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Pradip Chattopadhyay
I’m a Bengali in sombrero An Indian from Kolkata I live at a stone’s throw From where flows the Ganga.
21/Adventuring    Looking for something. Not quite sure what. (Formerly KMH)
Hamilton, NJ    Born, raised and educated in Trenton, NJ, one of 7 children from a family of Italian-American heritage. Received BA in English in 1976 with a …
122    May be the poet is dead
Chuck Kean
18/Genderqueer/Canada    writing to counteract the weirdness of my brain and the depression that comes along with it; they/them
A mind can be a dark place and I'm just trying to walk through mine without getting lost. So here's what I've found so far. …
Brandi R Lowry
38/F/Georgia    I love anything that requires a bit of creativity. I write, but music and dance are my true passions.
Lillian May
F    "for from Him, through Him, and to Him, are all things." -Romans 11: 33-36 - - "He said: 'its all in your head' and I …

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