My kisses taste like ***** and the cigarettes I told everyone I stopped smoking
I drink beer by the case and eat like a bird
No wonder I haven’t gained weight
My eyes have developed bags that carry bags that carry bags
My heart skipped out on rent this month so don’t expect the mushy gushy **** this time around
My hairs tangled and I haven’t washed it in days my nails are brittle and my gauges are infected once again
I’ve worn the same outfit everyday this week
Because who’s really trying anymore when each night ends in in blurry vision and incomprehensible speech? Not me
Sand sits in the bottom of all my shoes because I can’t seem to stay away from the beach
It’s like my soul wishes to wash away in the riptides and finally be free
The water it calms me always rushing back to shore just as soon as it leaves, it’s peaceful something I seemingly cannot be