I'm not really the kind of person that falls in love with things
I'm not materialistic
Such things aren't permanent anyway
But what makes me fall in love with things are the memories it contains
the things you remember just by looking at it.
the happy moments you experience with it
Like how we spend time together on that little mattress
how we exchange ideas
how intimate we become while we lay side to side.
I fell in love with how we look at each other.
how comfortable I felt laying on your chest-on that bed
How relaxed we are while we listen to the song called Ocean
How I touched the sheets while we kiss passionately.
That mattress is our happy place.
It's a thing people use to sleep and rest but we end up staying awake all night talking about photography, music and the future
To me, It's our little world.
I also remembered how fascinated you are in the idea of sailing
I imagine the mattress is our little ship and you're the captain.
I would love to sail with you in this ocean called life
Let this thing reminds us of how in love we are
Let it be our fortress.
I may have a life of my own but at the end of the day,
I'd still choose to lie next to you on that mattress