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Magic poet Jan 2015
Stories, a frication of yourself put into too words, sketching out a picture of something you wish or knew.

Putting your likes dislikes, hobbies, and emotions into a relatable character.

Not only does the reader fall for one of your characters they fall for the writer.

Writing is an escape, one that is a lot like reading.

You can paint the world a different color with each delicate phrase.

Dipping your paint brush and began to write.

Drawing pictures for the mind, every line, every detail placed precisely on the blank canvas before you.

Bring to life a new world that's captivating ..

New with experiences that some people can't even imagine.

But that's the writer's job, it's our job to bring light onto a different portal, a different reality.

To bring hope to the hopeless, to bring help to the helpless and to change the heart of the angry.

But these are the words of a young writer who has not seen the whole world, who has much to learn, much to grow and much more to be taught.
Magic poet Jun 2016
It started as a seed
A drop of water
it sprouts
Roots grips clumps of dirt
Growing little by little
Just a leaf
Then a stem
A bud appears
Slowly opens
A flower!
So crisp and sweet
Whiter then a cloud
A single drop
A ruby drop
So bright and yet so dark
it drips from petal to petal
leaving a trail
dying each petal as it goes
another drop
then another'
soon its hole world is covered
In a Crimson stain
Magic poet Jun 2018
Lighting lights the night sky.
Dread felling you insides.
Thunder rumbles, crashes , rolls across the night.

A drop plops! Then another soon
A rythem begins against the concert.
You watch with shock as the blood drips.
Felling your mind with images of stain skin.

The mixture of rain and blood,
Swirls, circling the drain
Flowing away from the sin that was committed.

Lighting flashes! Lighting up the frozen horror.
Rain rolls down following the trail of old tears.
Washing away the last emotion shead.

The final screams gone with the wind.
The cascading rain fades,
The thunder dies down
Leaving in the wake
Dead silence.
This is not much. Haven't written in years nut for some reason it pop up in my mind.
Magic poet Jan 2015
I'm such a fool.
How can you be so cruel?
You took my heart ripped it a part.
With the words that you said,
Tore it to shreds.
I guess friendships just fall into the dark.
Never to be seen,
Never to be repaired. 
So much for all the times we shared.
I guess you won't always be there.
Magic poet Jan 2015
I am my own monster. 
I am what I feared as a child.
I have become what I hate,
Yet in a way I find confer in it. 
I have not changed. 
I am still who I was a year ago... 
I'm just more intune with it.
I'm my own pain
My own distraction
My down fall.
I'm my own monster. 
Personalized to destroy the joy 
The joy I find in life.
Magic poet Jan 2015
Last good-bye

Sitting here, I can't help but stare.
Your lifeless body just sits there.
Your lips are in a line.
You don't open your eyes.

All around you people cry,
Children stare with wide eyes,
As your you body lies there,
With your daughter by your side.

I look to my right,
Was met with curious  eyes.
Tears steamed down my cheeks.
"Why does everyone cry?" he asked.

I sighed, trying to hide the sadness from my voice as I tried explain to his six years old ears.

After sitting there for what felt like years.
His tiny hand grabbed mine as he dragged me up to our uncles side,
I forced out between my cries
My last good-bye.
Okay so this is pretty much a true poem but my little cousin didn't drag me up to my uncle instead he sat on my lap and hugged me. I just didn't want it to be fully true so there you go. I hope you enjoy because this poem has a lot of meaning to me.
Magic poet Jan 2015
One song can bring back a thousand memories,
A thousand  moments,
A thousand feelings,and
A thousand tears.

The emotion swallows you up,
While the memories drown you with tears.
Oh how I fear them together,
How I hate them there.
It's a bitter taste unable tO leave my mouth.
But then again I want to clutch those feelings to my heart,
And never let them go.

Even if the pain is too much to bear. They are a part of me, a part of everyone.

They make up how we are, what we've been through.
It's like a monster from inside,
One that will not let you forget.

We are the monsters to ourselves,
And yet we still hold On.
This is the poem that I have that will be published in something stone soup. Had to enter it in a cOntest for english. It was one of the few that got picked.
Magic poet Jun 2016
Hold me every night,
never count the time till you have to leave,
I never want to her you say 'go away"
Love me everyday.
These are the things ill never say,
even if you beg me all day.

You are perfect in an imperfect way,
you found me when know one else was looking,
if i could see what i wanted to see,
i'd see you go down on one knee,
Merry me today.. Just wishing my life away.

If I could get what I wanted to get,
I'd be sleeping in your arms now and forever.
Maybe I'm crazy....
Maybe I'm just wishing my life away.
But these are the things I'll never say

The things I'll never see,
Only in my dreams.
Oh, will it only be but a dream
But Wait!

How is it that you found me?
I was hidden well away from everyone,
How is it you got me to feel this way?
Things i want to say,
Bu i never new how to say them,
only when you are away ,
bu then it's to late.

Sadly i believe I'm wishing my life away
With the words I'll never say.
yes yes ik i copied some words from a song but i wrote this like four years ago when me and my husband started dating so dont judge
Magic poet Jan 2015
The sinking feeling grows inside.
I wonder what it will feel like to die.
Will there be pain, or will it feel the same?

The same as it feels to fall into a dreamless sleep?
Will the simple taking of a life
Be by a knife.
Or will it be in the dead of the night?

Will it go by fast or slow,
While I breath my last breath?
Will I regret not living a life properly,
Or will I smile till my heart stops beating?

Will there be someone by my side or,
Will I be alone when I die?
Would anyone cry?
Would there be anyone who couldn't live without me?

I'll sit and wonder till the day
I die, till the end of my time.
I wrote this after my uncles death four years ago.
Magic poet Jun 2016
I want to learn,
To learn how to fill these pages.
Blank so bar, sitting there
Begging me to write,
To right something real
Something with meaning,
Heart, soul, goals.
Anything my heart holds.

I waned to show the meaning,
The meaning each poem holds.
How it shows whats really in each soul,
To show the raw emotion,
The emotion that's laced in each line,
Each line we hide behind.

It calls our names,
It draws us near,
Holding us there with each word,
Whether is said with love or scorn,
These are our words, our voice
These are the things we've seen
Things we've heard.

I want to learn,
How to put it in the right words.
Magic poet Jan 2015
The sky transitions from night to day. I watch the stars go away as the sun comes up to great us with a new day.
Magic poet Jun 2016
I would cry but I have no more tears left for,
this time they have run dry,
My heart dose not ache, dose not break,
Not for their sake. I do not wake to drown
in their lake of hate, but for my own sake.
Magic poet Jan 2015
I try to scream out in a despreit cry for help, all that comes in a yelp. No one sees it, they can't hear me. In my head im withering in pain but on the outside i smile and hide it all away. So many thoughts, worries and fears, all these doubtful voices i hear burn my ears and drown me in my tears. I sit here while he is over there. Floating on the sea and fighting a war for men who only see him as a number. I feel like im in a jar screaming for them not to take him away but they can't hear me.. He maybe here today but i know its not to stay. Everything will change but ill support him either way. All i want to say is i love you and hope he will stay, stay for one more day. The navy is my enemy for taking my light way.
Magic poet Jun 2016
Each day grows shorter
Her past she hoarders
Riding on a sea,
A sea of misery

He was taken away
At such a young age
Whats more worse
Then a mother out living her son?

She hold on
ON to the Emotions
The hate,
The pain,
The regret.

  Her guilt
It;s eating her away
as she remembers the last words she said
oh how she wished he wasn't dead

How she wishes to hold his hand once more
How she could take the monsters away
how she could make the time turn back.

— The End —