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Nov 2015 · 373
9:51 PM
Eva D Nov 2015
The touch of his hand in places unfamiliar.
Knowing that one day this might just **** her.
How slutty, how ***** it all is. Anything, anywhere just to feel like his.
Oct 2015 · 333
9:44 PM
Eva D Oct 2015
They've said it all, hundreds of times
I've convinced myself that innocence is a crime
Compliments down-pouring, flooding my ears
But when I'm alone, I'm staring in mirrors
The boys wanting and willing to chase
But every night I lie alone, tears racing down my face.
Oct 2015 · 365
10:24 PM
Eva D Oct 2015
Once upon a time, I wanted you mine.
There was no happy ending,
and I'm sick of this rhyme.
Aug 2015 · 314
Eva D Aug 2015
Have you ever felt so hollow, yet so heavy? Where everything pleasant has been drained and you're weighed down by the airy substance of sorrow?
Jun 2015 · 376
9:12 PM
Eva D Jun 2015
I laid lifeless on my white sheets.
My head spinning, dancing to a beat.
I stare at the ceiling of darkness, completely black.
Wondering how my life got so out of whack.
My lungs heavy from so much smoke.
Re-playing the promises you once spoke.
I don't want to be alone, so please, I beg.
Pick up the phone.
Jun 2015 · 729
10:14 PM
Eva D Jun 2015
I was just a delicate object.
Sitting in the window of a store. I'd been tarnished and broke, but managed to stay secure.
You fell in love with my beauty and you claimed me as your own.
Slowly I began to lose my shine.
Now I'm just an inconvenience to your toyed world. Sitting in the dark, for no one to see what I'm worth.
May 2015 · 389
4:49 PM
Eva D May 2015
He uses her.
And she knows.
It's okay.
Maybe because it's better to be used than not wanted at all.
Dec 2014 · 772
Eva D Dec 2014
Eventually our paths will cross one day, just promise you won't keep walking.
Dec 2014 · 296
8:13 PM
Eva D Dec 2014
I ran away from love, and it didn't try to catch up. But even though love didn't chase, it still won the race, just not with me.
Oct 2014 · 543
8:05 pm
Eva D Oct 2014
He doesn't ponder how she is.
He doesn't wonder who she's with.
He doesn't realize what they had.
He doesn't know how
her mind has gone mad.
Now they act as strangers
As if it never happened.
But you see that is the danger,  
With love,
Everyone starts as strangers.
Oct 2014 · 370
9:31 pm
Eva D Oct 2014
She admires the mess of constellations. She is intrigued by the uncertainty of darkness.
She falls deeply for the freedom in the night.
They tell her she doesn't know what love is.
She laughs at their blindness.
For she knows she has fallen deep in love with the night sky.
Oct 2014 · 567
2:13 pm
Eva D Oct 2014
There's a clutter in my brain.
A tangle in my heart.
A cat has my tongue.
I can't think straight.
Nothing seems to go.
I'm at a standstill.
My eyes wander.
My mind is a disaster.
I'm at the corner of life and lust.
Oh the mess I made.
Oh the mess I am.
Oct 2014 · 239
7:19 pm
Eva D Oct 2014
She reflects on her day.
Her heart wandering
through her thoughts.
All the faces. All the voices.
All the same hellos and all
the same "see you laters".
She waited for the
only hello she wanted.
She reflects on her day.
Her sad little day.

— The End —