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Griffin Schapp Aug 2014
Run from the monster
it's chasing with a blood lust
it's roars mingle with your screams
gurgled in your blood then it is on you
you fall to the ground
the jagged rocks pulling at your skin
you rip off it's mask to reveal it's
you **** awake from the nightmare
the gruesome image still fresh in your mind
you look in the mirror
and see the monster
you see me
and I am you
Griffin Schapp Aug 2014
for just the right moment
It’s been building up for days
I need it to explode and release me
all the anger
I want to let go and scream
I can’t keep it in
let me the hell out of
the cage I call my mind
I growl and scream in frustration
nothing will happen
so frustrated
I can’t even be me
I just want to scream
every curse I know at the whole world
nothing happens
Griffin Schapp Aug 2014
being gay isn't a choice
it's a gift
being gay isn't good
it's ******* fabulous!!!!
Griffin Schapp Aug 2014
The end is near

We both know

My time with him was cut far too short

Never again will I feel the way he could make me feel

I cannot smile the way he could make for me

Only me


Until the end
Griffin Schapp Aug 2014
my silly little heart

soothed and hurt

often enough

by small things

very small things

like music

or you
Griffin Schapp Aug 2014
busted up

my heart crumbles

like a puzzle

lifted from the table

holding it together

now I need a new table

and a new heart
Griffin Schapp Aug 2014
look at a poem

read a poem

you often find happiness

hope and love


simple reader

may think this poem is broken

sad instead of happy

but still full of hope and love


it is broken

and so am I
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