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Mar 2016 · 231
A Broken System
Kyle Janisch Mar 2016
Start from the bottom
Work your way up
Go through the daily grind
Until you throw up
You must work hard to advance
In a system that’s corrupt
Business moguls run the game
How am I supposed to make the climb up?
If I’m down here, looking up
At the ivory towers claimed by the corrupt
How am I going to get my chance?
To make a name for myself
I am no different than an old toy forgotten;
And perched upon an old shelf
The system is broke
It no longer works
It is corrupt and unjust
It’s time to find one that works
Mar 2016 · 192
Eternal Torment
Kyle Janisch Mar 2016
I hate this sadness inside me
I wish that it would go
But I realize that if it no longer resides inside me
I will no longer feel whole
It’s sadness that makes me, me
I hate that this is true
I don’t want it
But I need it
For me to be me
How long must I endure such punishment?
I just wish to be free
Feb 2016 · 162
My Missing Piece
Kyle Janisch Feb 2016
O’ fair maiden, how I yearn for you. You complete me, you are my sun and my moon. You are the flower, reaching full bloom. The spirit that resides in all of us, making a better man out of me is what you will do. If only you would take my hand, held out to thee in compassion. Thou are my one and only. You are my sun and my moon.
Feb 2016 · 156
Through the Cracks
Kyle Janisch Feb 2016
I remember when I was young
Bent and broken
Seeing the world through the black void
Wishing life would cease from my body
But then I found light
Seeping through the cracks
Reminding me life is beautiful
That it's beyond the black vision portrayed onto me
I crawled into the light
Bathing in it's beauty
I am reborn as a beacon of light
I now spread this message
To all who see the world through the void
Never stop searching for light
It will forever be available to you
Never lose hope
Feb 2016 · 176
The Child within Us
Kyle Janisch Feb 2016
I write like a child, but is that such a bad thing?
The way the child inside wished to be set free
Becoming one with the words;
I place before thee
Take a good long look at this child
For this child is me
Feb 2016 · 669
Astrological Prophicies
Kyle Janisch Feb 2016
I met a man today, old and brittle, I could tell he was filled with knowledge of this world, he had answers to the questions that I was still asking. I walking by when he stopped me. “Young man, may I speak with you for a moment”?
“Certainly, what can I do for you”?
“I understand you’re still young, but could I ask you a question”?
“Have you discovered the meaning of life”? “I mean your meaning of life, the one specifically designed for you”?
“I think so, yes”
“Would you explain it to me”?
“Well, I think I was placed in this world to make people happy, I’m not sure why, but I feel that this is my true purpose. I love making people smile and laugh, I love bringing joy to all, young and old. I can’t explain it, but I get this feeling whenever I accomplish this goal, like it was written in the stars. I believe that is my true purpose in this life.”
The old man began to smile as soon as I finished my story and instantly stood up and hugged me.
“Young man, your story has made me very happy, I can tell that you will bring joy and happiness back into this world”
“Thank you, but why did you stop and ask me this question when you could’ve asked any other person around here”?
“There was something about you, I feel as if it was written in the universe that we meet, call it our destiny to meet each other”
“I feel it too, almost like déjà vu, thank you”
“No need to thank me, but rather thank the universe”
As he finished, he got up and began walking away, continuing on with his journey through life. Was it written in the stars that we met? I’m not sure, but I’m glad we did. Perhaps he was some sort of guardian angel, sent to make sure I realized my true purpose in life. I suppose only the stars know the future.
Now I begin my journey, to restore joy and happiness to the world which has become filled with sadness and hate, for this is my mission and always has been. I feel as if I’ll see the man again, but only time will tell.
The future looks promising, just as the universe has always had planned.
Feb 2016 · 219
Makeshift Politics
Kyle Janisch Feb 2016
Flying up above
Looking down below
All I can see is a war torn world
A man made product
A group of beings who make up excuses for inhumane conduct
Lies conjured specifically to make others suffer
Those who differ from another
“Be the same or don’t be”
That’s the motto we live by
Or at least that’s how it seems
Hearts once pure now blackened with greed
Hearts belonging to those in charge
Oh how they spew lies
Democracy and freedom for all
Perhaps the biggest lie of all
Feb 2016 · 262
Peaceful Beings
Kyle Janisch Feb 2016
Walking through the fields of grass
No shoes upon my feet
I can feel the earth below caress my soles
Reminding me that the world knows peace;
And it wishes to share
This wonderful gift, by showing what it means;
To be kind and gentle to another being
No need for unnecessary violence
We could learn a lot from nature
If only we would listen
Open our hearts and silence our mouths
Let the voice of peace enter our hearts, minds, and souls
Perhaps then we could too become peaceful beings
Feb 2016 · 143
Seeing Isn't Believing
Kyle Janisch Feb 2016
As I lay in the roses
Staring at the sky
Watching how the clouds move slowly
Forming shapes before my eyes
Only then do I realize
Gazing into the heavens
That the chances of us being all alone down here
Are very slim to none
When will they come visit us?
Perhaps they already have
I think they may walk among us
They could be your mom or dad
Who’s to say they don’t exist
For that I don’t believe
I wish they would come soon
For I am ready to leave
Feb 2016 · 202
Me, Myself, And I
Kyle Janisch Feb 2016
If you don’t learn to love yourself, then who else is going to love you? No one will love you the way you deserve to be loved, no matter how much they claim too. You are truly alone in this world, no one to look out for you but yourself. No one will stand by your side until you both turn to ash. Learning to love yourself is the most important thing you can do, do not wait for someone else to love you, for in the end there is only you.
Feb 2016 · 155
Prince of Darkness
Kyle Janisch Feb 2016
As I ascend into the heavens
I can hear demons laugh and angels weep
At the thought that something so unholy
Could rise up into the holy kingdom
And as I grow closer, the fires of Hell trailing behind
I reach for the glowing gates
I grab ahold and make my way through
Chaos walks with me, the kingdom fills with doom
I begin my mission, for I am minion of Hell
I have breached the Lands of prosperity;
And will soon burn it to the ground
This kingdom will be mine
This I am sure of
For I will do whatever it takes
I will rip the wings from angels
Turn their halos into symbols of pain
For this is my promise
I have nothing to lose;
And all to gain
For I am already dead
Suffering is all I have to my name
This world will crumble
This world will bear my pain
For I am no one
Seeking lifelong fame
My mission is over
The Heavens now burn with my flames
Feb 2016 · 174
Spring Fever
Kyle Janisch Feb 2016
Snow yields and rain begins to fall
The ground becomes visible, and grass begins to grow
As we transition from winter into spring
The birds no longer hide;
For they come out in the open and fill the world with song
We strip off our jackets
T-shirts and shorts, now visible to the eye
Flowers begin to spurt from the ground;
The heavens above begin to cry
Showering love and affection, down onto the earth below
For flowers are not the only things that get to grow
A new season is upon us
The last packs up and goes
Humans stand tall next to the flowers
It is our turn to grow
Jan 2016 · 162
Frozen in Time
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
In the dawn of a new age
When we’re supposed to evolve
All of our manners
Have got up and gone
All of our respect, love, and kindness for one another
Has left our bodies
They seek out new shelter
We as humans have come a long way
But for some odd reason
Our love for one another
Has begun to decay
Why is this?
I do not know
But unless we relearn love
We will forever be stuck in time
Unable to grow
Jan 2016 · 231
Say Goodbye Harmony
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
As I walk towards the end of the world, I look back into the past to see what I could have done differently, but there’s nothing I can do now, my past has been written, for now I wait to see what the future holds. I stand on the edge, wanting to jump, wanting to dive into the world anew, and wishing that Harmony will follow me through. I close my eyes, inhale deep, and try not to think about how the edge of the world is indeed very steep. I lean forward accepting my fate, ready to enter through Hell’s studded gates. But as I leaned forward something grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back, a young girl stood behind me, covered in black. “You fool”, she whispered, “You wish to end your life”? “You wish to end it all”? “Why”?
“My life bears no meaning, my heart covered in black, my soul has left me, and my mind begins to crack”. “I have walked many miles to the edge of the world, so that I may try a feeble attempt to make it all leave me alone”
“You’re heart isn’t black, mind isn’t cracking, it’s expanding, seeing life in a new way, your soul still travels with you, and your life does have meaning, you just simply haven’t found it, but you will, in due time, you will find your purpose.” Now enough with this nonsense, enough with the pity, step away from the edge and begin your new journey”.
“Your words are strong, but for me they have no meaning. My life is at its end and I indeed enjoyed your speech, but this life has nothing for me, so I will leap over the edge, and you will watch me, but first I must know your name”
“My name is Harmony and I will follow you through, regardless if your listen to my words, I will always be with you”
“It’s time to say goodbye Harmony, and it was a pleasure to meet you”
Jan 2016 · 120
Thoughts of a Restless Mind
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
To look into ones eyes; is the way to see how they view the world
To look into ones soul; Is the way to see how they view themselves
To look into ones mind; Is the way to see how they see the future
Jan 2016 · 464
Lost in the Tide
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
As I leave this world;
And enter another
I must first crossover the river of death
The River Styx they call it
A ferryman stands idly by;
Waiting for new souls, lost souls
To guide across
I approach this guide, with hopes that he will guide me across
Into new light
Or maybe he will guide me somewhere else
A place that’s only purpose is to provide fright
Onwards we go
And as I look down into the cold river
I see lost souls, their purpose only to find their way
But alas they are trapped
In a realm in between ours
Not quite at peace, but not in agony either
Maybe they will find what they seek one day
And as the ferryman helps me cross over these souls
I can only hope that I do not end up in their same predicament
As I grow closer to my destination
I can see the light
And soon we will cross over into the grand unknown
Maybe I will finally know peace
Maybe I will finally have a home
The Ferryman had other plans though
For he tipped over the boat, leaving me in the icy cold grip of the river
Now I am forever lost, among the other lost souls
My journey is now over
The river is now my home
I succumb to the darkness
My only purpose now is to forever roam
It’s funny how I once pitied the souls;
Lost to this river
Now I am one, gone without a sliver;
Of hope, my body, now cold and forgotten
I forever serve my punishment
Simply because my heart was rotten
Jan 2016 · 213
As the World Moves Forward
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
And as the world says hello to the new year and welcomes it with open arms

I am already ready to say goodbye
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
Cherry Blossom
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
Flowing through the wind
Gently gliding in the breeze
Once perched high above
Now magnificently falling before my feet
Little petals, bearing shades of red
Fall from high above
Land calmly onto my head
Warm breezes guide them
All across the land
It’s cherry blossom season
And I wish it would never end
Jan 2016 · 162
Words to Live By
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
One must learn to love oneself before taking on the challenge of loving another being; doing so without loving thyself first can bring chaos into ones life
Jan 2016 · 186
To-Do List
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
Become better person
Save the world (How?)
End world hunger
Stop global tyranny (Caused by government)
Clothe the naked
Find Happiness
Set myself free
Realize failure doesn’t mean the end
Pick self-up after falling
Love harder/ learn to accept love
Always be myself
Always accept others for who they are
Stop beating myself up
Realize I’m useless and undeserving of anything on this list
**** myself
Jan 2016 · 247
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
We are the kids your parents warned you about
The ones society says to avoid
We want what’s best for us;
We don’t care what’s best for you
Step out of our way
When we’re passing through
Get in our way and no good will come to you
We are the future and the past
The ones who will either live forever
Or burn out like a star
Forever roaming the afterlife tormenting those who doubted us
So remember this when you see our faces
We are the ones who will be here tomorrow
The ones you need to watch out for
We are the hooligans
And we are proud
Jan 2016 · 239
Children of the Night
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
It’s late at night and under the bed I hide
I can hear the door opening
He’s coming
I cover my mouth, no time for sound
I can’t let him hear me
For if he finds me I’m doomed
For now I hide in the shroud of shadow
Heart filled with doom
He draws closer
It’s as if he’s breathing down my neck
My heart is beating fast
Sweat collecting on my forehead
His footsteps stop just in front of my bed
He’s coming
He reached down under the bed to feel for me
He’s coming closer
He grabbed me and ripped me from my cover
He’s here
He looked deep into my eyes and began to steal my soul
He now has his prize and moves towards the window
He opens it wide and spreads his wings, ready to fly
Off he goes into the night with me by his side
I am his now
I no longer suffer or cry
For now I am a child of the night
Jan 2016 · 251
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
Why keep people close when all they do is hurt you?
Gain your trust just to betray you
Sell you empty promises of friendship when they just want to destroy you
Say whatever they can to enter your mind just to drive you insane
It’s twenty sixteen now, please remove the toxic people from your life
You must find your own path
Find your footing and stray from the path you’re used to
Find new friends and a path that leads you to self-righteousness
And remember that people will do anything for you...Except change
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
Goodbye world
This is where we part ways
I remember when we first met
When I was still just a child
Blind to the truth
Blind to your ways
But I learned fast
That good things don’t always last
No matter how much you want them to
You’ve knocked me down
And picked me up
You’ve made want to stop breathing
You’ve made me want to see you in a new perspective
But that would be useless
Seeing how you never change no matter how you look at it
I’ve finally had enough
I’m filled with your hollow promises
And I’m ready to move on
This world was good while it lasted
But good things never last
And it would appear that neither do I
Jan 2016 · 182
Running Like Hell
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
Oh dang, here I go again
Through the mental abyss, the closest thing I have to a friend
I can run all I want, but I’ll never make it through
Not alive at least, at least I don’t think so
Oh well I won’t know if I don’t try though
But what’s this?
There’s someone here with me
I’ve never seen them before
They must be here to guide me through
Maybe if I hold their hand they’ll run through this abyss with me
Well I grabbed their hand and what do you know
They’re running with me
Here we go
I’m running through the abyss, but I’m no longer alone
There’s a light at the end of this tunnel
I’m about to be free
It’s all thanks to this new found company
Jan 2016 · 210
New Beginnings
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
A new year is upon us
A year older we all grow
We have come quite far
But we have much farther to go
And let us not forget
The mistakes we have made
So that we may enter the New Year
With a new list of how to be great
Let us grow taller, wiser, and kind
For this is a new year
For all of mankind
Dec 2015 · 525
A Heart without a Beat
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
What’s the point of being alive if that’s all that you are?
Just alive, but not living, well that’s no way to be at all
You were given the gift of life, yet you waste it away
You might as well give it to someone else who put it to good use
Someone who is not afraid to seize the day
Blood pumps through your veins, imagination fills the brain
Yet you would rather just waste this gift
Just the thought of it drive me insane
Go out and be someone who isn’t afraid to dance
Don’t just sit inside while the world goes on
You don’t want to miss your chance
Dec 2015 · 158
A Million Little Cuts
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
A million little cuts, up and down my arms
Scars left over from an ongoing war
Will they ever go away?
I hope not
For they will always remind me of my darkest days
The darkest moments of my life
Moments I tried to remove with a small piece of steel
A piece of steel I once wished would end my life
Torn open flesh, blood flowing like a river
I wished my life to end because in the moment I was bitter
Depression riddled mind
Sadness filled heart
I believed death was a new beginning
The entrance to a fresh start
But alas I was wrong, I know this now
Yet after all that has happened
My face still bears a frown
Dec 2015 · 198
The Golden Path
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
Why do you write?
Do you do it for you?
Do you wish to feed your ego?
Or do you write for others?
Wishing only to make them feel happy
Making their dark days brighter, making their soul feel lighter
Whichever type of writer you are
Whichever type you wish to be
Just remember that if you succeed, to not trample others still making the climb to fame
Because everyone’s steps are in different strides
Don’t let greed blind you from what is right
Don’t let your foolishness blind you from the thing that inspired you to write
Dec 2015 · 361
Man Made God
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
Why must I cry the same liquid that falls from the sky?
Perhaps it is because I am holier than thou who resides in the clouds
Maybe it's because were made from the same materials?
Maybe because we're the same individuals?
Am I God?
Or is God me?
I believe God is a man made creativity
Formed in our mind, to cope with the pain
Of life after death, a sky without rain
We are God and God is us
We must worship thyself
To worship anything else is insane
Dec 2015 · 239
The Land of Frost and Fire
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
Here we stand, in the land of frost and fire
Where in each living person’s heart
Burns a small fire
But a small fire may grow and burn ever brighter
It will burn a great distance and lead one towards their desires
But fire does not burn in one who is not living
Their mind filled with hate
And heart locked up tight
With frost on the lock
These creatures know no pain and have only one desire
To decimate their foe and ***** out their fire
These creatures stand tall and their numbers grow larger
If we do not stop them now, their frost will put out the fire
Do not fear bearers of flame
Thou enemy will fall, in the glory of flame
A battle is brewing
Between frost and fire
Frost may have strength in numbers
But the flames endow ones desire
And our desire is victory
Among the battlefield
Where the enemy will fall and their numbers will yield
So it begins, the sound of steel clashing fills the air
Within an instant the sound clears the air
We are victor, the ones who bear flame
We shout to the Heavens, so that they know our name
The land once known as frost and fire
Is now known only as the Land of Flame
Dec 2015 · 316
Slowly Finding Happiness
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
I woke up today with a different taste in my mouth
It was sweet, not sour, and it took me by surprise
I was glad I was awake, I was glad I was alive
I'm glad the sun came up today, and the way it lights the skies
I think I'm finally becoming happy, although it took some time
I suppose all good things come slowly, it takes time for them to arrive
Oh well, no problem, I'm just glad that I survived
The darkness that encased me is slowly beginning to disperse
I'm glad that I woke up today, forever free from my curse
Dec 2015 · 187
Imaginary Lines
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
Why do humans divide themselves? Why do we work so hard to come together, then within an instant divide ourselves into groups? Straight, gay, bi, republican, democrat, black, white, it doesn’t make sense to me. Why not accept each others differences? Why not learn to love the things that make us different? Why must you be put into a category? We’re living things, not inanimate objects who serve no purpose other than rotting away in a box that we ourselves created. We were meant to flourish, reach for the skies, not judge one another, and wither away and die. We’re all unique and bring different traits to the table, that’s what makes us special. The way we laugh, the way we smile, even the way show interest in one another, those are the things we should focus on, the ways we show emotion, the new ways we find to help one another, those are the things we must bring into the light, not cast them into darkness. We focus too much on ways to divide us, when we should focus on things that bring us together. We are humans and we can move towards a future of acceptance. We must be the change we wish to see.
Dec 2015 · 331
A Time for Change
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
Ah yes here we are again
A new generation having to clean up the messes made by the old
We’re stuck with silver when we wanted gold
But that’s just how it goes
One generation ***** everything up
While the next one tries to grab ahold
Well it’s time to end the cycle
It’s time we change
We must be better
For us and the next generation
They’re the future so why make things harder for them?
I just don’t get it
Selfish thoughts are the cause of this
Mentalities need to change
For the better of course
And if they don’t we will dry up
Along with the Earth
Dec 2015 · 686
Love Thyself
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
Girls be out here saying things like
“I need a man that will treat me right”
“Buy me nice things and tear it up all night”
But then pick these scrub *** homies
Who only know two words
“Bruh and *******”
I get it it’s hard to find someone who love you for you
But never sell yourself short
Always stay true
To yourself and everyone you encounter
Make sure you put yourself first, before anyone else
Let your true self out, don’t keep yourself perched on a shelf
Remember to pick a guy who will love you for you and no one else
But also make sure you will love him for him and no one else
It takes two to tango
So make sure you’re ready to dance
Dec 2015 · 241
The Place beyond the Mind
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
World of color, vibrations everywhere
Bouncing from wall to wall
Blurred vision, shaky hands
Scatterbrained, losing consciousness
Blacked out mentality, world becoming grim
I can no longer see, so the story begins
In a state of sub consciousness, not sure where I am
An aura of colors fill the sky, like God herself started to tie-dye the world above me
Everything’s so vibrant, the trees say hi
I’m beginning to like this place, I don’t want to say goodbye
I can feel myself awakening, or perhaps I’m already awoke
It doesn’t matter which it is, all I know is I don’t want to go home
This trip of mine is fantastic, I am fantastically stoked
I can’t wait to wake up, so that I can return home
Dec 2015 · 251
Broken Promises
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
You promised you’d never leave
You promised you’d never lie
You promised me the world
You promised me the sky
You broke your promises to me long ago
You strung me along with a shred of hope
When did you start lying?
When will you stop?
I bet the answer is never
But it’s not totally your fault
You can’t help yourself
You like the way it makes you feel
The way it tastes
Addicting as can be
Leaves you feeling invincible
Well you’re not and I will prove it to you
For you’re not the only one who lied
So how does it feel?
Dec 2015 · 313
Tarnished Wings
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
As I lay dying
As I breathe my last breath
I ascend into the sky
With tarnished wings on my back
No halo above
But no flames below
I have lived my life the way I wanted
I am unsure where I will go
Maybe Heaven
Maybe Hell
Maybe I will be cast into the void
Forever stuck in my shell
Wherever I go
Wherever I travel
My thoughts are my own
Left to me to unravel
The Earth and I part ways
But this is not goodbye
My new found wings
Cast me up into the sky
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
Hello dear child, what have you for me today? Is it a basket full of kittens? Or is it that smile that lasts for days? Whatever you have brought me, no matter what it is, it will never return the light that has left my body and in replace I am filled with sin. Darkness too, they’re a terrible curse, but those two things aren’t even the worst. My body hurts, it’s filled with aches and pains. I will forever remain this way until the day I say her name. Say it loud, say it proud, and say it without any shame. But whose name am I saying, whose name cursed me with these aches and these pains? To be truthful I do not know her child, accompany me will you? Join me on my journey to self-righteousness and you too will be rewarded. Onward we go, all sails set high, we sail into the sun, and we set sail into the sky. So soon into our voyage and we already stumbled upon her face. The face to end the fire, the face who possessed the name to return light into my grace. Her name was Rose, I learned this very quickly, and I shouted it into the heavens, I did this loud and swiftly. “Rose my savior, I speak thou name, return my light and put an end to the flames!” And just like that light returned to my body, the child who stood beside disappeared and this struck me as an oddity. “Where did the child go?” I asked my dear Rose, and she replied with “The child was your light, you carried it all along, and now you question where it has gone”. “For it returned to your body, that’s where it has gone, and the fires set ablaze inside you have gone as well have they not?”
“They have, they did, they no longer linger, and now I must go home so that I may too disappear like a whisper”
I traveled home and leaving Rose in the distance, this journey wasn’t long, but it will remain in existence, this journey proved worthwhile and I too disappeared without resistance.
Never believe that your light is gone, for it may have simply changed into a form unrecognizable to your eye. Always look for it in the strangest of places
Dec 2015 · 299
The Best and the Worst
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
I hate when you’re happy
But I also hate when you’re sad
I hate the way you make smile when I want to be mad
I hate you so much
But I don’t hate you all
I hate the way you make me feel
It’s as if I’ve been ripped open
Then sealed shut
You’re something special
Something ugly
And something beautiful
You’re someone I wish I never met
While at the same time I’m glad we did
Thank you for being my friend
Thank you for being you
Dec 2015 · 344
Early Morning Cravings
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
It’s early in the morning
There’s frost on the ground
Coffee in my cup
And warmth in my heart
But I still feel empty
Maybe it’s because you’re not with me
Maybe because you left looking for something I didn’t have
I’m sorry darling I couldn’t be what you needed
I’m sorry I couldn’t be yours
I miss you darling
So much it hurts
I suppose I’m being selfish
I should be happy you’re searching for a better you
I just wish I could find a better me
Someone you could lean on when the winds of life blow you around
I wish I could be your rock
I’m sorry I couldn’t be those things
You deserve better
I hope you find what you’re looking for
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
Oh how I wish to be
Someone other than me
Maybe someone who isn’t as scared
Perhaps someone worth fighting for
Someone who has a purpose in this world
Oh how I wish to be different
Whilst I wish to be same
I don’t know what I want
I just know I don’t want to be me
Nov 2015 · 365
Hidden Agendas
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
E. Pluribus Unum
“Out of many. One”
But if we are one in many
How come Uncle Sam is the only one with a gun?
Held to our heads, making us obey
Telling us lies
Telling us it’s going to be ok
As long as we listen to everything he has to say
“Come to America where everyone can stay”
“See the Statue of Liberty?”
“She says that it is okay”
“Unless you’re black, women, or gay”
“If you aren’t white or male there will be special rules for you to obey”
This is the secret code all Americans are forced to obey
We must stop living it
Stop enforcing it
We will not obey
E. Pluribus Unum
“Out of many. One”
We no longer listen to Uncle Sam
And we’re coming for his gun
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
Through the ashes we rise
Like the Phoenix gracing the skies
Can’t hold us back
Can’t keep up down
We stand united
We will take this town
It will ours
We will call it our own
We are the jaded youth
Coming to grace your face with a frown
Don’t look so glum
Don’t look with fear
It was always destined for us
To take this town
Nov 2015 · 485
An Unexpected Death
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
I walked through the woods late last night trying to make my way home. A full moon lit up the night sky casting just enough light through the trees so that I may see the path. I had taken the shortcut through the woods many times before, but tonight left me with a eerie feeling that trembled by bones and shook my soul.
It was exceptionally cold for a summer night and I had a feeling that I wasn’t alone. I was about halfway through when I heard rustling in the brush and laughter that appeared to come out of the heart of the forest. Terror now plagued my mind and body. I wanted to run to the end of the trail so that I may reach my destination sooner, but a strong feeling of curiosity overcame me. I began walking towards the laughter when I saw a light beaming through the trees, it appeared to be coming from a fire. As I got closer to the light, the warmer I felt. It was without a doubt a fire, but who this pyro was, was beyond me.
I approached an open area with which the fire was held and I crouched in a bush so that I may get a better look into the open field. Six shadowy figures danced around the bonfire chanting words that held no meaning to me. As terrified as I was, curiosity was still the stronger feeling and with that I continued to watch this bizarre ritual. The shadows turned into bodies, female bodies to be exact. They were as bare as a tree in winter and a sudden rush of excitement coursed through my body.  I leaned in closer and closer until I fell forward out of the bush. The six naked strangers instantly turned in my direction. Laughter erupted from their mouths and they started to walk towards me. I jumped to my feet and attempted to run, but it was no use, they caught me, tied me up, and knocked me out.
When I finally woke up I noticed that I was still *******, unable to move or set myself free. One of the women noticed too that I had come to and approached me with a curved blade. She was speaking a language I didn’t understand but it was either Latin or some other dead language. Instantly I had gone from ******* in the corner of the open brush to ******* to a stake in the center of a pile of wood. All six women bean dancing and chanting yet again, then the same girl who approached me with the curved blade repeated her actions before. A sharp pain ran through my side as the women drove the blade into my flesh, her fingers prying my flesh open as her fingers entered my body and as they left so did my kidneys. Wincing through the pain I saw she and another girl consume them and they began smearing my blood on their arms and bodies. Another girl came near me, holding a blade that took the appearance of a lightning bolt. She too tore through my flesh, only this time she took my liver and she too consumed it, also smearing my blood only this time it was on her face and *******. The last three approached me, but this time only one possessed a blade. This one looked like a snake and it too entered me. She ran it straight into my chest, starting at the collar bone and ripping down below my breast. The other two girls pried my chest open, while the girl in the center, who I believed to be the leader of the group, tore my heart out, also consuming it, only this time she said a prayer in the process and did not smear my blood on herself, but instead had the other two girls smear the blood on themselves. Life was leaving my body, I was shocked that it hadn’t left yet. Finally it left and I was out of my misery.
The strange six lit the pile of wood, setting my body ablaze as they continued to dance and chant. A deep rumbling began, as if it was coming from the deepest depths of the Earth. The ground ripped open and a figure rose from the schism. Its skin black and red, as if it were scorched beyond repair. It released a growl so deep, dark, and loud that it shook the heavens and awoke God itself. Unfortunately the God of light was not here, but the Prince of darkness stood in its place. The dark lord approached the six women. “Take us master” they all said in unison, and so the dark prince did. Collecting them all in one fistful, he began to consume them.  The Prince crawled back into the mighty gaping hole in the Earth, it closing in the process. The unholy night finally passed.
Morning approached and a cool breeze blew my scorched remains, still tied to the post, into the sky. No one was present to witness the horrors that occurred the night before and no one will ever know the tale of darkness walking on Earth. My body may had suffered a grisly punishment, but my soul now resides in paradise. The Dark Prince that plagued the land only hours ago, currently resides in his unholy kingdom, never to return to the land of the living.
Nov 2015 · 216
The Key To Being Happy
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
Get up
Get dressed
Take shower
Comb hair
Brush teeth
Go to school
Come home
Eat dinner
Go to bed
Wake up, get dressed
Shower, comb hair
Brush teeth, skip class
Write a novel, write a poem
Kiss a girl, kiss a boy
Stay out late, do what you will
Why be the same when you can be different?
Why be the same when you can be yourself?
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
The sky turned blood red and began to bleed, the earth below me began to rumble, soon after the land ripped open releasing flames and demons sent to torment this world. The surrounding trees com-busted spontaneously and the grass, once green, burned and turned into a shade of ash that was of the utmost UN-pleasance. The apocalypse was upon us, a war began between Heaven and Hell, and we were caught in the middle of it. But who are we? We are the ones left behind when everyone was raptured into Heaven, we are the forgotten ones, deemed unworthy of entering through the golden gates into paradise. Now we fend for ourselves amongst the wreckage, amongst the unholy atrocities that now plague this world that was once ours.  The blood red sky now began to rip open and a bright light began to shine through. God’s soldiers now flooded the air and descended to battle Satan’s unholy army. It would be a long and miserable war, but this battle was written long ago in the stars, destined to happen, destined to destroy mankind. I do not know what the others will do, but I must find shelter. I began to run, but my destination was unclear. I looked for anything that could shield me from the ongoing war, but I was losing hope. It was only a matter of time until I would succumb to death brought upon me by either God’s soldiers or Satan’s minions. I must hurry.
All I wished for was shelter, but instead I found something else. Something more sinister. Something more painful. I found death or more so death found me. I arrived at a bunker once occupied by the minions of death, I thought I was safe, I was wrong. Soon after entering I found a man who wore a long black robe and his face was shrouded behind a hood. He spoke a language unknown to me, but through his gestures I understood perfectly what his mission was. He walked toward me wielding a long staff with a crooked blade at the end of it. He reached out his hand and gripped my arm. His touch was cold and unwelcoming and almost instantly I felt my life leaving my body. This man had my soul, gripped with his icy touch. I had died, right then and there, my soul forever belonging to this man. His identity now became apparent to me. He was one of God’s angels. He was the Angel of Death and he now owned my very existence.
He took me to the place between the stars, not Heaven, but definitely not Hell, I didn’t know where we were but I didn’t really care, my soul was his and I would go wherever he took me. Eventually we reached his destination and stopped abruptly. He continued his silence, but lifted his hand and pointed into the distance. I looked and what I saw was something that my mind failed to comprehend. I saw Earth, I saw the unholy war raging on before my very eyes, but I was not in the middle of it, not anymore. I asked him what the meaning of this was, but his silence continued on. We sat there watching the war rage on. Angels killing demons and demons killing angels. A year passed and it felt like the war would never end. Perhaps soon it would, but it was still uncertain. I hoped that the man would finally tell me what the purpose of this was, but still no words left his mouth. My patience must continue on.
Many years have passed now and it appears the war is finally coming to an end. It has been approximately six hundred years and the Earth, once green and full of life, no longer bloomed, its soil now torn apart, and going from green to black. Its rivers once blue and full of life, now run with blood and misery. This was no longer my home, for it had been taken by death. Angels and demons no longer flooded the realm of my existence and I would finally be able to return, or at least that’s what I thought. The man, still accompanying me finally spoke. “Return home”, he spoke and with that he reached out his hand and in his palms rested a bright blue orb. “Take it” he said. I reached out and grabbed it and instantly life returned to my body. The force of the orb knocked me unconscious. “I’m sorry” the man said vanishing instantly, returning to his home, now with the lives of all the angels that fell in combat. The war was over and it was time for me to go home.
When I awoke, it was back on Earth, only something wasn’t quite right. The sky was blue and clouds were no longer black. Blood didn’t leak from the sky and the earth below me was covered in grass as green as it was before the apocalypse. I was astounded by the amount of life that surrounded me. I could see people off in the distance and could hear the laughter of children playing. I was no longer one of the forgotten, the were no forgotten, for all the lives that God raptured had been returned to this world, unharmed and unscathed by the war that raged for six hundred years. Life as we knew returned to us and it was the best feeling I ever felt. I was home, we were home, to forever flourish and help the world flourish. The man took my life, showed me a new view of the world, and then returned my life to me the way it was always meant to be. He helped me grow in a way I thought to be impossible, but now I know it to be true. I held a special place in my heart for the man and I wished him happiness for all eternity, but now it was time to continue my journey through life the way I was always meant to. War may never change, but it will always open your eyes to a new outlook on life. It will make you cherish it and love it in a way you never did before. War isn’t just human nature, for war is the nature of all living things.
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
I cast myself from the tallest mountain not because depression riddled my mind and not because I hated my existence, but rather because I grow weary of this life and hold high regard for the next. The way down was not as I expected. My stomach was tight, not with suspense or adrenaline, but with anticipation for the journey into my next life. I wasn't sure where the next "life" would be. Whether it be Heaven, Hell, or would I be reincarnated into another life symmetrical to my old one. Would I even be human? Will I be fully able or disabled? These were the questions that were plaguing my mind.
I had been falling for what seemed like an eternity, unable to tell if my sweet release would soon be upon me.  I hadn't planned for my life to end this way, but I suppose that no one is able to know how their death will be.  I wonder who will be waiting for me on the other side. I guess the Grim Reaper is the popular answer, but I still couldn't wrap my mind around the thought that the Angel of death would be waiting for me, almost anticipating my arrival. We shall soon see.
I am getting closer to the bottom now. Anxiety has now taken over my body and I am slowly starting to regret my choice. "It will pass" I keep telling myself truly unsure if I believe this or not. I can't quite remember why I grew sick of my life. Perhaps it was all the hate that had made the soul and mind of all men its home. The greedy entrepreneurs or the heartless politicians were also worthy reasons. Racism plagued those put in charge of guarding us, destroying innocent lives solely because of physical difference, this was probably the biggest reason why I grew so disgusted with this world, unable to truly understand their reasoning to commit such heinous crimes. Soon these problems will no longer lie on my doorstep.
Finally I hit the bottom, my fleshy existence now splattered all over the side of the unsuspecting mountain. I am free, truly and undoubtedly free. My soul lies neither in Heaven nor Hell, but somewhere in between. There is no reaper, No sun, No moon, and no life. I am alone. A combination of fright, Caused by the unknown, And guilt now plague my mind and body. I can see into my old life through a portal that is within my grasp. All I see is my corpse cast over the rocks the laid at the bottom of the mountain.  Using all my might I reached through the portal grabbed hold of the unwanted abomination that was my life and walked through.
Here I am once again. I appear to be a ghost, although I take on the appearance of a living person. I can touch my resting body, soaked in blood and anguish. After taking some time to think, I left my body in its final resting place and began writing a letter on a piece of paper I left in my back pocket before I took the ultimate leap of faith. I returned through the portal after pillaging my dead body and began searching through my front pants pocket where I found a pen and thus began the telling of my story.
After unveiling the nature of my death onto the letter the sky ripped open and light made it’s was to the realm of man. A shadowy figure, now descending downwards towards me, emerged from the new found light. He landed before me and introduced himself as the Angel of death. I was riddled with shock and this spirit could see it in my face. Do not be afraid he said in a calm and soothing voice, for I am here to help you into the realm of the living once more.  I didn't know what to say. How to reply to these words was beyond my comprehension at that point. I finally mustered up a response. What if I refuse your offer I said firmly. Then live here in the In between for rest of your days. This was quite an unsettling place and I didn’t want to make it my home. What will my new life be like? I asked. You will start anew, with no memories of your past existence. Taking a brief moment to gather the new found results, I finally came to a conclusion. I will go, I will start anew as long as your promise to my forgotten memories reigns true. The angel said no more words. It began to ascend into the Heavens with which it came and light began to fade. The sky returned to normal when I felt a tremor rip across this unsettling land.  This is it, my new life is creeping closer and closer, and soon will be within my reach. Another tremor ripped across the land, and another, And another until finally they stopped. A bright light blinded me and almost within the same instant I heard a big bang. My new life had begun.
A millennia has passed since I cast myself over the mountain. Since I experienced death and the angel, who had promised me new life. It had kept its word and I now reside in the clouds watching over the new generation of man. They know of my existence, or so they believe, and pray constantly that I watch over them and provide good fortune. I am happy with my new life and never would have expected something as grand and as life changing to happen to someone like me. I had recently created a son who bares the image of man and sent him to guide the humans into the direction they constantly and consistently have prayed for me to guide them into. I have made the decision of letting them name him whatever they feel fit. I hope he leads them into the direction they are in dire need of. I have done all that I could for the humans. I have provided the tools necessary for their survival. Now all there is left to do is to wait. I believe they can do it. I know they can do it, for I have faith in them.
Nov 2015 · 285
The Forest
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
I walked through the forest late last night with hopes of getting lost and never being found. The air was cool and welcoming. It was quiet and yet all I could hear was screaming from the wandering souls that had become lost in the woods. People avoided the forest for these reasons alone, but I found comfort among these wandering spirits. They were the closest things to friends that I had. People always judged me before they knew me whether it be because I was different or because I was weird. I didn't feel judgment passed onto me when I entered the woods. The spirits have offered a welcoming hand to me since I first started walking through this Gothic paradise and I had felt something towards them I could never feel towards another human being. Not quite sure of what that thing was, I still never questioned it. It felt too natural to be questioned. They spoke to me frequently and without hesitation, always speaking their interests and thoughts to the fullest degree. Some spoke of their old lives, about how life was most cruel towards them and their loved ones. Some didn't have loved ones which is what brought them to this safe haven in the first place. One spirit in particular spoke words I'll never forget. "To the tallest tree I approached and up the tallest tree I climbed, never looking down, in my hand the tool to my release, the keys to the kingdom if you will. Around the arm I tied one end of the rope and around my neck I tied the other end and without looking back I sent myself soaring into paradise."
Those were the words that shook my world, leaving an unsettling feeling in my stomach, but at the same time it left my mind feeling calm and UN-shook. A part of me feared this tale and the other embraced it like a mother's hug. I felt inspired to follow in this spirits footsteps. So I did, never once questioning my motives. I asked the spirit to guide me to the tallest tree where he experienced true nirvana. It humbly agreed and began onward.
We approached the stump and I looked up unable to see the peak of the mighty forest guardian. 'Onward you go", the spirit began, "For it's quite a journey to the top”. So I began my pilgrimage to nirvana. "Good luck and peace be with you my friend", the spirit said before taking off. “Goodbye my dearest and only friend” I said back to my spiritual guide.
It felt like a lifetime, but I finally reached the summit of the mighty guardian. I saw the rope the spirit had used to find paradise, still tied to the arm. Looking down I could see a body attached to the other end. For it was the body of my guide, it appeared to still be rather fresh. The body took the appearance of a young man, His age appeared to be about twenty, about the same age I was. I pulled the rope upwards to me so I may release the man's fleshy past. When I finally received the body I noticed something rather strange, something about his face in particular. His face was mine and mine his. Now frightened I dropped the body suddenly, it now falling down the side of great tree. I climbed back down the tree quickly, almost losing my footing and mimicking the actions of the man's body.
When I reached the forest floor I began my search for my guide so that it may answer my questions. After searching for some time I finally found it. "Grand spirit", I started, Why does your human face resemble mine in every detail?" "Because I am not just some ordinary spirit" it replied, for I am something much greater". "The tale I told was not my own, But yours my dear friend". I was in utter shock, Unable to comprehend the words spoken to me. "But the memories no longer serve me". "When you found nirvana, your memories of your old life were taken from you so that you may only have peace." I had no longer felt shock, instead the feeling of gratitude now overwhelmed my conscious. I was at peace for all eternity and this kingdom now my home. Thank you dear friend for showing me a fragment of my old life, for now I will bury it along with my body.
Shortly after I said my goodbyes to my guide and it made its way onward through the forest so that it may guide other lost souls into nirvana. After burying my body I began to wander through the forest once more, only this time with knowledge of the events in my life. This Gothic paradise was my home and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, for my journey began here and it will end here as it was always meant to.
Nov 2015 · 276
Voyager of the Cosmos
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
As I travel through space and time, I slowly begin to learn that I am alone in this world. When I was born I was alone and when I die I will be alone. Loneliness is inevitable, I understand this, but I wish it wasn’t true. I yearn for companionship, for someone to travel this world beside me, but alas no one has taken such a position in my life yet. I hope one day soon someone will hold my hand and accompany me, but I fear that this day is a millennia away. This road I walk is treacherous and dangerous to say the least, but so far I’ve been doing okay. Hopefully nothing changes and I can continue to make my way through this universe unscathed and unharmed. The view is a beautiful one, stars shining in the open sky and the moon lighting my path, as if saying “Let me guide your way fellow traveler”. The cold air feels good against my warm flesh and caresses me no one ever could. I can only describe it as Mother Nature embracing me in her arms, protecting me from the dangers of the world. Perhaps she is the one who is supposed to be my companion. Perhaps she is the one who reminds me that I am not alone in this world and that she will always guide me in the right direction. I deeply yearn for this to be true. I wish for a fellow traveler to accompany me on my journey. I hope I find one soon.
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