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 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Little Bear
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Little Bear
there is a
within us all
to find
our little place
in the world;
to find
what or who
we are

to fit
to find
to be


to find
a peace
with all that we
all that we
all that we will
and the longer
the need to know
whispers in my ear
"are we there yet?"

the more i have come
to realise
it doesn't have to be
one place
one person
one moment
in time
that is mine

because peace
makes itself

when we
simply give
of ourselves

to every one

all ways
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz

I stared into the shadows
of a lover’s distant past
Heard whispers in the darkness
of the spell her heart did cast

As it raked across my feelings
and I cried out in the night
When this smile I was wearing
fit a little bit too tight

With her painted nails of crimson
like the color of my blood
She clawed at my emotions
as the silhouettes did flood

This morning found believing
that our time is filled with fate
Where I find my voice is screaming,
please don’t tell me it’s too late

She collected every promise
on the worries I did call
For she wanted me to know that
I could never have it all

Still I crawled into the silence
with my eyes so open wide
And together we were drowning
in the motion of the tide

In her arms now spun the seconds
of the minutes I could spare
Like a clock that’s steady ticking
darkened rhythms sent to share

Drinking thirsty from the fountain
as her finger it did press
On the chrome implanted wishes
of an early moon confess

For her smile was infectious
as it hid her ***** deeds
When I fell intoxicated
still to stagger in these needs

Tried to gaze off in the distance
but my vision could not stay
I was trapped in her seduction
and I could not look away
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Vanessa Gatley
It kills
Me honestly
Every day
No one truly sees
That I do cry for
Help it's
The way my eyes
The way I gulp
I just wanna rush out
Of the room nevr look
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Vanessa Gatley
Where everything seems evil
Well now it's begun
My horror of life
In which I habe felt
Most pain
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
tom krutilla
Lying among this dandelion field
With its colors surreal
In hand a tidy envelope
With a letter perfectly sealed
So nice of you to take the time
To make it pretty with hearts that shine
I'll perceive what's in here is a confession of sorts
Hope you kept it simple your lies come up short
I can't open it been in your emotional blender
I'll peel off all the shiny hearts
And return to sender
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz

Drizzle coated the billboard
sitting on that desolate stretch of highway
waiting for someone to read
or at least hide behind, parked car, back seat
steamed windows, sighs just above a holler,
a collar unbuttoned,
casual abundance with the radio on
seeking a Clapton tune
as nimble fingers
show the difference between a slow hand
and a destined position,
where rain doesn’t matter
because it I just as wet inside
though hotter than an August day,
perspiring in the friction
as love hits the four way flashers
blinkers accelerate, left, right, faster,
names are called, tears are cried
and the road home now beckons . . .
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz

It was a beautiful dream,

sultry skin tightly against mine,
soft sighs echoed in the night

frantic fingers clutched satin sheets as
passion erupted in a torrid frenzy,

when sensual lips again invited

and I kissed you once more

before falling asleep
Compact Poem Series
You will not see my shadow pass
the gate of mournings eerie dark
Nor hear my voice among the reeds
that grow above my silenced heart
No fondest kiss to furrowed brow
to quell the torment of your making
for you have left me here alone
to sleep the sleep that knows no waking.
The last line was pilfered from a Victorian grave stone. It was too beautiful to leave there.
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