If you have it all......
Remember, you could lose it all....
If you think you have your **** together....
It could easily wither away....
To learn to be happy.....
You first must be sad to know the real meaning....
Is heartache really about Love or selfishness....
Heartache goes away,
but selfishness does not...
When does one change their ways.....
When does one accept reality.....
When does one quite putting them self first.....
I have learned in life the more I help others....
The easier things come to me in life....
Have you ever bought a hungry family groceries...
Have you ever put gas in a persons car who has no money.....
Have you ever tried to guide our youth.....
Have you ever actually helped the homeless.....
Have you ever let someone cry on your shoulder....
Life is not about one,
It's about many.....