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 Mar 2019 Jashn
Sorry this poem
Wasn't suppose to be
Written this way
Strangely arranged
Vaguely conveyed  
Last minute changes
Just like her love
Seems my last stanzas
Has run out of luck
Traveler Tim
Life Lived Metaphorically
Pun Not Intended Literally
Postulated In Poetry
Everyday life can not  be lived metaphorically, ex I can't be an onion all the while , I have to be me for everyday tasks , and in poetry everything is possible.
So the thought (:
Words are free particles
Bound to thoughts that have matter.
Thoughts are the free particles
Bound to words that
10 words
Matter is made up of tiny particles
Inertia at Play
Unrestrained Mobility
Sustained Torpidity
External Torque Applied
Loss of Momentum
Debilitating Equilibrium

Dynamic Energy on the Loose
Potential Energy knows not to Groove
Kinetic Energy
All Set for
a Toss and a Loss
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