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Let my first Knowing be of thee
With morning’s warming Light—
And my first Fearing, lest Unknowns
Engulf thee in the night—
Drown my dreams
in October winds,
Drown my memories
in leaves of fire,
Drown my melodies
in sunset's regret

Keep me from dreaming,
Keep me from remembering,
Keep me from singing

So I too can fall in oblivion with you
The wild roses grew,
all upon the wooden
garden fence, painted white.
Gentle autumn breezes blew
and stirred the
emerald-green leaves.
The melancholy fragrance
was spread in the air,
as I sat and watched
the red petals submit
to the deadly season.
So i sang them a lullaby,
to fall in a summer dream,
And peacefully wilt
with no sorrow,
with no tears...
I saw the world through
eyes of glass.
Ghost, tall and thin.
What I can't see, please tell me.
- Little petals, white and rosy.
Flying in your garden
You really can't see the beauty
in everything,
I don't even think you can see me.
... But Cherry Blossom
on a moonlit night
 Apr 2017 Lillian Luna
Pagan Paul
The Room of Dancing Shadows,
undulating across the wall,
like ****** Persian ballerinas,
making no sound at all.
Reaching, retreating, a mosaic form,
eternally shifting the dark shade.
Pictures of no light in a flux,
remain fragmented, cold, unmade.
Hypnotising, random shapes in black,
swim serenely, start to slide.
The Room of Dancing Shadows
holds its fear deep, deep inside.

© Pagan Paul (03/10/16)
 Apr 2017 Lillian Luna
Stan Patty
A moss-covered tree
Guards the trail to the river.
Back-lit branches gleam.
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