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 Aug 2019 Gaffer
Kite Runner
 Aug 2019 Gaffer
My heart contains
So much
It sometimes
Frightens me

And my chest tightens
Full of sparkling needles
That pierce inside out
But when I stop
And think
And see-
It also contains you

And your heart-
In a momentary fight-
Also contains mine

This makes me free
Of fear
Of bonds
Of lack of time.
Love to you.
 Aug 2019 Gaffer
 Aug 2019 Gaffer
Dolly, Dolly, play with me
let's braid your curly hair
dress you up and take you out
where everyone can see

Dolly, Dolly, sleep with me
let's curl up here in bed
I'll be your warmth if you lie still
and give in to my every dream

Dolly, Dolly, look at me
why do you not respond?
I'm calling you, Dolly, dear
why aren't you returning?

Dolly, Dolly, I'm sorry, dear
I haven't time to wait
my fingers ache, my body breaks
I must be leaving here

Dolly, Dolly, buried there
six feet under my creation
Here Lies Dolly, Beloved Plaything
played to death by strangulation.
You are a Wonder, a Miracle, Someone very Special indeed in all ways.
You are an Island that has tasted the Rain and knows it is Good.
You are a beautiful Creation , because only Beautiful has God created.
For His Love reigns in you now and always, God bless you too.
I just want you to know just how special that you truly are in every way.
Because Christ knew you all before He even created you in your mom womb.
He knows everything from the beginning in the wombs to our last breath.
You are truly beautiful to Him in all of your deep Love for him and the Father.
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