Live everyday like its your last,
Live in today, not the past,
Life is to short, you'll watch it pass,
As death appears, and your trapped behind glass,
Focus on what's important in life,
Don't worry about money, wealth, or your type,
Do what you love, and follow the light,
When a push comes to shove, keep doing what's right.
People live and they die, it's the cycle of life,
They smile and cry, as they're going through strife,
They live they're whole life, and it not being worthwhile,
Can't see the fact, that it's all just a trial,
It's a trial under God, so stand tall in His eyes,
Don't go to heaven alone, bring someone beside,
You live for a reason, if it's treason or strife,
Or die unborn, or get killed by a knife,
It's all part of rotation, from the creation of life,
And life is a gift, so go treating it right,
Cuz at the end of each day, we all die in the night,
It's not anything bad, it's just the way of life.
It's a matter of when, we happen to die,
It's a matter of why, I'm writing tonight,
It's a matter of who, that makes us cry,
It's a matter of what, that makes me lie,
It's a matter of why, you want to die,
It's a matter of life, there's struggle and strife,
And at the end, you may want a knife,
But in the beginning, you just want what's right.
When you can't keep moving on,
And you feel your life is wrong,
And death is taking to long,
Keep on going.
When the storms are raging high,
And your hope has passed on by,
And you want nothing but to cry,
Keep on going.
When death has showed its face,
And your in your final stage,
As you find your resting place,
Don't lose grip of your faith,
For it's the only way.