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I close my eyes to set my other senses free.
The salt tang fills my nostrils and mouth,
and the biting cold of a dying day prickles my skin.
Waves slap on rock and gargling water ***** noisily back to the sea.
Even with my eyes closed I see the sun slip behind Forth mountain,
my eyelids losing translucence with the dimming of its glow.
The October wind whips chill on my face,
and with a shiver, I open my eyes and see my way home.
Not looking
I saw it
in the corner of my mind

The answer to my question
without full stare

and illumination found
in the shadows
Eyes wide with troubled wonder she looks at me.
I long to take her in my arms and soothe her disquiet,
But I know it won't be welcome.

Little one,
I wish I could explain the world to you.
I wish I could tell you that these things will pass.
I wish I could tell you that one day these weights of your mind will just be fleeting memories,
not to let them drag you down.

Then she smiles at me.
Deep dimples and shining hazel eyes.
Mood shifts in a mercurial instant.
She climbs onto my lap and slender arms envelop my neck,
Her breath warm in my hair.
I move with glacial slowness to return this rarest of embraces, fearing to break the spell,
my breath held,
I close my eyes and imprint this moment on my soul;
it may not come again.

This most precious of gifts,
the touch of a child who won't be touched,
overwhelms me.
I hate those human moments
That take you unaware
A news report or passing siren
unheeding brings throatlumps and sudden blinking tears for unknown people
I awkwardly brush them away with redfaced embarrassment
and hope no-one noticed
that for a brief moment I felt empathy for another human being.
Its not the done thing.
I know how to love
To give my heart to someone
Utterly and completely.

I just don't know how to cohabitate
To constantly share my personal space
It doesn't mean I don't love you
In all there's a time and a place.

Please don't be saddened lover
I'm not pushing you away
Be patient, as you have been
I may get there someday.
A word to soothe a spirit.
A smile to reassure.
A nod to encourage.
A tear to empathise.
A text to say I thought of you.

So many ways to touch...
Without actually touching.

— The End —