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Jul 2021 · 246
Good Luck
Stratus Jul 2021
Cry your heart out
But It'll never truly help
The memories don't fade so easily
And the sweet moments
Only cover up the truth
So let it go
Don't let your head catch up
Or you'll start coming back for more
Jul 2021 · 392
Stratus Jul 2021
You were always there at my side
Like a puppy
Wagging it's tail for my attention
But you only wanted more
You clobbered me  
Bit through my flesh
Then you'd lap up my gushing blood

I sent you back to the pound
But being put down
Wasn't what you deserved
Your ginger fur gleamed
Your eyes were so soft
Your heart was so bright
Your head was held up high

If only I didn't push you away
Then you wouldn't just be a memory
Jul 2021 · 4.5k
Onion Boy
Stratus Jul 2021
Drain me with your presence
And make my adrenaline spike up
You're still nothing at all
But a disappointment
So keep dawdling
Until you go brain dead
While you cut your purple skin
And cry
Jun 2021 · 159
Fucking Beautiful
Stratus Jun 2021
I don't even need to know your name
Or what you look like
You're just amazing
For being there when I'm on the edge

Hum your lullaby
And I'll smile sweetly
You're just ******* beautiful
For doing the things you do
Jun 2021 · 152
Leave me alone
Stratus Jun 2021
Keep stalking me all you want
Even after you left me first
But dont come back crying
Like a cicada on a hot summer day
Just let me be at peace
Without your jokes
Jun 2021 · 187
Falling Back
Stratus Jun 2021
I though I'd do better
My heart was stone cold
And my resolve was strong
But you gave me peace and warmth

I still think of your face
Your beautiful brown eyes
And your sad sweet smile

I'm not hurting anymore
But I get lonely at night
Imagining my lips on your body
Or cuddling you to sleep

I've learned that I could never
Hate someone like you
You still mean everything to me
Even if we're nothing
Jun 2021 · 2.1k
I'm sorry
Stratus Jun 2021
I just wanted to make you smile
Your eyes were sad
And your heart had a void
I wanted to fill you up
And give you the warmth
That I was searching for
But I ended up making you bleed
And I'm sorry
I just wanted to love you
May 2021 · 631
Black Fire
Stratus May 2021
I'm burning up
The edges of my heart are dark
And burnt to a crisp

Even when you left
These flames couldn't be extinguished
They're just eating me up

If only you could hear
The way I scream or cry in my sleep
Then you'd know that I've always cared
May 2021 · 192
Wake me up
Stratus May 2021
Half way through the day
And I'm already half way asleep
Like being on the edge
Of reality and a dream
I don't know what's real anymore
My actions and emotions
Feel so automated
When will someone wake me up?
May 2021 · 273
Red eyes
Stratus May 2021
I'm so done with you
I won't be your number two
Once your weak and frail
I'll chew up your bones
And spit them back out

I want to hear your screams
I want to see your pool of blood
I want to see you crying
I want you dead
May 2021 · 224
Stratus May 2021
You chose your fate
So stop crying about your pain
Your love is chaotic but thick
Like a rainforest
All I ever heard were lies
You'll be lonely for a long time
So get used to it
And pick yourself up
Because I won't be there
To do it anymore
May 2021 · 150
No one's worth it
Stratus May 2021
I'd never die for you
I live for myself
But go ahead
Walk out of my life
I know I'm not number one
Still I wouldn't change who I am
You're not worth the shed of a tear
May 2021 · 156
Just a little longer
Stratus May 2021
I beg that one day
It'll all come true
So please stick around

I yearn for your touch
Your lips against mine
My hand intertwined with yours
I'd never let you go
Once I've got you where I want you
May 2021 · 235
Stratus May 2021
A tumor in the back of my head
Festers and grows
It's full of pitched black thoughts
It'll eat my sanity away
I'm forced to endure it
When I could be in a deep slumber
Apr 2021 · 367
Stratus Apr 2021
Spill the fuel
and light the match.
Once it drops, it drops.

Gasoline is a liquid,
but that doesn't mean it'll help.
If only you knew.

You're carelessness
will get you caught on fire
and I hope it burns you to a crisp.

— The End —