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186 · Jan 2018
Past life
Anna-Marie Rose Jan 2018
I know now how it is
Looking in the window,
Of your own life.

Seeing the dark,
shadow of the life you once loved

Now but a empty space
a dusty room
A few cobwebs forming

So much denial
So much build up pain
the flame that once
Burned bright

Dimmed down to
A cloudy

So much wastes time and
Put on pretending it wasn't real

To finally accept the truth
Is beyond

I would rather walk backwards  then to
Relive that past
183 · Jun 2018
Messed it up again
Anna-Marie Rose Jun 2018
Ya right
You did it again
Messed it all up
I don't know where to begin
180 · May 2019
July 2018
Anna-Marie Rose May 2019
Somewhere in this world is the
Reason ..
I get mind ****** If I had no skills
He wouldn't still be with me
I'm sure of it ..
Selfish to think
I was really that important

Actualy quite the opposite
My tongue is just the Reason to
Pretends he cares

I'm just a waste if time
He says he doesn't deserve me

Maybe I am just a battle ship
Waiting to sink
Over speak and over. Think
Pitiful to think I was better then
Her .. He whorshiped the ground she walked on .. I will never stand a chance
She will always rule the shadows of my relationship
Taunting hiim

He could have her but got stuck with. Me
Im so bitter to say things
lashing out of anger
But I feel as if I'm just tge second choice cuz he couldn't have her
He dumped me for her December 22 2018
180 · Dec 2020
Anna-Marie Rose Dec 2020
The way he holds me in his arms
The smile on his handsome face,
The look in his blue eyes
The way in which he smells,
The sound of his  gentle voice.

The sound of his laughter
His sweet kisses
Being wrapped in his love
Feeling the warmth of his skin
The way he always spoils me
he always calls me "Annie"
179 · Apr 2017
Your worth it
Anna-Marie Rose Apr 2017
Respect thy self
Know your worth it
Don't let anyone
Walk on you
Love with all your heart
Don't give up
177 · Dec 2018
Anna-Marie Rose Dec 2018
Uneven ground, I stumble around trying to catch my footing

My head is foggy and everything seems unreal
Not sure if I am just dreaming or if it's real

My hands shake as if I'm
Nervous but my
Mind can't grasp reality

Not on anything
But this constant
Dizzy feeling
Dares me to stray
172 · Jun 2018
Hard lessons
Anna-Marie Rose Jun 2018
Lesson learnt the hard way
Seems to be the only way that I can get it through my head
This is true
Its said
Tough love
I've been fed!
Change was only found
When I
Decide to change
That is how it always rains
I let My chains come off
Now Im free
172 · Jun 2018
My oldest daughter (Sadie)
Anna-Marie Rose Jun 2018
A sorry thought
A dried up tear
A broken promise
A never here
A why did you go
An I don't have a home
A empty life
A messed up strife
A broken bone
A person that's going to cry
This damaged mind
A terrible lie
Never belonged cry
A reality that hurts
That makes me know
I have hurt you the most
I wish it want so
I let you down and let you go
And you don't really know
If I love you like I said
Im really sorry.
That I caused this sadness AnD dread
You need to know I honestly really loved you so .
Its was me that was weak
Broken and alone
My Selfish thoughts
Broke up your home
Its not that I wanted to just give you away
It was what I thought was right where the darkest days would become your light .. These people Rochelle And Jesse were the miracles that shined
And would make you happy once again
But I hope you know I love you so
More then you will ever know
I love you forever
And always
My beautiful first born
My sweet precious gift.

Mersadie your the light
Where it all begins again
Someday we will meet again
I love your Mersadie Lynn Black
168 · Jul 2018
Stale smoke
Anna-Marie Rose Jul 2018
A spiral of smoke
       Satin rose petals
         Delicate tears
From your Deepest thoughts
Anna-Marie Rose May 2018
Sitting in this place the are   lights off in My Brain and millions  spots filling these circles with black circled dots, darkness is coming for my soul but wont my body  because it old
I'm holding my head I can't help it if  frown there is a sound coming from the other room a feeling that gets louder boom boom every second every time every clock that takes rings alarm clock like it's the morning after your brain has mastered every thought and every second and every word every reason every hope God forsaken place that I've ever held in my heart these are the words that are engraved into the world for I will not leave without giving you that one thing you hope for the most to give you the piece of paper that holds my fate.I  might face my desire My ending on a downward slate messed up trials the messed up  I gave up my Reasons I fed up I'm telling you those aren't the only things that mark as a spot in my head I do walk in and I was of my hard headed my mind wondering who is on my side is there only to have this place that is locked away with a key Unstoppable decisions that make my consequences good choices I make other good or bad it's for that sake or is it opened you can be free step on to this sand make your heart make your choice to start up to you give it the world your choice to make it true if there's only place that you can erase your thoughts or you can write I ought to know there's a note on the bathroom door it says please go to the store but can you realize you are not only there as a slave to this world but be gentle in your words in your touch in your mind some people can't spot that quickening that has you wishing you could finish before the end don't be so quick to make a decision that is where you could find your parts of the world that the words  are supposed to out of time they don't rhyme that doesn't matter who's defined that is your magic place in time. A magical space is truly kind the feeling of hope that makes you rewind closing down your brain making your heart train that is the magical place you start to feel like you actually have a part this world is a big one but you can start by picking up the pieces that were messed up from the start closing everything like it's a Gallery of Art you don't show the world if the missing piece that won't be seen and we'll get old collect dust and no one will see with the tween lines of each piece of paper that you signed that is how you know is fate coming to take its place and rate you a place that makes you great be able to see it and no it is true no one is knocking on the door but you stand up and be seen throw the world the words of the Unseen that is finally a good place to be nothing left but a good night sleep
Make it what you want cuz I ain't got it exclamation for every poem it comes out of my head and there goes on the *** *** piece of paper to show the world
159 · Apr 2022
Problematic jester!
Anna-Marie Rose Apr 2022
My dying heart was never important  to you,
My careless words
Never sunk in.
My guilty thoughts almost busted at the seams,
How can I hide my face if you were never looking in the first place.

You can never move the pieces,
If you do not  understand the object of the game.
Nervous you clutch the wheel unable to drive
Sinking I am unable to stay afloat.

Breathless and broken down,
I give in
No longer afraid to disappoint you.

For you were never the one whom
I was suppose to show my art work to,
Just the fool in disguise.
Lessons are there for us to learn  in due tike
159 · Apr 2017
Anna-Marie Rose Apr 2017
Emotional overload destruction, malfunction  
The wall that I built
Is starting to crumble
So much pressure
I can't hold it in much longer I just want to scream on the top of the Mountain as loud as can be
158 · May 2018
I am a warrior not a victim
Anna-Marie Rose May 2018
I'm not in pain glad to be out of the rain you were never shelter you were just a memory I was supposed to get have a lesson learned now it's past never going to give you a chance to see me cry I'm not no baby cuz I'm a warrior I'm no victim I'm a hard-headed Soldier and opinionated woman with the attitude don't **** around with me cuz I'll give you no choice but to go I'm never going to sit here and cry alone cuz you didn't do what you thought you did you didn't make me less than you I've learned a lesson because of you I can live on I can be happy I've moved on no more ******* no more lies I don't have to deal with you making me cry I'm a better person now.. I  will put a tattoo of this day a memory of why I'll never stay don't settle for less than you want because it is ******* guaranteed never need to flaunt!
152 · Dec 2018
Lessons of life!
Anna-Marie Rose Dec 2018
Sometimes the world wants to watch as you fall,  
but you got to get up and pull your big girl ******* up try again and again.

dont hesitate
152 · Dec 2018
Sweet love
Anna-Marie Rose Dec 2018
Sweet love
How I need
Your love

Sweet love
how I crave
make you ***

Our sweet love
It makes
Me blush

Sweet love
I have so much fun

Sweet Love
Thank you for loving me

Sweet love
Your my everything

Sweet love
Is what we have
And no one can take it from us

Sweet love
Thats us
Douglas black I love you
152 · Feb 2021
These Goosebumps
Anna-Marie Rose Feb 2021
Goosebumps appear right before
The sharp needle pierces my ivory skin.
This elixir that I crave to inject into my veins is arousing.

Happens to be nothing more electrifying or exciting to feel as a euphoria begins rushing thru my entire body.
Pumping the intoxicating elixir to my *** and down into my wet *****
This pleasure is so  complex it's extraordinary.

I crave Daddy's thickness deep in  my *****.

I need to feel him deep inside me penetrating my core
I can't help but explode as my cummies overflow all over the bed.
****** ecstasy, remastered reflections
150 · Nov 2018
New journey
Anna-Marie Rose Nov 2018
Joy is so good
To be whole again
No mistakes
Left not learned
As I look towards
The future
It looks good!
146 · Jun 2018
Crimson tears
Anna-Marie Rose Jun 2018
She cries crimson tears
The sadness tortures her
    every thought
Its like a knife stabbing
  Her over and over
   A mother without
   The babies she bore
Is a devastating destruction
That kills her very slow!
140 · May 2018
How dare he
Anna-Marie Rose May 2018
How dare you judge,
Actually assume
Im a fool
My life is so ****** up
And you seem to think .. we are suppose to maintain a
Decent amount of commuacation
Your not suppose to be a burden to ask outlandish
Stating that my reaons for not speaking all day to you or when you see fit.
Your making a mockery of my trust in your
A ****** off if you want me to gravel at your feet
139 · Feb 2018
Done with this
Anna-Marie Rose Feb 2018
Over being accused of things,

Sick of the fights
And the childish  *******
I slave away to help you
To make you happy and
In return
I just told I'm a cheater and a no good *******
**** that the ice runs thin and I'm not about to be belittle any longer
139 · Apr 2017
shattered lives
Anna-Marie Rose Apr 2017
Broken homes
And shattered lives
Sorrow roams thick
In many of our own lives
Some people hearts
Others stay hollow
137 · Feb 2018
Fakes n liars
Anna-Marie Rose Feb 2018
Enjoy this night
Just for tonight
Love me
Just for tonight
Kiss me
Its okay
Its alright
I don't want to be alone
Stay with me

Ya right
What a joke
Seems its all it takes
Is one lie
Now your standing
Passion is a joke
If your only
Use me
And confuse me
Be a real man
Choose me or lose me
My heart is not meant
To be strung along
Like I was a
Just some bet made with your friends
So you can laugh it off later
High five
your friends
Thumbs up
I won't believe you
137 · Jan 2019
Anna-Marie Rose Jan 2019
Never mind that I'm not good enough.

Never been alive for real.

Thoughts in my head
Get twisted up.

Oh her she isn't here
A forgotten waste
Of flesh.

Never get to see
The joy in life.

Never to walk this Earth again,
Ghosts from her  past
Haunt each breath

Violence is all to common
Snakes can't resist the taste.

Such a evil place
She does go in her head
Good bye for now

I love you
  This soul is gone too far.

Always a day late or a dollar short

This rope is strong enough
For this death
Near me.

Tomorrow don't forget to wave, when you wake up and see my face.
Cuz the answers are never carved in stone

And my death
Is a art work for
The saddest part

Never being enough
I gave away my heart
135 · Dec 2020
Echoes from my mind
Anna-Marie Rose Dec 2020
Her fair porcelain skin was exceptiona soft and radiant
Her face a rare beauty
Those eyes a spectacular dark  green
Never mind the scars deep into her core
Because she remained the same every day.
So easy to trick her sanity
She chooses the  make-believe world

The manner in which they move around the room
His arms stretch out to he pulls her in
The dances that last all night
The pair seems to be a beautiful sight
The audience cheers
Applause all around
The clock ticks on by
In the enchanted  realm
It could survive the hardest  part
Growing old and forgetting the moments that keep her alive

Soon the world goes dark
As she sits alone in the empty room
Though she tries as she closes her eyes
She remembers it all
Twirling around
The star of the ball

Tears began in
to fall, Once again
Its all past
Reliving the continuous life that
She wishes would have

She opens her eyes
Touching her face and looking in the mirror
She once again notices the wrinkles on her old skin
And thoughts of him so near
Loving him so much
When he died so young
The only world she lives in is the one in her head
Where they are 25
having the time of their lives
And early morning hours
Around swinging here and there
Tripping and falling
And giggling and having a wonderful time
To be in love so young
Only nothing last forever time does move on
Her heart begins to break
This is more then she can take
She comes to the dance floor every evening after 4 pm
To pick up her granddaughter who practices every day
She promises her lover
To continue with her dreams
But she can't so she live thru her granddaughter.
133 · Jun 2018
Anna-Marie Rose Jun 2018
Saddness creeps
Into my brain

My uneasy heart
Tuggs at the strings
My mind has been warpped
Under other peoples. Views and opinions
My broken view of the world is unclear
Im a mistake
Im a burden
Im just a waste of time
Those words have.been etched
Into my thoughts

Cuz over and over my mother.
My grandmother
My demons
Do curse me
beat me down
Make me believe the words
And i have becomem a wasted life
Now i believe
Im not important
Not worth tje effort
Others are better
If they stay far away
From me
So i don't( ruin anymore peoples lives)
Im a failure
Im a **** up
A. Ctazy freak
Im ruined my life
And i hate myself
Because all i ever wanted was to be the best mom i could be
n i failed i ******
Up. I ruuined it so bad
I miss my kids so much ot hurts but they are mostly better without me around
Everything i touch becomes tainted
132 · Nov 2018
Just my brain
Anna-Marie Rose Nov 2018
This disarray in my head
is a unhinged reality.

Everything's unstable  
The plans become void
As always enabling each other, a destructive cyclone of dysfunctional
130 · Dec 2018
Hear me roar 2019
Anna-Marie Rose Dec 2018
So I am a beautiful, intelligent, creative and strong woman.
Anyone that gets to be a part of my life is privileged and should be honored to be there,
so I'm going into 2019 with a simple but honest truth.
I will overcome, I will better myself and I have no fear because I will raise above all these troubles!!
I'm a warrior woman (HEAR ME ROAR)
130 · Dec 2017
To change a face
Anna-Marie Rose Dec 2017
Looking out the window out Into the cold dark world.
Seeing all the damage
That people have been thrown.
Walkig past one another
Each and every day
Not even looking at each other as they pass their ways.
Sadness fills their own heads
Makes them blind and mute
Never even smile
Blank looks or dismay
So caught off guard
They don't even bother to say ''hey''
How are you to day
And even then if they do
The other people say,''good or fine''
Most likely That Not even close to the actions and feelings that
Are just below the surface
Taunting their brains
Suffocating their realities
Creating havoc and chaos every turn
Alone in a world with people all around
Somehow its true but you
Can't forget the your Own views.
You don't have a clue
What others think. Or do

Melting into the oblivous
Having the courage to be different
To strive to lend a hand
To go out of your way to connect to others
And she the gain.
Know that all of us have struggles and all of us Feel pain
But being kind and doing your best to fill their voids.
Show people that are almost ready to give up that their is another way
Share your voice. Share your hearts
Change a view or a soul
Make them all feel better
Even if its just a smile and to say .
I hope you have a nice day
At least you tried to make. Someone
Happy just one more day.

By Anna Marie rose How are
12- 17-2017
Anna-Marie Rose Feb 2021
Currently,  there has been so much craziness going on, that I don't have a clue what is really happening in my life.
126 · Jun 2020
Self discovery
Anna-Marie Rose Jun 2020
There are only so many things a person can ask themselves before,
Coming to the conclusions of self-awareness and arriving into the car the called adulthood.

And honestly, the only thing I felt was a need
In dire of change.
Im in need of self-evaluation.

6yrs is not a long time. but to me, it was a century too long.
I was like why did it take so long to realize this.
To start the process of following through with the steps in the right direction to begin the new path towards becoming the person I wanted to be.

I am exactly who I should have been.
Exactly what I thought I should be!
IF I hadn't gone through all these Terrible struggles
I would never have gotten to the point of self-awareness and the nagging need to change who I had become.

I am extremely proud to say Im happy to be me and be alive to acknowledge the I not happy continuing down the same road, I have been traveling the past 6 years.
One mistake does not mean I have stayed an addict, Im gonna stand up and gave myself a hand
Truly thankful to my lord and savior!  If not for him who has molded me, shape me into the woman I am today. I've gone through some horrible things that no  woman should have to deal with but if it wasn't for those experiences;
I tell you now I probably would not be the woman I am today but the strength I have now and the heart I have and the morals and values have I would not be who I am if it wasn't for all that ******* I had to go through.

Have discovered who I want to be and I have started a path 2 make sure that I get to where I need to be so that I can be so secure and be happy in my own skin living my own independent life and no one can be expected to do this without self-awareness and the ability to want to change the life Experiences in the dramatic drastic. obstacles I have faced.
I went down a self- destructive path, my downward spiral doesn't have to be the end of my story nope.
Cuz that is just the end of that chapter and Im closing one door and looking for the options of what other desirable doors
Are in front of me.

That's an inspiring story,
Hope you're ready to watch because Im going in head first
126 · Feb 2019
The little things
Anna-Marie Rose Feb 2019
Seems the little things are what I want to the most, but you're too busy chasing that **** bag .

Here we go again with the intent to get higher than last time.

Each day you are frantically trying to find a bowl of dope to fill that Little
122 · Jun 2020
My Love
Anna-Marie Rose Jun 2020
Unsure of what is to come in our future. All I do know is how profound my love for you has become.

I do recognize we are only human, I have to allow you make any *****-ups needed so as to learn and grow.
My sweet friend as well as lover, I honestly believe that my inclination for you will only grow as time goes on.

The good and mighty Lord has a plan. So I pray with my heart and soul that he sows the path that we will be astonished with.
For Dougie
120 · Jun 2018
Anna-Marie Rose Jun 2018
Struggling to cope
Strung out on dope
Seems there's no hope
Everyone thinks
A joke
Can't stay afloat
Looking at life thru
A microscope
This poem needs rewrote
119 · Nov 2019
Better days
Anna-Marie Rose Nov 2019
My sweet love
You hold my heart
in your hands.
A fierce wind blows up
Of our lives
Knowing that you
Are the reason why
I want to be alive
Better than the alternative
Loathing my life
Has been a long saddened pain
Hopefully I can see
Thru the rain, to a better day.
As you hold my hand along the way
Thru and thru
You been there to
Help me up when I fall
I glad you have been there thru it all
It's the same reason that
I know things will be alright
Being able to someday sing
Will be a delight
117 · Jun 2019
Thru my eyes
Anna-Marie Rose Jun 2019
I just wrote another poem
And thought I would share

Well here it is

---------------Looking out the window out Into the cold dark world.
Seeing all the damage
That people have been thrown.
Walkig past one another
Each and every day
Not even looking at each other as they pass their ways.
Sadness fills their own heads
Makes them blind and mute
Never even smile
Blank looks or dismay
So caught off guard
They don't even bother to say ''hey''
How are you to day
And even then if they do
The other people say,''good or fine''
Most likely That Not even close to the actions and feelings that
Are just below the surface
Taunting their brains
Suffocating their realities
Creating havoc and chaos every turn
Alone in a world with people all around
Somehow its true but you
Can't forget the your Own views.
You don't have a clue
What others think. Or do

Melting into the oblivous
Having the courage to be different
To strive to lend a hand
To go out of your way to connect to others
And she the gain.
Know that all of us have struggles and all of us Feel pain
But being kind and doing your best to fill their voids.
Show people that are almost ready to give up that their is another way
Share your voice. Share your hearts
Change a view or a soul
Make them all feel better
Even if its just a smile and to say .
I hope you have a nice day
At least you tried to make. Someone
Happy just one more day.

By Anna Marie rose Howard
12- 17-2017
115 · Jan 2018
113 · Jun 2020
Goodbye, my friend
Anna-Marie Rose Jun 2020
The heartbreaking hours before our sweet undeserving pooch took his last breath.  June 6th, 2020 at 2:30 am.
My significant grief isn't exactly going to go away that quickly. My tears are unavoidable.
Now everything feels bizarre and empty.
My bobo passed away
111 · Jun 2018
My oral fixation
Anna-Marie Rose Jun 2018
**** is his
game, fire in his eyes make me feast on what's inside I see his **** smile
he glows from
From all the happiness  that courses through his veins,
How happy he does looks,
now I know he's what it took.
To make me happy and make me scream to make me beg on my knees funny how it is to have a surprise when I get his cream in my eyes.
It's in my nature to be naughty I look at my daddy with,  staring him down knowing I will soon make his frown turned upside down
when I grab him by the **** oh I know isn't it hot!
In my mouth his **** does now slide and its leaking from the tip oh how I want it. it's mine
Oh how lovely I get a treat such a wonderful thing to eat.
A fixation so sweet I'm obsessed with his moans and the way he bucks his hips.
It truly makes me wild to make him satisfied for a little while and then just before he ****.I pull it out of my mouth I slowly lick the tip then a shiver does goes down his spine.then of course I put my whole mouth on it and give him the best ****** of all times.
Yet for I have to get a kiss from him so gently and so soft it makes me feel deeply that I need his ******* **** so you can't come in and find out what other stuff will begin!
So in love with this man that's what my notes should be I hope you understand I didn't realize how much was right in front of my eyes and tell it was right there under my nose that's what I realized he's the right one I chose
111 · Jun 2019
A poem for my notebook 2015
Anna-Marie Rose Jun 2019
My heart is broken down
My mind is gone
My body is numb
These moments of sadness
Are killing me ... Been thinking too much and
My tears aren't falling anymore
Just red swollen N puffy eyes
I can't .. LIE sometimes I want to die
To end it so much
Going to sleep in the freezin cold ...
Seems like.. Life isn't important anymore
110 · Nov 2020
We fear the beast
Anna-Marie Rose Nov 2020
Often there seems to be a chill that does run down my spine,
I look to my Daddy to reassure me that
There is in fact nothing to be worried about,
But lately it just isn't that way ,
I know in my soul that something wicked this way comes and I fear that in this here land of the free,
It isn't going to be such Great place to be much longer.
As I linger in the moment and Think of this how the bizzare Election went down, I doubt my Daddy can stop the winds that have come change.
This doomed land of ours has almost slipped from grasp,
Will we be able to overcome this rage or will we fall defeat to the other side duality of this follies pride and watch as the beasts collide
106 · Apr 2020
Really tho
Anna-Marie Rose Apr 2020
Your warmth is delightful just  being your arms.
This world seem less stressful when your around.
  Now huge shocker my life has become shattered  beginning to rip into the fabric of my so called life.
How I miss all your affection that you gave me and cuddles soak up like a sponge.
I need you in my life more than you know to be my partner in crime,
The Rock in my life.
The only home I truly know
I cant lose you tho.
106 · Nov 2020
Too many
Anna-Marie Rose Nov 2020
Many things
I have too many things in my life
Too many reasons why
I have too many excuses
Too many thoughts
To many issues
Too many tissues
I have too sad things in life
Too many friends that
Come unglued
Too many nights
I stewed
Too many mistakes
Too many ******* things that
******* *****
But for **** sake
I'm glad that
You were all I needed
You were all I wanted and you were just right,
Not too much of you.
Too many
105 · Apr 2020
Anna-Marie Rose Apr 2020
I feel like a side burner ..
My heart was just instantly frozen and it has to stay in the deep cold freezer so not to shatter..
104 · Dec 2019
Anna-Marie Rose Dec 2019
Always thinking of you,
It fills my Head with passion  and ***
This beautiful love
I need you in bed.
You are my inspiration my sweet Daddy your so handsome and your intelligent mind
This feeling you give,
is something I seek.
It's just so relieving,
anytime you speak.
I love how you sing,
And kiss my lips,
Kissing you is my favorite way to pass the time.
Oh how I love our talk
Where I can always be myself.
Leaving nothing out,
whether it maddens or soothes us.
Your soul just emits,
an intoxicant that calms me.
And when we touch,
this mood just emgulfs me.
It binds me tight,
locked in your sweet release.
Then time slows down,
til the silence has ceased.
But during that moment,
I've begun to beleive.
That your voice,
is really,
the only one I need.
102 · Feb 2018
My dread
Anna-Marie Rose Feb 2018
Oh my
What is this life
A doomed life
I have to live
I seem to dread
Another reason
To go to bed
A ****** up memory in my head
All the things that they said
A ruined pathway
I have lead
A empty heart
Needing to be fed
Negative thoughts
100 · Jun 2018
Anna-Marie Rose Jun 2018
I live shadows
Of my own

Afraid to show

Real me
100 · Jan 2020
My lover
Anna-Marie Rose Jan 2020
I'm always thinking of you,
This makes my head fill with passion and ***.
It's that beautiful kind of love
God, how our *** life is intense!

You're a sweet inspiration,
I believe your beyond handsome.
With that intelligent mind of yours,
it keeps me intrigued day after day.
Just remember you're stuck with me.

This feeling you give
Is something I seek.
It's relieving anytime you speak,
Oh how I love when you sing.
And the way you kiss my lips
kissing you is my favorite way to pass time,
its utterly bliss.

How I love the way we can talk about anything..
I can always be myself!  I never leave
Anything out, whether it maddens or soothes us.

Your soul is intoxicating and radiates a feeling  that calms me.
It is such a wonderful feeling to have you.

I thank God,  every day  for you,
Because you are the only place in this world that I belong.

Our chemistry works without much effort
I think it's because you make me so happy
  As always 3 kisses,  we have made a requirement.
Whenever we make love don't forget those *** sandwiches.
Maybe we should stock up before because by the
end of the sessions, we're always hungry and thirsty.

As I lay in your arms nothing else matters.
Next there is your voice, soft and gentle
It make all the difference.
I don't want anyone else because you are one for me.
It's truly my happily ever after.
Daddy little girl,
98 · May 2019
November 2018
Anna-Marie Rose May 2019
I am such a compulsive disaster, my foolish behavior is outrageous  considering my unstable rollercoaster ride I have allowed myself to endure.

My  lover and my partner in life as much as I'm undoubtedly love him with every bone in my body..we are a prime illustration on how we enable each other. As well as procrastinate or another way of saying it would be  
drag your feet
on extremely important decisions that shouldn't be put off .
97 · Oct 2018
My life
Anna-Marie Rose Oct 2018
I live on the streets
Cuz I have no home
Cold nights
Can be rough

Coughing and stuffy nose
Freezing nightz
Hot dayz
So tired
Cops ticket you
No trespassing
No place of my own

No one seems to care
This life
Is ****
Suffocating air
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