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Mar 2021 · 464
Thought Process
JASMINE Mar 2021
Master doll maker!
What if you can fix broken;
Human hearts as well.
Jan 2021 · 516
What Friendship Means?
JASMINE Jan 2021
Extravagant part related to friendship is;
When you narrate them in your stories
Stand with them in their hardships,
And win their smile back as a trophy!
Your hugs protect them from unknown dangers,
With age when everything seems fading away,
You recall the memories you've created together, together and together!
The noises of laughter you hear;
From the pictures you have taken
Hanging on the wall
Lasts forever and forever,
Till the last breath!
Jan 2021 · 274
I'll Conquer You Back
JASMINE Jan 2021
Dec 2020 · 191
Thought Process Pt 1
JASMINE Dec 2020
Using lies to decorate our story
Consuming someone's peace to mark our glory.
Sep 2020 · 181
Dear Father!
JASMINE Sep 2020
I miss that sense of touch
When I fell down from my bicycle;
You carried me in your arms
Whispered in my ear telling me,
This pain won't last long

I miss those bright days
When you take us out,
To our favorite places
And you give me ride on;
Your comfy shoulders

I miss those moments
When you hold my little fingers,
Telling me how I'm special to you
And how proudly I show my grades
So,I can win your heart!

I miss your presence Baba
You left certain impressions
In my life, that I can't forget you
So many complains,so many questions
Why you left me?When I needed you the most.
Sep 2020 · 192
JASMINE Sep 2020
You hit different just like a first sip
Of a mango shake,
Which relishes your dehydrated soul;
In the scorching heat of summer,
This cold wind of September calling us
To lighten our hearts;
And cry on each other shoulders,
You're that falcon who can hunt down;
An unwanted toxicity in our surroundings,
Out of no where you meet such people
Who makes place like a dungeon;
A finest example of heaven on the Earth,
You're that such people which;
Are on the list of an endangered species,
It's my time to preserve your specimen
Before it's too late!
Aug 2020 · 210
Ode to Friendship
JASMINE Aug 2020
We travellers of this world
Met each other;
In a strange platform,
You guys seemed little tinker bells
Who rescued this arrogant elf,

Like a firefly you lighten up;
My dark pathways
Save me from a dreadful bumpy ride,
Even in the thunderstorm
We hold our hands together,

Laughing and eating cookies of love
Acted like a healer,
And soothe each other souls
Cleaned our wounds of sadness
With our words of encouragement,

With the passage of time
Our station of goodbye is near,
The tons of memories we created
How we influence eachother lives?
Do recall them with every sunset
Aug 2020 · 483
Independence is a Blessing
JASMINE Aug 2020
In order to taste Independence
Never ending sacrifices
Genocide and Holocaust,
Blood of your women and infants
Ethnic Cleansing,
Limitless money
Facing humiliation,
Listening derogatory remarks
No value of your honour and prestige,
These are the required ingredients
From making yourself free,
And to break the chains of slavery.
Jul 2020 · 168
What Should I Call You
JASMINE Jul 2020
Should I call you a light
Cos you remove;
Darkness in my life,
Should I call you a water
Cos you extinguish the;
Fire burning inside my heart,
Should I call you a strong vibe
Cos you overcome my weakness,
Should I call you a sweet
Cos you vanished the;
Salty bitterness in my life,
Should I call you a healer
Cos you brought me out;
Of pain when I was at war,
Should I call you a melt
Cos you melt my frozen heart.
Jul 2020 · 670
Life Of A Transgender
JASMINE Jul 2020
I was born different
Different in a sense,
Not acceptable to society
Inadmissible to my parents,
Above all I am a human being!

You treated me like a dog
Left me in a trash can,
Hurt my soul
Physically abused me,
You cursed my existence

They call me from bad names
Say I was designed to be,
A *** worker ; An entertainer
You tear apart my clothes,
Body shamed me!

I'm not an object
Stop bullying me,
Yes, I'm trans! I ain't like you
But I can sure you;
I'm a better person than you!
Jun 2020 · 135
Untold story of A Lover
JASMINE Jun 2020
Life has given me many sharp pains
Despite of the fact all I wanted is you,
People tried hard to push me away
I stayed for you as a ******* shield,
Why you turned your back on me
Can't you see my ocean of tears,
How many rocks I have broken
In order to catch your one glimpse,
Everyone left me including you
My family turned into strangers,
Left me in this dark dungeon named;
Mental hospital whose motto is
To serve mentally ill people like me
How many nights I cried for my daisy,
I'll tell God, how your cruelty broke me
O Angel's! Be my witness at doomsday
I once watched a video where an interviewer asked a sick person how you ended up here and he replied just because of her I'm here and this broke my heart.
Jun 2020 · 310
JASMINE Jun 2020
They say,
Stay away from strangers;
They ain't smell nice,
But how come
Strangers become your best friends,
And love of your life!
Jun 2020 · 135
Humans are insane
JASMINE Jun 2020
We humans are funny creatures
Have divided ourselves;
In the name of ethnicity
Have bathed in blood in order;
To impose one's supremacy

In a race of becoming superior,
Everyone is investing their money;
To achieve top-notch technologies
Labeling each other barbaric,
Dealing below the mark as an object

I wonder what if Mother nature;
Is obnoxious of our insane actions
Ever realize all these pandemics
Breaks the chain of xenophobia,
Spreads like a rapid blazing fire

Virus follows human greed policy
Nourish in body of host and leaves,
The way humans leave in hard times
Is it just an ending of our pride era?
Or are we really at edge of being doomed!
Jun 2020 · 194
Black Lives Matter
JASMINE Jun 2020
Xenophobia and religious wars ain't over
Extremism is now changing into racial war,
Fair and lovely but not darkly and lovely
Can't believe the world is again witnessing;
A time of racial apartheid
Skin is skin either healthy or in bad condition,
What is skin tone?
Why even this type of distinction exists?
Class distinctions ain't enough!
Why debate is again started on skin colors?
Fair,ivory skin tones over dark and warm
Tell me having an excessive melanin is sin?
We live in a society where;
Dark ones are associated with brutality
Fair ones are linked with beauty
An irony is this people will fall for black color
But will not appreciate people with dark tone,
A question I want to ask from you all
Ain't you sense some injustice here,think!
May 2020 · 156
A Friendly Reminder
JASMINE May 2020
More you invest your energy;
More they ditch you
May 2020 · 126
World is a Spook
JASMINE May 2020
World is like a bewitching black hole
Having a kind of magnetic sensation,
Hustle and bustle along with forgery
Cost of lies and burden on poor soul,
Distinction, deprivation and destruction
All these three elements leads to;
Upcoming havoc calamity of chaos,
Rich will chase for an elegant things
Poor will chase hard to get some bread,
Social conventions are hard to understand
Victims are bound to learn patience;
Instead of seeking justice they suffer,
The world wasn't created to endure
It was meant to alleviate hardships
Apr 2020 · 135
A bitter Truth
JASMINE Apr 2020
In the name of nepotism
Many careers have ruined
Apr 2020 · 141
JASMINE Apr 2020
Sometimes the pain is so intense
That people forget to smile
Sometimes you're so tired
You lose all the interest
Sometimes the wait is so long
Your words value doesn't matter
Sometimes your body doesn't
Carry the weight which normally carries
Apr 2020 · 141
JASMINE Apr 2020
Never run for someone
Who doesn't care about you
Never ruin your glow for someone
Who gives you a headache
Never trust someone
Who left you in your hard times
Never cry for someone
Who made you feel so low
Never invest you energy for someone
Who emotionally exploited you
Apr 2020 · 167
Smile over Agony
JASMINE Apr 2020
Scars prominent on skin
Tell us a story
Awfully no one knows
About inner injuries
Except a person
Who's going through
Every happy person
Ain't be happy
Maybe he just wearing
A smile
To hide his misery
Apr 2020 · 115
JASMINE Apr 2020
Don't care whether toxicity
Is measured
By quality or by quantity
It ruins everything
Most importantly
Your mental peace
The way your liver
Detoxify your body
In the same manner
Pull out all the
Toxic elements
In your life
And breathe freely
Apr 2020 · 141
Nature and Us
JASMINE Apr 2020
Have you ever noticed
We and nature are same
In so many ways
Purple clouds and purple bruise
Veins in flowers and leaves
Veins in human body
Sometimes our veins just look
Alike lightning in the sky
Though their function is different
But their structure is same
Lines on hands and leaves
Stacks of stones and chubby belly
Branch of a tree with thorns
And a malnutrition man's spine
Looks very similar
This parallelism
Doesn't ends here
It feels like we humans are solute
And nature is a solvent
Apr 2020 · 136
A Precious Note
JASMINE Apr 2020
The felicity you feel
By using your
Friend's gift
Has another level.
Mar 2020 · 141
A Random Thought
JASMINE Mar 2020
Light of hope is present
We will rise
This silence won't last long
In this kind of emergency situation take care of yourself and your loved one please stay in your homes. Wash your hands properly and wear mask your health is very important stay hydrated and blessed.
Mar 2020 · 131
Teen Days
JASMINE Mar 2020
Broken hearts
Damage souls
No mental peace
Always in a rush
Restless nights
Gamble their lives
Looking for warm hugs
Desperate to achieve
Dying slowly
Act in a passive way
Going for shortcuts
These crazy teen days
Vanishes your laughter!
Feb 2020 · 114
Ain't a Piece of Metal
JASMINE Feb 2020
You wear that token;
On your finger
For the sake of attention
In order to look catching
After a short span
Remove it from your finger
Because now that ring
Which seem to be a precious token;
Is now itching you!
Feb 2020 · 165
Burst Your Bubble
JASMINE Feb 2020
In a race of looking nubile
Gal you have lost your charm
Pain rend your soul
But suffering has an end
Your bruise will heal
Blemish won't vanish
This world is spooky
Your survival is important
Get up and roar
Conquer this globe
Feb 2020 · 115
JASMINE Feb 2020
She's like a complaining child
Whose rant win everyone;
Hearts! Such a grace she has
They say everyone has a shine
But her shine seems marvellous!
A dove whose;
Delicacy is like a blueberry
But she pretends she's a hulk
So,no one can suppress
Her emotions, her vibrancy!
Feb 2020 · 156
Blur Images
JASMINE Feb 2020
She's in my memories
And memories can't fade away
Until someone hits my cerebrum
I'm waiting for her one glimpse
As a driver waits for a red signal
To turn into green
As someone waits in the queue
To get his bill done
Let me soak into your warm looks
Which has an element of
Relaxation and calmness
Feb 2020 · 125
Seasons and You
JASMINE Feb 2020
Winter maybe a gloomy season
Her smile makes everything alright
Spring maybe a blooming season
Her laughter makes it more cheerful
Summer maybe an exhausting season
Her wink makes the day more radiant
Autumn maybe a ripening season
Her aesthetic vibes sound more peaceful
Dec 2019 · 152
JASMINE Dec 2019
A blotch on her skin can’t define her beauty
She’s not a daisy, but she’s an audacious rookie
Standing, sweating, detecting under a blazing sun
Running, chasing and slaying with her glock gun
Pigmentation ain’t a problem but crime in her society
Show them what she can do, so they can praise her loyalty
Mother is conscious how she can erase her scars
But she’s too busy putting criminals behind the bars
Pacing and glazing with her dark embedded marks
Trepidation, fear overcomes when her badge sparks
Not your type of maiden which you’re expecting
Busy with bundles of paperwork so, she’s neglecting
Cut on her brow can distract your measure  
She’s a beauty with a brain, a hopeful treasure
Dec 2019 · 148
Meditation Music
JASMINE Dec 2019
With every beat drop of music she move her body
Not knowing what is actually happening around her
Sometimes you amalgamate yourself with the music
You ain’t comprehend torment which traumatize soul
What if pain was a person people have choked him out
Aghastly! pain is a venomous feeling and it feels like:
As, someone stabbed you multiple times in your heart;
Gladly the most fiddly and beautiful ***** of your body
There is a contention internal pains are way more hurting
But, to overcome all such ******* you need some therapy
People who choose music over drugs, alcohol and smoking
Are enrich people for sure so, tap your feet on the floor
Your liveliness of soul matters, dead soul with beating heart;
Means nothing they’re just imitating flesh with fake smiles
Dec 2019 · 141
JASMINE Dec 2019
Sometimes people rectify their mistakes
Others just put a cloth on their loopholes
Can you even imagine there’s such a place
In and out everyone is cynical and corrupt
Even that brigade who thinks they’re fab
These biased and prejudice creatures are;
Yelling after snatching someone’s right
JASMINE Dec 2019
He chose his own path
The path where,
Death was waiting for him
Agonies and pain never ends
Suffering is the ultimate reality!
Gas chamber seemed fascinating
Covered in layers of dirt
He, along with others,
Forced to take a shower
He feels relaxed and thrilled
For a nano second;
Abruptly gas chamber closes
And he along with a Jewish boy
Whom he calls his friend
Both are in striped pajamas
Hold each other hand
They'll face together,
what is meant to come
Ralf was thinking he will find Bruno
But death has taken him away
From this awful, deadly world
To a better place.

— The End —