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Howl Jul 2020
No matter what the situation is and how much effort I'll put in, you're not mine 'til the end nor from the beginning
Howl Jul 2020
You know, you don't have to be everyone's favorite
You only need one person who's favorite is you.
I already have that one person. I hope you too. :)
Howl Jul 2020
I know we are all tired
But that doesn't mean we should give up
Howl Jul 2020
What if something from the past made a little different?
Maybe this present wouldn't be a mess.
Howl Jul 2020
Being a good person doesn't required being perfect.
Howl Jul 2020
If only we could stop and skip this year, we already did. 2020 is so tiring.
...But read the first two words again.
Howl Jun 2020
Akala ko hinahangaan lang kita
Akala ko okay na na kasama kita as barkada.
Yung tipong kahit ilang ako okay lang basta nandyan ka, okay lang basta nakikita kita.
Akala ko okay na na napapatawa mo ko sa mga biro mo
Akala ko okay lang kapag nalaman ko na in a relationship ka na

Pero akala ko lang pala.

Ngayong in a relationship ka na, hindi na kita matingnan ng daretso sa iyong mga mata.
Hindi na ko makatawa kapag inaasar ka o di kaya'y kapag nagbibiro ka.
Ayoko na. Akala ko okay na, ang sakit pala.
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