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You read books
like they are leaflets that are left on the window of your car
have always been so intriguing to your nature
You take in all your surroundings
and don't hesitate to stop
to mentally take a photo of anything you find beautiful
with the blink of your eyes

Your eyes search, anything and everything
You map out a persons every detail
You will walk away knowing their name, where they come from and what they do
yet You can not tell me what colour t-shirt they were wearing

And as you move on
to bigger things
greater experiences
learning so much more, moving on, maturing
One thing I ask of you is,
never lose those Wondering eyes
Roses are red
Your cheeks
Violets are blue
Your eyes
Open them
Let the sunlight graze you
Index, Middle, Ring
Brushing your cheeks
Seems less like you're sleeping
You're working
Every move you make
Making me
Fall for you
 Dec 2012 Sunshine Girl
I lay on my bed and think
about your eyes
your blonde hair in the wind,
your laugh
your smile,
what we had
I miss those things
So much on my mind
What will happen?
Hopes of it going in my favor
Fear runs through my body
Marijuana in the system
Treated like a murderer
They prescribe **** to children
Why are they not in jail?
Head pounding
Cant sleep
I dont want to go there
To the place where I have nothing
No freedom
No health
No friends
You cant make friends there
Some say they have
I must not get it
I cant go there
Spent a night there once
Started boxing a wall out of boredom
My life would be hell
Maybe thats where they should send me
I cant imagine day upon day in a cell
Thats where they might send me
A cell
You dont have to read me my rights?
******* commonwealths
I truly did nothing wrong
But still, im treated like a murderer
I smoke a little grass
So what?
My tail lights out?
Sorry officer, I didnt know
My headlights insufficient?
I can see in front of me
On-comers can see me
I need insurance?
Thanks for telling me when I filed an accident report months before
They treat me like a murderer
I did nothing wrong
Wheres the **** makers?
The crack dealers?
The abusive husbands?
Still out there
Harming others
I did nothing wrong
Especially compared to them
Dont ruin a young mans life over these petty things
Hope is lacking these days
The system just wants the money
Id rather wipe my *** with a hundred
Flush it
And never see it again
Than to pay for your ******* charges
So, let me be
Set me free
Cuz judge,
I truly did nothing wrong
 Dec 2012 Sunshine Girl
I thank you for coming into my life,
The barren brazen life has bloomed,
Now don't ever let me find you gone,
This life is no longer lonely like the Pacific,
The ship of my life had been stuck so badly,
There were no waves of happiness for long,
Loving you I am reintroduced to happiness.
© Atul Kaushal
 Dec 2012 Sunshine Girl
When I attempted to tell you
That I hate you
I slipped,
Accidentally told you
I love you.
I'm one pack of cigarettes away from being broke.
Color me broke.
Color me smoking.
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