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 Aug 2019 Jonna Adam
I'm Fine
 Aug 2019 Jonna Adam
"Are you okay?"

                           I'm always hurt,
                          Always in pain,
                          Every inch of my being
                          An­d if you could fathom the
                         chaos in my head,
                         So monsterous that I pray you
                        never come to understand it.

                        Every moment of every day my
                        soul cries,
                       And if you looked into my eyes
                       you'd see it all...
                       Everything I hide behind a smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine."
As hard as I try
I can not justify
this intense need to cry
~much love
 Aug 2019 Jonna Adam
Lara Mari
Sometimes it’s easier to hide
what I really feel.
Sometimes it’s easier to run away
from what I really feel.
Sometimes I pretend to not believe
what I really feel.

But what I really feel will never go away.
When you feel storms brewing inside you
you breathe.
When your heart turns to stone inside your chest
you breathe.
When unknowing souls cut you open
you breathe.
When they look away from the love you bleed out
you breathe.
When you find yourself choking on daydreams
you breathe.
When your insides burn from their absence
you breathe.
When they tear you apart just for fun
you breathe.
When you feel poems sprout inside your veins from the teardrops you cry
you breathe.
When it all goes silent and you're lost in your own company
you breathe.

You breathe,

you breathe,

and you breathe.

You breathe till your heart lightens
You breathe till your bruises fade
You breathe till you're awake from the reverie
You breathe till the hurricane is tame
You breathe till you find a friend in yourself
You breathe till the aches are all washed away
You breathe for the night to be gentle
You breathe till the golden dawn breaks.

— The End —