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 Jan 2017 Light Jiro
A certain intangible
Remains to be unseen.
Too fast or, perhaps, too slow,
The want of spirit keen:
Eternal is the word -
That promise it assured.
Can more be sought to aid these woes?

Eternal is illusion:
A pond, upon obtrusion,
May try maintain its steady shape
But in the wake there lies
The high, the low inside
To permeate, disrupt, create:
Of what is made eternity
That's more than lack'd vitality?
 Dec 2016 Light Jiro
You are wealthy.
Who taught us that wealth is only measured through currency? 

Wealth is not a large number in a bank account. 

The second you were you born into this world you were already born as the wealthiest person. You were given the wealth of life. 
You were given a heart to love
a brain to think 
  eyes to see 
   hands to hold 
    arms to hug
     feet to run 
      lips to kiss 

You were given a chance to breath when others could not even get the chance at life. 

& yes of course, not everyone was blessed to be born with everything.. 
There will always be defects & imperfections but they should not be seen as a negative. 

Everyone who is/was alive was given to opportunity to live. 
We are alive. 
  We are living. 
   We are breathing.

You are reading this 
& for that I thank you. 

But you should thank life for choosing you. 

Every second that passes by cannot be taken back. 
Every second is not promised & too often we take that for granted. 

Look around. 

Think of your family. 
Think of your friends. 
Think of you & how your heart is beating. 
How your body is breathing. 
How your brain is processing these words that are only a combination of letters but yet somehow our beautiful minds can comprehend. 
Think of every happy moment. 
Think of every sad moment & acknowledge it but let it go because that is in the past. 
Think about the roof over your head. 
Think about the food you eat. 
Think about the places your feet have taken you. 
Think about the pillow your head lies on every night where your mind can dream. 
Think about the clothes you wear. 
The soft blankets that keep you warm. 
Think about your favorite song. 
Think about your favorite drink.
Your favorite person. 
Your favorite place. 

Now think about you. 

Think about how incredible you are. 
Think about the fact that there is no one else like you. 
Think about love & how you can spread that more each day. 
Or how you are capable of doing anything. 

You see, wealth is not an object. 

Wealth is not a number. 

Wealth is not an accessory. 

So then what is wealth? 

The opportunity to live & love life.
We are friends.
Only friends.
I see her joy,
And I am joyful.
I see her sadness,
And I am sad.
I can feel what she feels,
Yet we can be still be friends...
If, at the least,
Only friends.
Ever so defined, ever so perfect.
The epitome of exactness,
The symbol of creed,
The measurer that keeps
Everything in place.
Now, the real question comes into mind:
Am I speaking of
A mortal man
A transcendent piece of definition?
To the tune of "Telling My Most Intimate Feelings"

When night comes,
I am so flushed with wine,
I undo my hair slowly:
a plum calyx is
stuck on a damaged branch.
I wake dazed when smoke
breaks my spring sleep.
The dream distant,
so very distant;
and it is quiet, so very quiet.
The moon spins and spins.
The kingfisher blinds are drawn;
and yet I rub the injured bud,
and yet I twist in my fingers this fragrance,
and yet I possess these moments of time!
-10:36 p.m.-

Dad! Wake up!
What? Why?
I heard a noise. It was a buzzing sound. I think the aliens are here.
Calm down. That’s the air conditioning.
You should go check anyway.
(Gets up to find the source of the noise. Big surprise… It really was the air conditioning.)
It was just the air conditioning.
Did you open the door and check?
Did you lock the door when you closed it?
Why would that protect us from aliens?
Did. You. Lock. The. Door?
I did.
Are you sure?
I’m sure.
You should go check again anyway.
(Gets up to make sure he locked the door. Big surprise… It really was locked.)
It’s locked, now go to bed.

-11:09 p.m.-

I think I just felt an earthquake! We need to leave before the aftershock!
        We live next to a train station. At some point, you’ll have to get used to that shaking.
Fine, but you should put our emergency pack right next to your bed. Just in case.
Fine. Now go to bed.


What is it this time?
I heard gunshots. I think we’re being invaded by another country.
It’s New Year’s Eve… They’re just fireworks.
Can you turn on the news and check?
(Turns on the television. It’s already on the news channel. Big surprise… It really was fireworks for New Year’s Eve.)
It was just fireworks, now please go to bed.


What?! Just let me sleep!
A murderer just made the floor creek in our house! Let’s commit suicide to avoid the suffering!
If there is truly a murderer in our house, I’ll let him **** me. Death is better than life with you.
But… I’m your son…
You’re not my son. You’re the voice that keeps me from wanting a son, for fear that you’ll end up bothering him for his entire life. You keep me from doing things that other people do for fun. You fill my head with thoughts about the possibility that my plane could crash if I travel anywhere. You keep me from pursuing a career in any scientific field because you think it will make me a target for violent protesters. You keep me from going to the doctor because you’re afraid that I might get bad news, which doesn't even make sense. You make me feel as though I will never be successful in anything I do. You nearly push me to suicide every day.
But… I guess I still like having you in my life. I draw inspiration from you. You influence my thoughts and decisions in such a way that I get some pretty great stories from it. You're like that friend that's always a little too blunt, but can be kind of nice sometimes. Like, he'll point out that your shirt looks stupid, but he also won't ask any questions when you ask him to move a couch. Do you know what I mean? Anyway...
So, no. I change my mind. I want you in my life.
I love you Dad.
I wouldn't go that far. I’m somewhat fond of you.

— The End —