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 Jun 2016 LJ
 Jun 2016 LJ
I've slept away my years,
Tucked into a plexiglass capsule.
The computer constantly plotting,
And calculating to get me home.
I dream of home,
Of my family and friends.
Of those that will be gone when I return.
I make use of tesseract travel.
Because a straight line
Between two points
Is not the fastest way
To cross the distance.
Instead I cut a hole on each end of the road,
And stitch them together.
I travel faster than light.
Faster than thought.
Faster than the musings of Gods.
Interstellar travel is uneventful.
At least if you're inside the ship.
 Jun 2016 LJ
 Jun 2016 LJ
A pair of a dusty boots
At 45° in front of an M16.
The rifle has been rooted
Barrel first in the sand.
On the **** of the rifle sits a helmet
A shade of yellow that matches the dunes.
On that helmet there is a name
Of a soldier, patriot and hero
Who was lost today.
And soon I will stand,
Wearing a pair of those boots,
With a matching rifle in my hands.
The only difference is the name on my helmet.
I will grit my teeth,
And promise not to cry when witnessing this scene.
But I will.
I will defend these United States of America,
From all threats,
Foreign and domestic.
I will honor those before me.
And avenge those lost.
So help me God.
That's not EXACTLY how the oath went, but you get the gist.
 Jun 2016 LJ
Tapiwa Individualist
Life is cold,
Oh maybe life isn't cold.
We people are,
Making life miserable for each other.
Hating and not accepting that we were meant to love not hate.
Hate just hurts,its no good feeling.
It brings us misery and lures us into thinking its strength.
Getting rid of human life so fast!like it didn't take a process to be born. Life is sadder these days,
The news is so energy sapping.
Its hopeless,the only hope is love.
Love,accept,respect,judge less.
 Jun 2016 LJ
 Jun 2016 LJ
In life or in love
With friends or with kin
It’s never, what you take out
It’s always, what you put in
 Jun 2016 LJ
I sat down in the grass
With my headphones on
And listened
As the wind awakened from sleep
And rushed to play in the leaves
Turning the trees into
An orchestra of chimes
I heard the early birds
Up with the dawn
Join together in harmonious song
I heard flutters of feathered wings
And the song the cricket sings
Then I realized that during this concert
Of this brand new day
On my iPad I had yet to hit play
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