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 Sep 2018 May Elizabeth
J Lynne
I am one soul, one body, one mind.
I am consciousness and intuition, knowledge and emotion.

I am sun and moon, light and dark. God and Goddess in one space.
I am Earth. Air. Water. Fire.
I am the Queen of Hearts. King of Clubs. Sage of Diamonds. Ace of Spades.

I am my ancestors. I am my mistakes...and my victories.
I am an artist, a hunter of the truth. I am what I create.

I am Dawn. And I am Dusk. Noon and Twilight.
I am life. And death. And decay. And rebirth.
Autumn. Winter. Spring. Summer.

I am forever changing.
For I Am.
On the second day of class, my ethics teacher posed a question. He wonders out loud "Who are you? Change the question and ask your self 'who am I, what am I?" Seemingly a straightforward question.

Logically, each of us should know who we are. We spend a few quiet moments writing about this question, till he stops us.

He askes one boy what he wrote. It was the predictable and reasonable answers: his name, where he's from, his age, grade, favorite baseball team. Not a wrong answer by any means.

The teacher stops us again. He askes what makes us who we are. No one answers, no one was expected to.

He brings up how, scientifically, each cell of our bodies is gradually replaced over the course of seven years. Meaning every seven years you are a new person. Yet, still the same person. How is this possible? If this is true, then what are we really, what makes us who we are, what decides this for us?

He then tells us what we are not.

We are not our names, our ages, where we live, what are hobbies are, what we have. "But," he questions "you all 'have' bodies. If we are not our bodies what are we? Are we are our souls? Do you have a soul, are you your soul? Where is this soul? Where does it dwell? Your body. And what of your mind. If you can lose it, then you have it. If you have it, then you are not it. So, if you are not your body, or your soul, or your mind, then what are you?"

As it turns out, the question is far more interesting than it seemed when first presented to us.

However, I disagree with the teacher on some points. You are your mind, body, and soul, but you are so so much more.

This is what I am...
I only write when I'm sad
Does that make me mad?
When I wish to be dead
And all these holded tears are shed
I turn to poetry and suddenly life's not as bad
I don't know what I would do without it
Syllabus for a Summer Day

Awaken with the sun, and while thin mist
Slinks eerily across the fields, step out -
Labor across the dewy grass, near ripe
For the second cutting of summer hay

The lesson for today is clearing brush
Along the fence lines of both fields and life
The attendance check is for needed tools:
Old gloves, old boots, old saw, and fresh new verse

Awaken with the sun, honor the day
With work and play to earn a grade of A

                       Alternative Syllabus for a Summer Day

Ignore the stupid sun; go back to sleep
Reject the chatter of the alarming beep
And waken at a reasonable Christian hour –
Oh, ten will do; earlier is so sour!

Then bathrobe-shuffle to the coffee ***
See what is on the news, or maybe not
And scratch and yawn and look around to see
That nothing has changed since last night at three

Ignore all work; just stick it on the shelf
And for my grade, I’ll happily take an F!
Your ‘umble scrivener’s site is:
It’s not at all reactionary, tho’ it might be drivel.
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