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Madison Jul 2019
Last times hurt because we never see them coming.
The very last time that you do something or see someone,
You lose a piece of your soul.
It's like breaking the **** of a door after it's been locked,
You don't get it back.
The only choice is to move on,
Or "chase the dragon", to no avail.
You can't return to the last time.
Madison Jun 2019
Don't love me if you don't
expect to be let down and for
the love of god, don't trust
me with your heart.
Madison Jun 2019
If love is a battlefield,
Doesn't that make life war?
And what's war without casualties?
Madison Jun 2019
Can we spend our youth being crazy and losing our minds to eachother?
Madison Jun 2019
If you blame me for being
a monster,
You must first know what made me this way.
I wasn't born into it.
Madison Jun 2019
You never needed me
Though you always used me.
I'm part to blame because,
I let you
You didn't even hesitate
when you left.
It was one sided love,
only more complicated.
To you,
I was expendable and replaceable.
Next to nessasary
Madison Jun 2019
It's depressing really.
How you grown accustom
to despair .
The way you've memorized the trails your tears leave behind.
How you've grown to enjoy the salty taste in your tears.
It's sad that your sad
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