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Science advances misery
I write about you because I need you to exist in my world somewhere, to remind myself that you were real. That we were real.
 Jan 2021 Asa Levens
John Destalo
like the moon
I go through


some of my
lights go out

and I become
dull and distant

give me time
they will come

back on

like the moon
I do not ask

for praise or

it is just a

I am going through
 Jan 2021 Asa Levens
JG O'Connor
In the dark of the night,
I will dig my own grave.
I will smile as I lie in it,
Looking at the stars.
The earth will caress me,
Like an old pal.
It wont judge me,
Or berate me for my absence.
And if there is enough spirit,
Left in me.
Perhaps a flower,
Will start to grow,
And replace me.
 Jan 2021 Asa Levens
 Jan 2021 Asa Levens
I hit my peak so long ago
I was six, on top of the world
On top of the jungle gym,
Not that it was different.
But since then,
rolling downhill
um so I'm not gonna post that often anymore (not like I ever did, but) I got a ukelele and it inspired me to finally put music to the poems I write (which usually I have a tune in my head when I write them) I've been meaning to start writing music for a while, and I'm finally doing it :)
 Jan 2021 Asa Levens
 Jan 2021 Asa Levens
And I will forever chase the dream that knocks on my door

And you will forever hold the keys

Know that I’m here for you

You don’t have to fear  

I saw the sea in you

While I’m full of black and blues
 Jan 2021 Asa Levens
 Jan 2021 Asa Levens
It was a beautiful day

Don’t you remember ?

Sunlight danced off the leaves

The last time we met, our love was there

Our love filled the places were we walked

I told you to give your tears to my ears

and come meet me

Meet me in 2001
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