sunlight will always be my ray of sunlight
But I don’t know why it’s different with you
That day when it didn’t feel like a day
But an hour
Of you and I, the rest blurring out of the picture,
You smiled.
And that was the game changer.
I was scared of that smile
Scared of the joy evident through those eyes
Scared of the possibility of the future
Because I knew your happiness depended on mine
And I knew somehow I could break that smile
I don’t want to.
That’s why I left without saying goodbye
Like a coward.
But you, a fool.
You shouldn’t have smiled.
Elle Oct 2017
"You're not enough."
It has become a mantra.
With her unconsciously knowing,
Those words in her head are growing, gnawing at her already-shattered soul,
Waiting to attack again at the slightest hint of trigger:
Magazines, media, society and its expectations.
Wondering when she'll ever be enough in a world that demands perfection.

She once loved unconditionally
More than she thought she was capable,
More than even herself.
Yes, even herself.
She lived and loved like that.
Like it is a useless thing to choose to love someone only for a part.
And because she loved fully, when she became empty, it broke her heart.

Her eyes, once filled with light so bright others would glow,
Has now become an empty hollow.
The flower planted in her heart that she watered everyday was plucked and carried by the wind away.
What was left of her were the words, and instinctively those words were what she watered.
And it grew to a point that the words became her.
And the words were "You're not enough."

We are always at war
Not with the people behind the words,
the standards of society,
Or the depiction of perfection in media.
But we are at war with our selves.
Sometimes, our thoughts become our enemy.
And it's a battle we can win if we just choose to fight.
Elle Apr 2017
The only light in the vast expanse of darkness
When there are no stars to light up the night sky.
The moon, in every phase, continuously illuminates
With the right kind of light, not the blinding one.
It brightens my day in a way that the sun can't.

The sun has a wondrous beauty of its own
But I have always loved the moon.
Elle Apr 2017
All it takes is one
One person who'll understand,
Who knows,
And accepts.
You don't even need to fix
Or glue the pieces together
You just have to pick them up.
Pick them up and embrace them.
For broken things don't always need fixing,
Just acceptance of the fact that they are broken
Until time will mend and bring the pieces back together.

Maybe this is the reason why I usually want the heroine of a story
To end up with the second guy-
He usually has the traits of an antagonist.
Because I understand exactly how it feels like
To be misunderstood, to be constantly treated like the villain,
To know that I'm flawed,
And to have people point it out as if I don't already know.
I've always hoped for antagonists to have their happy ending, as well.
Everybody deserves a happy ending.
Though I know it doesn't always end that way.

All it takes is one
One person brave enough to pick up the pieces
Knowing it might cut him in the process
But tells himself it'll be worth it.
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