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 Apr 2017 Lillian Luna
Skies are cloudless and
Familiar with embers
Dogwoods bloom, in red sunlight
Through glass
In shaken globes
Cracking in heat
Glass bubble
Kissed by
Blessed by
Shimmering darkness

Such contrast held
In the opposition of
black snowflakes,
On white flowers
Sheer madness I'm sure. Would you like to dance?
who does not like the feeling
that we are all protected
by our guardian angels


as the ancient Greeks
    and after them
Benjamin Franklin & others

God helps those
who help themselves
 Apr 2017 Lillian Luna
To dance alone in the dark
Drinking aged tears
Pretending mortality
Living on dreams
The wish of Cass's courage
And I've none
Blades call, no?
Mine's clean
The shine of it calls me
I'm alone
I don't wish to be
But really I do
Rain pours on my rubber roof
Is it pleasant,
to watch?
Violence is *******,
For the "normals"
and I'm not
my mother
my maker
Is insanity
Over and over we try
same patterns
same results
But all,
and the lie of it
And poetry
is my shining blade
I love you. I won't be able to respond until late tomorrow evening. As I have to be Mrs. Potatoe head and paste on a fake Vanna White smile and serve these yanquees tea and coffee in the morning. And I think, I've lost my mind. Please forgive me.
 Apr 2017 Lillian Luna
When I was six
Daddy held my tiny hand
He promised mine would stay silk
His hands were hard
From love
He walked with me
in the Tennessee mountains
While the Lady Slippers bloomed
Rare orchids
in pink and yellow
They grow wild here
He bent,
looking me in my pale eyes
And he said
"God of the mountains and wild things,
make them dance,
for my little lady."
And they did
Lady Slippers are a very rare type of orchid. The roots are medicinal. And they are nearly impossible to cultivate. The Cherokee people, used them frequently and the white man nearly irradicated them. Happy Sunday and my love to you all;)
 Apr 2017 Lillian Luna
Lina Lotus
In wings of Amapola
I'm wrapped...a new seed found

Atop round midnight strands
circlets keep my dreams

I'm drunk, intoxicated
spring has poured right through my veins

I sit on dirt side dreams
The desert calls my name
For now, I sit, I wait
I watch through windowpanes

I watch my crystal world
Where butterflies are dancing
And hummingbirds are diving
They dive into white Lilies
then jump into Camellias
While Zinnias wait their turn

The lilacs look my way and tell me, "soon your turn...
Your turn is coming soon"
I smile...all I do
For now, I sit,
I wait... like Zinnias
wait their turn
Wrote when I had no choice, but to be in bed for daaaays! the longing to go outside, to feel the sun, to touch the soil
Banded around personal favours
Telling lies about love and war
Running up your leg like electric shavers
Ecstatic on the ceiling, then crash on the floor.

Different friends for different reasons
Hit the bottle and it will provide
That drunk, that feeling, those bedroom curtains
One sole goal will override.

Out of sight, out of mind
Wasted hours within desperate days
Throwaway sentiments of the midnight kind
And another heart is smashed to pieces, and always.

Is there no end to misery?
Seems falling in love is a ****** crime
So it's headlong into reality with a massive shove
Heart pumping **** through a hole in a dove
 Apr 2017 Lillian Luna
Sugar melts sweetly in the mouths of liars pickled truth is what's spewed
Salt that misery for preservation
We prefer our reality be skewed

Shattered mirrors give better reflections
of what truly hides within
But it don't matter, hide it deep
beneath peaches and cream skin

Choices forced upon the weak
by the strong with candied lies
Hold tight to that shattered reflection
remember it when innocence dies.
Trying to dry out a bit. Much love to you all.
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