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923 · Aug 2017
Iamezzycrown Aug 2017
Black image,
white heart ,
golden souls,
which once trampled on loamy brown soil.
Now in the blue sky ,on this day I remember your beautiful colours.
I miss the old school goodness.

To my fathers,
And father Fathers before me.
Down to the route of my lineage.
From west, east ,north and south of the black world.

Their voices remain melodious like the singing birds in calm forest.
Painters of rainbow,
Legends of time,
Flash back in history.

The Africa culture has always been a beautiful peacock,
One that captivates the mind of all men.

On this day, I take the oath to die as a black,
Nothing less ,I stand firm in my belief,
I remain unshakable.
I plant myself under the soil of custom and tradition.

I drink the toxic wine my ancestors left behind,
I promise to slay the roaming lion of civilization.
I remain a royal loyal soul on my fathers soil,
Not a slave in the foreign land.

Africa the Joseph among his brothers,
When I die give my wealth of belief to generation to come, let my soul embrace the hug from the land of legends.

Black I came out of my mothers womb,
Black I will return to my ancestors.

drawing #draw #socialenvy #PleaseForgiveMe #picture #artist #sketch #sketchbook #paper #pen #pencil #artsy #instaart 
224 · Aug 2017
Iamezzycrown Aug 2017
All black tires are lonely,
All lost their families,
Majority has been forced to be white.
Through this their family died.
Painted by men whose colour is is blacker than coal tar.
In the inside they have tried so hard to mix the white,
With black but this has only given them ash.

All black souls are hungry,
Some misplaced their belly,
But failed to follow the steps leading to farm.
Heat has eaten up our healthy heart

I thought I  was a ******,
Until I met the disvirgined breeze from the wood.
I thought i was disvirgined until I met the *****
From the moon,
I thought I was a ***** until I met the pregnant

I thought I was  pregnant until the doctor told me a had miscarriage,
I thought I had miscarriage until I gave birth to a shadow.
  This shadow I don't know what name to give him, he has two heads, legs ,and hands ,two faces .

  All two headed shadows are happy orphans.
  They think they are unique.
The concluded war is just rising .

I thought I was wise,
Until I met a mad man who told me I was  mad,
I thought I was mad until I met the drunkard who told me I was drunk.
I thought I was alive until I met the spirit who told me I was dead.

Pls am I dead, mad or just suffering from intoxication?

I believed in my mothers words,
Until I met the prodigal daughter who told me it was a lie,am now a prodigal daughter.

I  believed i was old until I met an infant who told me I was a baby.

I think I am mad, if by now I can't spell my name,
Or understand myself.
I think I am dead, if I don't know the smell of my
I think I am drunk, if I don't understand my value.

210 · Jul 2017
Iamezzycrown Jul 2017
Life is nothing but the story of us.
You and I, both of us, all of us.
Yours is a chapter mine is a chapter too.

Life is nothing but music.
It is the song of love,
One that consoles the heart.
And give condolence to death.
Play me the rhythm of my lyrics before I take my last breath.

Life is nothing but story and music.
It is a tale of tears with the rhythm of pain,
Pamper me with fulfillment before I see the next scene.
It starts with d,r and ends at d, showing to us life is a pendulum.

Sing success into my ear before my last blood melt, read my story to the world,
Before my saliva dies up.

Life is nothing but a story ,music, and dance.
Its a tale of joyous tears,tell my story to the young and old let them dance to the tune it brings, let me know if I am a keen or a fool.

Let me watch the rules I planted in my children, if they are ripe for harvest, let me hear how they sing to the beat of my rules
Before my soul folds up and dry off.

drawing #draw #socialenvy #PleaseForgiveMe #picture #artist #sketch #sketchbook #paper #pen #pencil #artsy #instaart 

— The End —