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1.7k · Apr 2018
Troubadour Speech
Jordan Soriano Apr 2018
I am soon to die
You are going to make me cry

You say that I am the guilty
But it is this society that is filthy

So before I go
I will address your foes

Your knights are supposed to be chivalrous
But they do not care if you are at risk

Your king and queen doth rule
But their treatment to you is only cruel

Your nobles give you a home
But do not care if you grow alone

Your wives bear your children
But it is your best friends that are the villains

The men are seen as strong and whole
Little do you know they are drinking in a brothel

This land is made up of imposter’s hands
But you want to **** me the one who exposed your clan
This is a poem I had to write for my world history class. I had to pretend to be a Chamorro  troubadour that is about to be executed but before I die my final will was exposing a tainted society.
1.6k · Feb 2019
Concrete jungle
Jordan Soriano Feb 2019
I remember how beautiful the morning sun looked when it peaked through the coconut trees
I remember the sound of the birds perched upon the ifit tree
I remember where latte stones stood tall as it had been for centuries
I remember the color green that took me in its arms like my mother
I remember the sound of the wind that made the trees dance like my father

Now I see no coconut trees waiting for the morning sun
I hear no birds
I see no latte stones
I see no green
I feel no wind making the trees dance
All I see is grey
1.4k · Mar 2018
I am
Jordan Soriano Mar 2018
I am a daughter
I am a sister
I am a friend
I am a woman
I am a Chamorro woman
I am a Chamorro-Japanese woman
I am a woman of Guahån
I am a woman of the Marianas Islands

My ancestors walked these roads as I do now
They sweat under the same sun as I
They protect me when danger is near
They bless me with guidance
But the military takes that away
They are turning the land of my ancestors in shooting ranges
They took my family's land
They took what wasn't theirs to take

My island, my language, my culture, they are all slipping away into oblivion because Mother Guahån is being destroyed

Prutehi yan defendi i kultura
(Protect and defend your culture)
1.1k · Sep 2019
Blank Page
Jordan Soriano Sep 2019
a blank page evokes no emotions
but the second a pen has done its work... you can be moved to tears
Jordan Soriano Jan 2020
the land before history began
land that was not ruled by a man
land that raised me
land with more beauty I had ever seen
a land filled with spirits in trees beautiful and green
land that was untouched
land prosperous and lush
land that I fled to when I was scared
land that helped me with the struggles I bared
land filled with artifacts
land with hidden, ancient tracks
land that I  called my own
land that was my home

the man with a cross in hand
set fires to the land
he spoke in a different tongue
and tried to teach it to our young
my people gave him food and water
he only gave us an alter
he told us we were sinners
made us kneel with interlocked fingers
I saw the flags in the distance
I cried in an instance
more of his men were coming
I knew we had to start running
Maga'håga is a female leader of a tribe, she is the one who is respected among Chiefs. This is an homage to the Maga'håga who did all she could to protect her land, people, and culture.
713 · Nov 2017
Jordan Soriano Nov 2017
You told me that you loved me and I believed you
You told me I was your world and I believed you
You told me that I was the most beautiful girl and I believed you

You told me you were sorry and I believed you
You told me that I was nothing and I believed you
You told me that you loved me and I believed  you
706 · Sep 2019
like your guitar
Jordan Soriano Sep 2019
treat me like your guitar
bring me to your chest
cradle me in your arms
protect me from falling
sing to me
Jordan Soriano Dec 2017
Empty promises.
Fake smiles.
These are the necessities of brokenness.
I am not sure if I will be writing v4.
368 · Dec 2017
Jordan Soriano Dec 2017
I am a Chamoru
I am a daughter of The Mariana Islands
I am part of something greater than myself
I have over a hundred years of culture, love, pain, and unity running through my veins
I am a Chamoru
I am strong
I am unique
I may not speak my native tongue fluently
I may not look exactly like my ancestors
But I am not and will never ashamed of my culture
I will not run from who I am
I will sing my Island's hymn with my whole heart
I will respect my elders
I will continue to learn my language everyday
And I will one day teach my children everything I know about where they came from
328 · Feb 2019
You drew me once
Jordan Soriano Feb 2019
You drew me once
It feels like forever ago
You were able to capture all the curves of my face
You knew me like no other
You looked at my face with love in your eyes
I gave you a genuine smile because you truly made me happy

Now you no longer draw me
I am not your muse
But I can only hope that the next girl you draw feels the love I felt
I want you to capture her face with your pencil perfectly
Make her smile
Make her as happy as I was
288 · Apr 2018
The Chamoru language
Jordan Soriano Apr 2018
We were killed by the Spanish
Invaded by the Japanese
And robbed by the Americans

How much more can mother Guahån take?
How much more can our language be suppressed?
How long till the young children won't not know what Nåna or Tåta means?

Why must I...
Why must we chamorros have to go out of our way to speak English for the ignorant?

Why should my culture, my people, and my island suffer the endangerment of our own language?

The chamorro language is dying and it brings tears to my eyes to think that one day Chamorro will be no more.
Jordan Soriano Dec 2017
       These are the necessities of life.
v2. is up also
239 · May 2018
Island Bodies
Jordan Soriano May 2018
Formed on white sandy beaches
Filled with the crystal clear waters

Anointed under a bright blue sky
Bathed under the full moon

Raised by banyan branches
Fed from coconut trees

We are the children of the Pacific
With hearts of coral

Hair from pandanus leaves
Eyes from volcanic rock

Voices from crashing waves
And strength from latte stones

We are the past, present, and future
We are what was and what is going to be
Jordan Soriano Feb 2018
They took pieces of me with them
One by one they chipped some part of me
The didn't even realize what they were doing
They split my heart open and they grasped it with their violent hands
They exposed me
I was no longer a human to them
They took away my ability to feel
They though they could shut my mouth
But I spoke out
I survived their attack
I gained my strength
I stood in front of the crowd and I told my truth
I stand with my brothers and sisters who have fallen victim to violent hands like theirs
We survived
And we will not stop fighting
To the men, women, and children who have lived this reality... I stand for you and I stand with you. You're strength and bravery is not unnoticed. Your story will not be forgotten. To everyone reading this, predators must be brought to light and must be punished for the pain and trauma they have caused we must end this. They will not take our voice.
220 · Sep 2018
Jordan Soriano Sep 2018
You are
a friend
a lover
a helper
a seeker
a traveler
a comedian
a light
a dark
a truth
a lie
a painter
a dancer
a singer
a fixer
a breaker
You are mine
203 · Sep 2019
long hair don't care
Jordan Soriano Sep 2019
all our life we are told to tame our mane
told to tie up that tangled mess
or cut it because people cannot stand to see it go past our butts

they scream savage at the sight of our luscious hair
mothers even tell their daughters to keep their hair up when they are around us
as if every woman with long hair harbors head louse

they tell us we look like jungle women
little do they know that its who we are
we are the descendants of powerful jungle women

women who lead tribes
women who bore chiefs
women who were the hearts of the family

men are challenged when they see our long straight, wavy, or curly hair being worn so openly
these are the men that tell us to chop our beautiful locks

I want to tell you, my sisters
keep those locks
grow them till they touch the ground
adorn them with flowers
let your mane smell like the ocean
show your power
to all my pacific island sisters, never cut your hair because you are ashamed of its unruliness. do what you want to your own hair and never because of someone else, especially a man. in my culture, the women only cut their hair when the island was threatened by a big fish who was eating away at the island. all the women knew that only a net of their hair could capture the fish. they wove the net and captured the fish faster the men ever could.
Jordan Soriano Dec 2017
To everyone who has wiped my tears
Everyone who helped me up after I fell down
To everyone who sang along with me
Everyone who said "be safe" before I drove home

To everyone who gave me a second chance
Everyone who has answered a question of mine
To everyone who has made me laugh
Everyone who has said "goodbye"

Thank you for picking up the phone
Thank you for getting me home
Thank you for being my light

Thank you for saving my life
Jordan Soriano Sep 2019

These are the necessities for the United States to create a colony.
188 · Sep 2019
to our colonizers
Jordan Soriano Sep 2019
can you hear them?
the cries of the children who have no land to pass down to their descendants

can you see them?
the bodies of the Sainas (elders) who starved to death

can you feel them?
the spirits of our ancestors chasing you out of our jungles

do you appreciate them?
the CHamoru soldiers who fought beside you in combat

i'isao hao: you are a sinner
you have sinned against us, against God, against our ancestors, against the land, and you have sinned against the future generations

get out of our land! take your bullets! take your bulldozers! take the chemicals that pollute our water! take your bombs! take back your broken promises! take back your lies! take it all back!

give us, the taotaotano (people of the land) our islands back
Na libre i Islan Marianas: free the Marianas Islands
Jordan Soriano Dec 2017
These are the necessities of war.
v3. will be coming soon
184 · Feb 2018
you before me
Jordan Soriano Feb 2018
I had loved him for so long
You tell me that you love him
So I shut my heart and I held back the tears
I told you to go for it
He fell inlove you
Now I have to live with the pain
I have to smile when I see you both together
I had to let him go for you
And no matter how much it hurts
I would do it again because you go before me
182 · Sep 2018
What is
Jordan Soriano Sep 2018
what is it like to wake up and feel beautiful in the mirror
what is it like to do something without thinking twice
what is it like to be with the person you have longed for
what is it like to make someone proud
what is it like to be confident
what is it like to not be afraid of rejection

I have faced these questions every single day for the past 16 years of my life and still have not found an answer
174 · Feb 2018
I won't forget
Jordan Soriano Feb 2018
He makes you laugh until the breath is taken away from you
I remember that
You dream about your future with him
I remember that
You smile everytime he walks by or his name is said
I remeber that
I remeber holding him like you do now
I remeber kissing him where you do
I remember that way it felt when his skin touched mine
I remeber holding my heart when you gave him yours
167 · Jan 2020
My home
Jordan Soriano Jan 2020
She is calm and silent
She is loud and chaotic
She bore my brothers and my sisters
She bore navigators and famers
In her anger she created mountains
In happiness she created rainbows
In her joy she filled rivers
In her sadness she rose the sea
She is light
She is darkness
She is home
Her hair is the coconut trees
Her eyes are the guasåli flowers
Her tears is the rain
Her smile is the moon
She raised giants and warriors
She taught mothers and daughters
She is light
She is darkness
She is home
Her gentle voice leads me to the jungles
Her screams lead me to the ocean
Her arms cradle me like banana leaves
Her songs are sung by the birds
She is light
She is darkness
She is home
Guåhan is home
Guåhan as she is known to me is Guam to the rest of the world. She is my island, my mother, my home. To everyone who reads my poems about my home please feel free to learn about Guam and Micronesia. Please learn about the threat that is America, it’s military, and climate change. My people and culture is on the verge of extinction and I just ask for you beautiful humans to learn about the indigenous people of Micronesia and learn that we exist.
166 · Jan 2018
To my future daughter
Jordan Soriano Jan 2018
I will hold onto you as long as I possibly can
Once I feel you ready to let go
I will unclench my hand from yours
I will watch you grow your  wings and fly to where your beautiful mind tells you
Wherever you go you will always have me with you
Because you stole my heart the day I found out I would have you
You're my treasure baby girl and no matter who you choose to love, no matter what you choose to do, you will forever be the greatest blessing.
164 · Feb 2018
Looking for Heaven
Jordan Soriano Feb 2018
I am surrounded by the sea
I float in the salty water
I am no longer apart of the outside world

While everything moves fast on land I am but slowly drifting in the waters of time
I hear the sand move beneath my body

I am looking up to the bluest of blue sky
I make pictures within the clouds
Now I am in deep thought, as deep as the ocean

Where can I find heaven?
Is it beyond our galaxy?
Or is heaven between earth and the stratosphere?

I start to look for anything within the clouds that is divine
I search for heavens gates so I may only catch but a glimpse of the kingdom of the Lord

I find myself so lost in thought that the sky is no longer blue
Instead it has turned lilac and pink

How much time has just passed?
How long have I been afloat?
I needn't know the answer

I am called
I rise out of the water and go back to land where time moves the fastest

I'll have to look for Heaven another day
Jordan Soriano Jan 2018
Dry your eyes.
Fix your hair.
Show little skin as possible.
Put your mask on.
Tell everyone you're fine.

These are the necessities to hiding the abuse.
This poem is not meant to encourage anyone to hide their pain or sadness. It is to point out that even the "happiest" person can be going through so much struggle. I ask everyone to be kind and ask how a person is doing and even if they say they are good, please let them know that you are there for them. If anyone is going through anything whether it be good or bad feel free to message me. I want to rejoice with you, cry with you, and grow with you all. I don't judge. Be kind always.
Jordan Soriano Jan 2018




These are the necessities to finding yourself.
151 · Jun 2019
Lonely Nights
Jordan Soriano Jun 2019
Day feels like mere seconds compared to the infinite night
My hands are colder even though I have the blanket to myself
My cheeks no longer have the rosy hue of a girl who is in love
My laughs are quiet, it might as well not exist
The **** night is filled with little dreams of us walking along the shore
Filled with the memories of secret glances and goofy smiles
I wish these lonely nights were filled with life and parties and people
But all I have is the extra blanket you used to bundle up in and the void in my bed where you used to sleep
148 · Jan 2020
Missed Call
Jordan Soriano Jan 2020
my phone goes off
it was a missed call from you
excitement rushes through my body

I run to my phone
the charger keeps me from answering
I pick up

hello? hello?
I realize my time to answer was over

I dial your number quickly
my thoughts moved so fast
I called someone else

I breathe and slowly dial your number
hey sorry my phone was charging
did you need something?

time goes by and finally, you speak
" sorry I didn't mean to call"
my heart shatters

oh okay not a problem
have a good night
your parting words "okay bye"

I sigh
I take my phone
and let it continue charging
148 · Feb 2019
Saina forgive us
Jordan Soriano Feb 2019
Saina forgive us
Forgive us for letting the white man continue to steal our lands
Forgive us for teaching the children his language and teaching them CHamoru "when we have the time"
Forgive us for allowing our sacred lands to be bulldozed by the soldiers
Forgive us for not defending the culture you died for
Forgive us for not asking for your guidance
Forgive us for not venturing to the sites of the lattes and giving offerings
Forgive us Saina for we your children were tricked by the white man
When you call someone Saina (sigh-na) in my culture it is referring to someone who is your elder. The latte (la-tee) are stone pillars used to build huts on.

— The End —