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 Apr 2017 Hide
 Apr 2017 Hide
I beg you
granter of desires
aligner of miracles
throw him in my path once more
 Apr 2017 Hide
Penelope Winter
I replay it in my head

L osing our temper
O verthinking
V iolent words
E xaggerations

Y ou walked
O ut the door
U ncivilly

S till, I wait
T omorrow you might come back
I leave the door unlocked
L isten to our song
L et it play over and over again

I pour another glass

A llowing myself to
L ose my mind
W ondering
A pologizing to myself
Y our voice in my ears
S uffocating my thoughts

W ould it have ended differently
I f I had let you win
L et go of my pride
L ooks like we'll never know

- p. winter
i ******* up

— The End —