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 Jun 2020 JaxSpade
The Untold
Let go
 Jun 2020 JaxSpade
The Untold
You're locked inside your head
Let go of the demons inside
And you'll realise you were the demons.
But demons are just fallen angels,
Heal your bruises
And rise up.
With love.
You can do this.
Though it's hard.
my body is a vault
steel bars ribs bared
lungs press against hot bone
your name a password
on every vein and even
my muscles remember
every depression in your thumbprint
but even that isn’t enough
to unlock
what builds within me.
 Jun 2020 JaxSpade
Michael Stefan
Her smile glimmered like gold,
With satin hair and porcelain skin,
Radiant in the morning-
And starlight at sunset

Brown eyes like liquid warmth,
Inviting me out to dinner,
An offer I would be daft to refuse-
And now she makes me smile
For those of you who have read most of my work, I know you were expecting a dark turn.  But I am feeling pretty happy today and wanted to concisely highlight how I view a person that is beautiful to me.
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