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Evan Dec 2018
The Winds serene Embrace beneath the Sun's deterring Gaze
As i watch the sunset and its rays glide across the tide
To my side my lover watches with me, our hearts elided
with nothing on earth, not even thunder, could rip us asunder

To know a force greater than any other power, tis my Finest Hour
Nothing could turn this moment sour, a day our souls imploded
In the infinity of the sunset, we go forth without regret
As we sit frozen time, free from any feeling of crime

As I look across the boardwalk, to the Girl at which I Gawk
She turns to look at me, and i see her face
Only then do I realize, life never was a race, merely a journey to this place
Under the boardwalk, just my love and I, The look in her Eyes, says it all
Love's Victory March
A poem i wrote in my personal time
Evan Dec 2018
Deep in a Forest
One that knows even the poorest
There is only Silence
Waiting for time to Commence

Two hearts enter and time marches on
And in the silence of the Trees
They hear the frogs and the Breeze
as though the world sings in honor of their love

A simple moment binds their heat as one
And from this they experience tranquility
They can never be undone
And in the fog and moon, they are reborn.
Evan Oct 2018
At a Crossroads Alone I stand
On one way is one filled with misery
but at the end perhaps a treasure greatest of all
It's Name is Love

To the other a Road
not ***** or torn, smooth and sleek
It is warm and comfortable, but to pick this road
Means to surely walk alone

It's name is Monika
I know not what way is right, i feel no need for love
or of the pain it brings
But to abandon that which i fought so hard for
Is something of pure Dishonor
More of a personal meaning
Evan Oct 2018
Over the sky a mighty Raven stalks
Looking down on those who walk
A Knave marches over the graves
A way to his own Death he Paves

The Raven's cry sounds out to all
Alerting them that someone will soon Fall
Death Arrives his black coat and all
Glasses shine and his top hat stands tall

He stands at the gates and he waits
A little Girl rushes over, she does not fear him
Her time has come but she does not retreat
But a second one is due

Deep in a cave a man awaits his grave
Alone with no one else company is all he craves
Soon the tall man arrives and he kills over
For has a way of persuading you over

And With that Death's Wings Beat
And off to the realm of judgement
He returns shortly
His Eyes Focused Squarely
On you
A Halloween Spirited Poem
Evan Sep 2018
The sunsets into the sand and sea
I look to my left and what do i see
The one perfect for me
And in the Dying sun do they look so Lovely

I've seen my love many times in a dream,
sometimes tall, some short, thin or thicc, once it was even a boy
But one thing is always the same, something i do enjoy
Inside their eyes so beautiful, is a beam of love, for me it gleams

Our hands meet as we peer from beneath the pier
As time stops our souls meet, oh such a treat
And i know for a brief moment, i needn't fear as i shed a tear
They pull me into their arms as the sun sets for a kiss without regrets
wrote in middle class
Evan Sep 2018
Far away from any other land a kingdom arose from ocean sand
Their hearts of steel and armor of wood
They defended their people for no appeal and sought honor where they could
A warrior of the Shogun and the Emperor of the divine winds and fallen spirits

Far in the future when the blade was almost out paced
500 warriors stood in the face of an imperial rise
Sword to gun, surely to be overrun, one last charge
To preserve their way at shiroyama

There the warriors of old died, but not completely
For nothing dies eternally
And far in the future a group of warriors Known as Sakurakai
Under Hashimoto thousands of chests stood ready to die, for their emperor

A clash and battle
Chests scattered like cherry blossoms
And when the dust settled Hashimoto was gone
For in Sugamo he was forced and there he died.
A simple poem i wrote in my middle class today about the Showa Restoration
Evan Sep 2018
Loneliness Dreams about
a feeling less cold, One without Heartache
Of a Feeling less cruel and Depressed

Loneliness Thinks about
The Gentle Feeling of a Lovers Embrace
The warmth of another Heart, for one without any.

Loneliness Remembers
A Time when the world was less dark
When the littlest of light was enough to last months.

Loneliness Forgets
Nothing of the days when the world was cruel
And Every Thought of a future less cold

Loneliness Tells Us
Of the Cruelty of Mankind
To Banish another to suffer forever, because of what they are.
ANother school poem
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