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 Sep 2015 Mallow
faith elizabeth
My walls are there,
Surrounding my heart.
They stand there tall,
They are my walls.
My walls are not meant to fall
They are there standing tall
Nothing in this world can break them
No one can ever take them down
Deep down inside my heart is slowly breaking
So my walls are there to keep it from shattering
Into thousands of pieces, those are my walls
 Sep 2015 Mallow
faith elizabeth
my wars are laid away in books
I have one battle more
a foe whom I have never seen
but oft has scanned me over
and hesitated me between
and others at my side ,
but chose the best  neglecting me-till
all the rest have died
how sweet if I am not forgot
by chums that passed away
since playmates at threescore and ten
are such a scarcity
Emily Dickinson
 Sep 2015 Mallow
faith elizabeth
all alone in a big world
so scared so lost
dont know who to trust
dont know who is there to help
she could be like a butterfly
and let the wind carry you to
where it wants, or she could
be like a bird and sore high in the sky
 Sep 2015 Mallow
faith elizabeth
Once and for all
We can finally see
Who our true friends
Are, most of them are
On the internet
Others are just waiting
To be found
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Dr Peter Lim
are                 drifting clouds
ever               moving           at the whims
of winds        effervescent    ethereal
like                 ships             without anchors
will- o’ the wisp       where      are their homes
of what         substance        are they made of

like             the rose-bud         just nascent
like             ****** love           just unfolding
like             life                       mystifying
like             a lover’s  dream  somewhere hidden
like             shadows              haunting

I                was wrongly        taught
feelings   were                    rocks impenetrable

experience    now                     teaches me
feelings     are                    life’s   shifting landscapes
strange    quietly                evaporating
in            the mind’s         labyrinth
I               am glad             liberated
in             the realisation  
I am         not                   made of rock
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Dr Peter Lim
  At the corner-silent and lonely-
  Of the concert hall, suddenly
   Your eyes turned to me
   Perfect strangers we were--what would next be?

   The music ended in tears-- love's eternal painful story-
   Did you weep or  was it just my fantasy?
  Into the cold winter night you disappeared so mysteriously
  So many years have gone by--still you linger in my memory.
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Couldn’t find the track
Lost wandering in the night
Couldn’t see the signs
Nearly lost the fight

Kick you when you’re down
Throw you in the dirt
Mock you when you’re up
Stone you till it hurts

Running through the jungle
Living in the hell
When it’s time to ****
Disregard the smell

Now the path is clear
Sunlight clouds your eyes
Purpose follows reason
Death becomes disguise

Fear the only courage
Pain the mental spur
Drives you to insanity
Sight begins to blur

Close the door forever
Pushed into the hole
A ghost for all eternity
Lost without a soul.
 Sep 2015 Mallow
can't read my own poetry anymore
because after about a century we lost the ability to navigate by the stars
all just meaningless figures
lights in the sky diluted by a blue light system that didn't save me.

find new faces to trickle through your dreams at night
better yet,
dispel them all

boys will be boys
and i want nothing of it.
Last night I saw you with pristine perception.
After all, a voyage of discovery consists not in new landscapes,
But in seeing things differently.
And how I saw you as you kissed me consistently...

Bare as the Lord sent you to this world,
Not as the chic would have you,
But as I would,
And I was as aroused as any man could...

Marks of having given birth at your belly,
Sagging ***** from the feeding,
Skin smooth as butter,
And what my eyes beheld made my mouth water!

It was you who initiated the expression,
Which brought me so much fascination,
As you expressed your love passionately,
Done so gradually.
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