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There's a place here
For everyone
With a passion
For words
Reading and writing is therapy
Waited by the porch....
Longing for someone to ask for sweet words....
I can only offer poems..
No one seemed to want a poem...
People were only asking for sweets..
Everyone was in a hurry..
No one talked to me...
I guess the poet costume did not work...
But then again..
Who can describe a poet...
I will wait for another year then...
I still believe poems are a treat..
To the ears who want to listen to the soft whispers of a poem..
Or the souls that rejoice at these words...
As I see it, the world is a poem...
At least my world...
 Nov 2021 Khaab
A soft, bruised apple your pretty absence—
I loathe— this bickering, bitter adolescence;
I miss myself unripened, myself sour
Where clung to anchor, I asked for more
Oh, more, and gave it cunning and cold: joys
That lovely ruin bore. Then your dragon eyes
And how I built built you out of lone
Now from me, to me my grief well known
Take you and on and on you go
Oh, cursed be your laughter: yellow and so
Sweet as stout it plunged — so quick a shine—
Into the sulking waters of mine. Oh, swear, was mine
The tremble, decay; yours the glittery dust.
Now parched, still patient pleads this lust

Return, O seamless, sodden salve, you must
You must—

Laughter like stone that breaks the placid surface and all depths explores. Then ripples that bloom, as if in invitation or gratitude. As if the involuntary, irresistible answering joy of water.
 Nov 2021 Khaab
 Nov 2021 Khaab
the ripe winds
perch upon the threads of
western disturbance

days dissolve in sadness
find me when this ends

tell me about your

lets go for a walk
before it's too late

i'm awake just
for you

and i never sleep when
you are not looking

i stay still until the
alarm rings

and it is your time
to leave

early morning when
the songbird sings

there you are
never here

you've loved me in
the spring

and i've been in love
with you ever since

dying of sadness on
a tuesday

trading through the
vastness of liquid turmoil

flowing and cutting
across the narrowest
of vengeance

that has laid upon
this land flourishing
under a disguise:
of mere nothingness and
certain similarity;

for who knows
what converses with the
frigid north

and talks to the
passes of the mighty
peaks of middle Asia

walking past the grandeur
of the Himalayas, and it's
many ancient towns

where no other
has been of any importance

there in the sweet solace
of solitude and crisp sunrises

i find myself dreaming
of the tranquil winds, and
ancient passageways:

far from Nazareth and
the cradle of men

where the old brick
roads now sleep in dusk

and there's nothing
left to conquer

built upon the spectacular
-- on this olden earth

i find myself yearning
for little things.
 Nov 2021 Khaab
A Poet
 Nov 2021 Khaab
A Poet
The saddest thing in this world,
   is constantly being used by him,
       and continuing to play the game, you are going to l̶o̶s̶e̶.
 Nov 2021 Khaab
A Poet
We are born into this world to love,
Born to find it, lose it again and again,
in a reoccurring tune, like the phoenix each love must start anew.
So why am I b̶r̶o̶k̶e̶n̶? As I continue to ponder and long for you?
 Nov 2021 Khaab
A Poet
You give yourself to him,
        he takes and he takes,
             until your reflection is a stranger,
                                      a cheap, overly used, stranger.
  -He will n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ love you.
 Nov 2021 Khaab
A Poet
My vocabulary did not leave me,
I could write exquisitely,
  from transportive imagery,
to subtle allegory's
but when he left
I lost the words
I lost my song
I lost myself
so I take this h̶i̶a̶t̶u̶s̶
to learn to be free
to learn to be me
once more
I choose to live
 Nov 2021 Khaab
Eshwara Prasad
If I could meet someone who is just like me, I would be able to live the life of my dreams once more.
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