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Jan 2020 · 96
sweet lies
Haley Jan 2020
his words were like honey
sweet to my ears and dripping from his lips
yet his words were sticky to the touch
they flowed from his mouth and engulfed me in the sweet grasp
Dec 2019 · 158
dripping in honey
Haley Dec 2019
every time she laughs, she hopes that he is watching
hoping that he will fall for her smile
just as hard as she fell for his
Dec 2019 · 178
sugary things
Haley Dec 2019
i make eye contact with your chocolate eyes
we meet under a cotton candy sky
we fall in-love under a lemonade sun
Dec 2019 · 163
Haley Dec 2019
some nights, i wonder if you’re looking at the same sunset as me
Dec 2019 · 130
Haley Dec 2019
standing in a field, the sun beaming on your face
you look so peaceful and at rest
i called your name, hoping you would respond
but you didn’t respond
i ran up to you and called your name again
you looked at me and smiled
but then, you continued to look at the sun as if i wasn’t there
as if you didn’t care
Dec 2019 · 370
rattle the cage
Haley Dec 2019
i feel trapped
caged in my own thoughts
people are staring at me
watching me dance for them in my cage
can’t they see i’m starving
tired of the attention
but they won’t help me
i’m trapped in my head
captured in a cage of my own making
why is my brain still in this cage?
Dec 2019 · 151
Haley Dec 2019
your words spill in me
your lips tell me your stories
your hair sprinkles memories on my head
your arms ingulf me with y’all tales
you show me things i could never see on my own
Dec 2019 · 149
where do we start and end?
Haley Dec 2019
do you look out on the horizon and wonder where does the world starts and end?
do you ever look in the mirror and wonder where your dads eyes are or where your moms hair is?
do you ever read a book and wonder why the characters are the way they are?
because i do that
i question the very world that we live in
why are we here?
Dec 2019 · 164
the attraction of opposites
Haley Dec 2019
she has blonde hair
he has black hair
she wear heels and mini skirts
he wears jeans and sneakers
they are polar opposites
but they say opposites attract
Dec 2019 · 143
stained glass heart
Haley Dec 2019
your heart is glass
shattered and in-pieces
but don’t pick up a shard and slit your wrist
leave your heart in-pieces, so one day, someone will pick up your pieces
that someone, will make your shattered heart into a stained glass window
full of light and life and oh so beautiful
Dec 2019 · 272
stars are like dreams
Haley Dec 2019
stars are like dreams, floating above our heads, so far out of reach. we daydream about them, but we never can touch them. yet, on some rare occasion, a star will fall, meaning, a dream has finally been reached.
Oct 2019 · 132
back in black
Haley Oct 2019
it’s back
stronger than the last time
there’s a new drug
but will it work?
there’s a chance that it will work
but there’s a chance that it won’t
it could make him worse
but it could make him better
all i know is that i’m scared
scared that he might not make it to 2021
scared that he will become a shell of the man i once knew
a shell of the man who took me on dinner dates
who took me on hikes
who snuck food from the oven
please, get better
cancer is no joke
Sep 2019 · 134
royal blue
Haley Sep 2019
his eyes are royal blue
full of wonders and feelings
every time i see royal blue, i picture his eyes
Aug 2019 · 262
Haley Aug 2019
believe in yourself darling
that’s all you have to do
believe you can push through into tomorrow and conquer it
believe you are worthy of life and love
please, believe
Aug 2019 · 152
words hurt but love heals
Haley Aug 2019
my blood was everywhere
on the carpet, on my laptop and on the walls
the words they were saying were like a knife
stabbing constantly and never-ending
their words exposed my inner demons and my nightmares
but, you found me in my darkest days
you rescued me from bleeding out
you taught me how to heal myself through love
thanks to you, i can love again
Jul 2019 · 199
Haley Jul 2019
tonight, what am i to you?
am i a toy?
Jul 2019 · 245
Haley Jul 2019
it was golden in the sky
when the day met the night
Jun 2019 · 303
the cursed ones
Haley Jun 2019
they’re cursed
cast down from their families
she, the girl with secrets to bare
he, the boy with the cursed heart
them, the boy and girl with the secrets and the broken heart
they come together to form one beautiful, broken disaster
Haley Jun 2019
what has this world come to?
hating each other just by the way we look
criticizing our appearances
judging the way our body look
basing our judgment by what other people think
what has this world come to?
killing each other’s spirts out of love and hate
drowning our sorrows by the bottle
slowly killing ourself by grief
what has this world come?
what happened to love your neighbor as yourself?
what happened to showing kindness through the darkness?
what happened to us?
what has this world come to?
we are better than this
Jun 2019 · 211
today is the day
Haley Jun 2019
today, i discovered that my life is worth it
today, i discovered that my life means something
today, i discovered that my life paints a picture to this world
i wonder if today is the day that you discover that your life is worth it
#today #life #worthy
Jun 2019 · 176
Haley Jun 2019
my parents warned me about drugs on the street
but never the ones with the chocolate brown eyes and the broken heartbeat
Jun 2019 · 849
beauty today
Haley Jun 2019
tell me the truth. what makes you beautiful?
is it your hair?
how about your eyes?
maybe your thighs?
could it be your lips?
or could it be the way you dip?
i wonder, is it the way you lock hips?
or is it possible the way you smile?
whatever it is, you are beautiful, inside and out
you are your own galaxy
you are the beauty of today
poetry tells us the beauty of the world. but what about the beauty of the writer? what makes you beautiful?
Jun 2019 · 331
Haley Jun 2019
did not feel as good as yesterday
and i oop
Jun 2019 · 372
Haley Jun 2019
i struck a match and it failed to light
i struck a second match which burned for a split second
i struck a third match and it held its glow
i tasted the lovely crisp flame
it tasted like apple cider
filling me up with a warm sweet feeling
i lit the matches to watch the fire burn. i’ve always liked to play with fire :)
Jun 2019 · 154
skinny dipping love
Haley Jun 2019
dripping sweat
skinny dipping love
Jun 2019 · 149
Haley Jun 2019
honey, you have crushed my soul,
you have stolen my heart,
you have destroyed me,
so i will be taking my revenge on you
watch your back baby
you will see me in your nightmares
Jun 2019 · 605
the hanging tree
Haley Jun 2019
once upon a time,
two childhood friends made a pact
to bring as many people to the hanging tree
they went into the village and promised the people enchantment and magic
at the stroke of midnight, the entire village met the children by the hanging tree
the villagers were so swept up into the children’s spell
that there was no return
the stroke of midnight came
and the seconds counted down

death fell upon the town
Jun 2019 · 152
through text
Haley Jun 2019
he told me he loved me
but only through text
he told me he needed me
but only through text
he told me he cared for me
but only through text
we were together
but only through text
a texting relationship is not a relationship. he might say he loves you, but does he say that in person?
Jun 2019 · 193
bloodstained walls
Haley Jun 2019
blood stains the walls
the knife is a foot away from the body
he was stabbed to death
my hands are caked in his blood
my face streaked with tears and dust
it is not my fault!
it is not my fault!
Jun 2019 · 341
suburban wonderland
Haley Jun 2019
empty bottles
street racing
sneaking out
nightly hookups
parties in empty houses
daring thrills
cracks on the pavement
graffiti strewn about
ripped jeans
bare hands
empty hearts
eyes full of wonder
blinding lights

alice could never survive this version of wonderland
Jun 2019 · 152
Haley Jun 2019
roses are red
violets are blue
there is no end to this madness
we are all such fools
Jun 2019 · 145
the theory of the rose
Haley Jun 2019
there once was a man who killed for fun
day after day he killed under the sun
the blood of his enemies fell on a flower
which gave him such unique power
however, that power caught up to him one day
and took his breath away
the power he stole from his enemies shared
the only way to be free from his sorrow
was to **** himself tomorrow
the following day he went out to the field
to throw his sword down and yield
but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flower
a type that he gave off such honor and power
he said to himself, “i want my blood to flow over this flower, so i can be remembered forever”
that day in the field, the man poured his blood over the flower
and from that day forward, his blood is still soaked over the dainty flower
May 2019 · 137
Haley May 2019
parents are suppose to teach  you how to pay the bills
how to do your own laundry
how to cook your own meals.
but you know what my parents taught me?
how to handle myself  around a drunk person
how to avoid any conversation that involves conflict
how to hide my tears from them
whenever i take a shower, i cry till my eyes are red so they can never see the girl that they created.
May 2019 · 528
Haley May 2019
i threw on my sunglasses, to hide the fact that my eyes are red and my mascara is smeared.
i threw on my sunglasses to block out the hate and scorn that is thrown my way.
i threw on my sunglasses to mock the people that believe they had hurt me.
i threw on my sunglasses to prove that i am not broken.
the day i take off my sunglasses will be the day that my eyes are no longer red nor my mascara smeared.
the day i take off my sunglasses will be the day that i am no longer broken.
May 2019 · 162
the glovebox
Haley May 2019
they met back in college, the place of liveliness.
she cherished him before he ever would.
she held out her hand for him to grasp it.
he grasped her hand and kissed it
she drags him to the parties.
he drinks in the corner.
she was desperate for love.
he did not want anymore from life.
she loved him.
he loved the body she lends to him.
she asked the question before he could.
he said “yes.”
she was thrilled.
he despised it.
she bought the house.
he got the job.
she was in-love.
he loathed life.
she danced in the kitchen.
he went to work.
she texted a friend.
he parked the car.
she strummed the guitar.
he reached for the glovebox.
she vacuumed the floor.
he pulled the trigger.
she pulled the covers over the bed.
he died instantly.
she received the call.
he looks good in navy blue.
she looks good in black.
he lives in a coffin.
she lives in an empty shell.
he lives,
while she dies.
May 2019 · 185
Haley May 2019
it is known that the average child wakes up and laughs 400 times a day. but the average adult wakes up and only laughs 17 times a day. channel your inner child and laugh till you hurt all over and your eyes are red from crying. laugh through the pain, the hurting, the anxiety, and the tears. let us all be a child again. go ahead, crack a smile and laugh.
May 2019 · 168
touch the sky
Haley May 2019
you will rise from your hole when your knees hit the ground. look up my child, you are already rising when your knees touched the ground.
May 2019 · 183
Haley May 2019
maybe one day i’ll be what you want, but do not wait too long. for the day you desire me, may be the day i no longer need you.
May 2019 · 354
we burned
Haley May 2019
we watched the walls burn down. i watched as the fire died in your eyes as our world came down around us. you watched as i fell deeper into the darkness. i was your world, and you were mine. both of us fell apart in each other’s arms. we burned into each other, scarring memories that we shall never forget.

— The End —