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Nemusa 5d
snow fur stained with red,

white wolves feast beneath cold stars—

life from death renewed.
I'm an exit wound
I'm a numinous obstacle
I'm about to make landfall
I'm about to break free

I'm a nerve ender
A fascinator
A purifier
A world populator
And I'm about to break through

I'm the push and pull
I'm a counter argument
I'm dissonance resistance
I'm viral replication
I'm about to break out

I'm a singularity
I'm a spark
I'm the perfect detonator
To mind and heart
And I'm about to break up

I'm a simulacra
I'm an oscillation
Made of breath only
I'm a living, moving imprint
Of what no longer is
Yet somehow seems to be

Nemusa 6d
dove wings brush my skin,

stitching wounds with crimson thread,

soft hush mends the pain.
My heart was always
bluer than the sky—

I asked the sea
if it might
wash my pain

but the sea
will carry nothing away
that I don’t let go.
Nemusa 7d
in the hush of a universe
    she drifts—
        a whispering
    of light-years
blood like (royal blue)
    running thin
silver dreams
    slip out (of veins)
    a ghost in the pulse
    of tomorrow

foretold futures
in static—
stay away from the force
stay away from
    the wound

she the song of earth
    (mother) shedding seeds
into silence—
    a sacrifice
    shaped like a child
        forever naive
            forever changing

building a second skin
    a chance—
locking herself
    inside the ache
        of being

(periwinkle medication
    soothes nothing)
crimson saffron words
    burn like wildfires
        quiet abduction
            of self

still she moves—
scarred but standing
    a mantra, a martyr—
too human
    to be saved
It's been a long hard week hellopoetry all I need is rest, so happy weekend everyone ❣️
Nemusa Mar 10
It is always raining here,
not water, but time—
dripping, slipping,
pooling in places
             I do not recognize.

I stand in it,
let it soak my skin,
but nothing washes away.

My intuition whispers,
a quiet urgency in the dark—

change is coming,

or maybe it has already passed,
and I was too lost to notice.

I reach for the storyline,
but it frays in my hands.
I speak, but the words
as if they were

                  never mine

to begin with.

Love once stood here,




Now it is a shadow—
just beyond my grasp,
thinning with

              each breath you take.

You ask me questions,
and I try to answer,
but the syllables twist
before they leave my lips.

My brain is glitching.
It tells me stories
that don’t belong to me.

                 It rewrites the truth

before I can hold onto it.

I fear I am forgetting,

     not just you—

               but myself,

     my thoughts,

the language of my own existence.

Like a c h i l d,

learning to speak for the first time,
I fumble through strange words,
trying to shape meaning
from a world that no longer fits.

Tell me again—

      who am I?

            Who were we?

And will I remember
before the last light fades?

this is what it feels like
to dissolve
into the

r a i n.
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