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Pigeons drawn to the puddle drinking
Mostly mud
Mostly rain and stasis
Soaking the pale grass
Through which the sun becomes
A carousel of light
So blinding
As to reduce the world to its
Formless essence

Plastic remains
The sole reminder of these feet
With which we draw
Avenues in maps
And carry our thoughts
From east to west
North to south
Whatever direction our nose
Happens to be pointed to
In a particular morning

We have been, for centuries,
Displacing our disembodied selves
Towards a hunger
We can no longer define
Rumbling deep
Where our bellies used to be
Forcing our fingers into our cheeks
Sighing, shrieking
Within conditioned walls
In the conditioned air
I am here now
And I feel it still
It’s like nothing
You can attach a name to

The trees seem not much to mind
They shield me all the same
Patience and silence are the only currency
They have ever known
And their desire to move is addressed
By digging deeper into where they stand
It is we who have broken the bond
A log is a log

Until you look underneath

    Then it's a city
I find the discipline of a Haiku so simple and calming
 Jun 2020 Lyn-Purcell
Kafka Joint
If the mirrors could speak,
They would go to shrinks,
They would throw themselves on couches,
And they would talk, they would talk, they would talk...
do not remember incidence
those are not as per expectation
life is always not that much simple
may not be as per indivisuals admiration

since born on this planet earth every one
passing through the  journey of life
some part is sweat while other
little in bitter proportion

do not regret towards
your failed desires
those are made home
in the hearts  imagination

grief and pain due to incidence of past
will diminish,  It is certain
but how  why and when
please don't ask these question

© deovarat- 29.06.2020
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