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 Aug 2019 James Rowley
Grace E
Deep beneath the pines and firs
Looming in darkness, a mountains soul
Where the eagles make their roost
And the foxes dig their holes
A fire crackles to keep us warm
A blaze standing tall and bright
The forests darkness dims
And flees on the wings of firelight
She makes me happy
My moonlight in eternal darkness
She makes me happy

your pride tries to optimize
my persona, to suit your needs,
and if it doesn't, you criticize...
Yet, you're good enough...

your prejudice makes you
suspect even my good deeds,
and you demean me for them too....
Yet, you're good enough...

your control freakiness
makes you restrict me
even if i act right...
Yet, you're good enough...

your self centeredness
wants me to fit in the standards,
you define and ever-changing ...
Yet, you're good enough...

the veil of your hatred
doesn't let you see
my love and concern for you...
Yet, you're good enough...

Sometimes people have personality traits, difficult to deal with, but still they are good enough. Better to be grateful for their positive side
We make up stories
Trying to convince ourselves
Of what we believe
A demon once told me that:
"If you don't heal what hurt you,
you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you."
 Jul 2019 James Rowley
 Jul 2019 James Rowley
I thought sleeping all day
Would stop me from thinking
Yet it couldn't
Keep the nightmares away
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