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Nov 2015 · 702
A Foolish Father
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
Come here son
And let me begin to tell you
How your life is filled with nothing but sin
You think you’re so great?
You think you’re so wise?
You think you can fool the world with your beautiful eyes?
Well you can’t and you won’t
So I’ll tell you what I’ll do
I’ll create a special place
Filled with nothing but doom and gloom
I will place you there
For all of eternity
Where you may never leave
Where you will spend all you days
I will send others there
So that they may join you
Where they will suffer at your hand
This is the task I place before you
You will punish the wicked
But will not be seen as a hero
Humanity will curse your name
The one I have placed upon you
Lucifer they will cry
You will be the last thing they hope to see when they die
You will be what they fear
Religions will rise out to smite you
Praise MY name
And use it to fight you
My son is what you are
Your father is what I am
But in this lifetime
Your happiness is a sham
Nov 2015 · 285
Rainy Day Blues
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
It's raining again today and it reminded me of you
I'm not quite sure why
Perhaps it was the way you turned my grey skies blue
The way you made me blush and the ways you made me cry
Are perhaps the reasons that inspired me to become a better person
Perhaps it's because you yourself are indeed a great person
I hope to see you again one day
Perhaps this rainy day is a sign
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
Are We All The Same?
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
If we are all the same
Then why do we place the blame
Into the arms of the undeserving
The ones who need not to pay
If we are all the same
Why do we try to be different?
Why not be alike
Share our humanity
Help one another
Keep out of reach from insanity
Are we really that different?
Or are we really the same?
I’ve always figured that the things that make us different
Is the way we play the game
Nov 2015 · 258
Gone, but Not Forgotten
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
When we have all gone, to the silence of eternity...
To first be forgotten, and lost in, the records of the earth
Could I still miss you, then, in the time and space after life
When no one is searching anymore, and where we are nowhere to be found

We didn't spend our life together
and I will miss you forever

The choice was mine, To long for a time, that will never come
Though we leave the world apart, I, still went peacefully, quietly,
with you, still, firmly... in my heart.

I will wait forever. I wait...
Nov 2015 · 338
Crimson River
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
I run as fast as I can, trying to get away
But no matter how fast I run it’s never fast enough
Trailing on my heels, breathing down my neck
Darkness always follows
Keeping up without even breaking a sweat
It grows ever closer, ready to take my mind
Ready to take my soul, leaving me forever blind
Why can’t you leave me alone?
Why can’t you let me be?
For you see dear child, this is your destiny
Alone forever shrouded in despair
For you lived an empty life
So it seems this is only fair
You get what you give and give what you get
This is only the beginning
You don’t know true darkness yet
Here I come, there I go, coming for your soul
Forever mine it will be and into the void you will go
I grow ever closer, your fate nearly sealed
I sliced open your flesh and crimson pours from your neck
Soon life will leave your body, you will be mine yet
I see your soul now and reach out and take it
You lived your life poorly and your mind fills with regret
You paid with your life and are no longer in debt
Nov 2015 · 288
Darkness in its Purest Form
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
It run through our bodies
Skips through our veins
Seeps into our minds, Driving us literally insane
It enters our hearts blinding us from what's true
The day it takes over is a day you will rue
When it fully possesses it's host, destruction is near
All in it's grasp will suffer, Even you my dear
No one is safe, For an unholy creature is set loose
It will string you from the neck and cast your body off edge from a tower high above
It knows not of forgiveness, sympathy, Or love
It fits around your conscious, Snug like a glove
Tears open your psyche, For remorse it has none
Have you figured out what it is yet
Is it driving you insane
Does it dangle off your delicate membrane
The answer lies around the corner, I promise it is near
For this disease all men suffer from is known only as fear
Nov 2015 · 400
Paris in Flames
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
Paris is burning and who is to blame?
The ones who are wicked
Who carry no shame
Who wish to see life end
To those who do not see it as they
Who fill the night sky
With rancid clouds of grey
“Be like us or do not be at all”
“For if you are not like us, then you too will fall”
Let us stand together
Let us show our might
Let us show the wicked we will not go without a fight
So come sisters and brothers
Let us stand tall
Let us show the wicked
That we will not fall
Let France know peace again
Nov 2015 · 611
Patience is a Virtue
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
Where will I be tomorrow?
Where am I today?
I do not know the answers to these questions
They leave me in dismay
But I do know this
Grey skies don’t last forever
Sunny days will remain
But if you hold a shred of doubt
Things will never change
So where will you be tomorrow?
Where are you today?
Do not trouble yourself with these questions
Just let destiny pave the way
Nov 2015 · 251
Chaotic Tendencies
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
Here I come
Here I go
Chaos follows close everywhere I go
Don’t get close or defeat is what you’ll meet
Tears of an angel perched upon my cheek
Waiting for you to miss me
As I swing from the tree
Free as can be
This rope hugs me better than you could ever make me believe
Feel that tension in your chest?
That’s sadness and regret forming a hurricane
Now get ready
Here comes the pain
It first drives you crazy
Then leaves you insane
Say goodbye to your sanity
Good riddance
I didn’t need it anyway
Nov 2015 · 393
Pollution Revolution
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
The world is dying and we are to blame
Killing her slowly like a cancer flowing through her veins
Pollution and toxins we release into her air for her to breathe
If we do not stop she will no longer be
Mother earth, who suffers deep
I am sorry for my brothers and sister who cut you so deep
Who long for your eternal slumber
With no remorse
Who do not weep or shed a tear to your defeat
Dear mother I apologize for the agony we have caused you
Bringing nothing but pain to your feet
For I am the lonely soul with tears that wet my cheeks
I weep for you dear mother
I only wish to see you remain
To see you rise above the pollution and the black sleet
Breathe my darling and regain your strength
For tonight I will bring your evildoers carcasses among you so that you may feast
Nov 2015 · 204
Man of The House
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
I was six years old when you left me alone
“You’re the man of the house, the king of the home”
“You’re responsible now for your mother and brother”
“I will break your heart so that you may never love another”
“Goodbye son, farewell to you all”
“For I am a coward who runs from it all”
I knew you once as an honorable man
Now I can’t stand to look at you
I no longer call you dad
Nov 2015 · 705
Irreversible Decisions
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
I am on top of the world oh so high
Living without a care or tear in my eye
I am a happy, carefree soul
Who wants nothing more than just to end it all
I stand here now atop of a stool
Noose tied around my neck, Ready to fall
The end is coming, I hold it in my hands
The thought of my death excites me beyond belief
I'm ready to throw away this horrendous life filled with nothing but grief
Here it comes, here I go
My body once filled with warmth has suddenly gone cold
I am now free from my prison
The taste of death bittersweet
My body now hangs from the branch with nothing but earth below my feet
I did it, I won, and I finally prevailed
Or perhaps I made a mistake and instead I had failed
It appears that I had made a decision much too hasty
For this blood in my mouth is no longer tasty
I regret death and now yearn for life
I mistakenly chose darkness when I really wished for light
Now I have nothing left to do but document my mistake
With hopes that it is read so no other soul suffers the same fate
So long world for we are no longer one
My old journey has end and a new one has begun
Nov 2015 · 4.2k
The Phoenix
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
Perched upon the tip of the volcano, the Phoenix begins to spread its wings.
Villagers in the town below see its magnificent beauty and begin to sing
"Oh Phoenix above oh so high, spread your wings so that they may graze the sky"
"Save us from the demons that plague our minds"
"Remove this unwanted darkness and replace it with light"
The town’s people chanted this song in hopes that the mighty Phoenix would indeed answer their prayers.
But alas the Phoenix had plans of its own.
It did in fact graze the sky with its sun scorched wings, but failed in removing the townspeople's demons.
Again and again the townspeople sang praised their mighty God, but still no answer had rung.
The mighty Phoenix perched upon its throne had spread its wings and began to fly
Out of the townspeople's vision straight into the sky
A mighty explosion burst through the clouds and everyone in unison let out a cry
"What was that? Did our god die?"
Unsure of what truly happened the townspeople began their chant once more
"Oh Phoenix above oh so high, spread your wings so that they may graze the sky"
"Save us from the demons that plague our minds"
"Remove this unwanted darkness and replace it with light"
As they finished their prayer, something happened so instant
The demons had fled and the light poured throughout the land and into the distance
The people cheered, some started to cry
For the mighty Phoenix sacrificed itself for their lives
Tales of this beast soon spread without warning
Passed down from generation to generation
So that all may hear of the creature that saved the people from themselves
So that they may never again live in fear of both their minds and the unknown that lived in the darkness
They started a new chant in honor of their savior
"Oh mighty Phoenix sacrificed itself for us"
"Flew into the sky so that we may live fulfilling lives"
"We honor your death by helping one another begin to flourish"
Shortly after the death of their God the townspeople moved to a new land and started anew
With the Phoenix living within the heart of every single person
Just as the townspeople were leaving their village
A small child looked back and began to say
"This chapter of my life has come to an end"
"And soon a new chapter of my life will be written"
"I'm afraid we will no longer be together you and I"
"For you cast yourself into an explosion that shook the sky"
"Goodbye my dear guardian, may you rest in peace"
"When we get to our new home, we will honor you with a feast"
The townspeople went to live their lives now renewed
Au revoir my dear reader, for this is the beginning of something beautiful.
Nov 2015 · 353
Handfuls of Silver
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
What happens when we’re gone?
When we cease to exist
Move on through life’s end
And reach eternal bliss
I believe there’s light
Shining through the dark
Filled with smiling faces and glowing hearts
Where there are only friends, never foes
Where bright minds shimmer
And warm hearts melt
Where trust is king and none possess doubt
Happiness is a way of life and no longer a dream
Where men and women are equal
There are no kings or queens
Skin is just our outermost appearance
The true good lies inside
No longer must we cower
No longer must we hide
But what are we hiding from?
What could it be?
Could it be we were all meant to get along?
Could it mean were supposed to be free?
Is this the truth?
Is this our destiny?
We’ll never know if we don’t try
To help one another, to live, and survive
There is no God
There is no Devil
Only you and I
Can achieve the next level
But we must do it together, never alone
For that is when we are weakest
When we are most exposed
So help your fellow human
In their quest for peace
For we all struggle with daily life
And could use a hand to help us up so that we may survive
So what happens when we’re gone?
That question may be answered
But only if we stick together
Through thick and thin
Through thin and thick
Help you fellow human with their quest
Enough with the petty *******
Nov 2015 · 271
Hello Darling
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
Hello darling
Do you remember me?
The boy you left standing in the rain
While you went off and started your life
Remember me now?
The boy you left with his thoughts
While you spread your wings and soared into the light
Remember me yet?
The boy you left with feet swinging in the wind, heart filled with regret
Now you remember and it’s too late, for now you see that I have left
Farewell my darling, I hope your heart does not weep for me yet
Nov 2015 · 257
Dark Clouds
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
Emotions flow through our mind like a locomotion. Constantly and consistently making stops to pick up and drop off its passengers at various stops. Whether be the heart, beating behind the breast or in the mind making its host blind to the world that you no longer know. Emotions are great things if you know how to manipulate them, but alas man has not come to terms with these mental giants. Unable to tame the things that define us as human has been man's greatest downfall. Ailments such as depression have risen from darkest corners of the mind, inflicting massive damage to both man's psyche and heart. Depression being the dark cloud that follows its host from place to place, makes its victim suffer beyond question. Pain not only courses through the mind, but through the chest as well, leaving its host's heart a desolate wasteland, a shell of its former being. Latching itself to the very thing it needs to survive, killing it slowly and thoroughly.
Nov 2015 · 250
A Wandering Spirit
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
I am a blank canvas made of stardust and rust, ready to give way to the smallest amount of pressure. I search the galaxy for one to call my own, one who also was forged in the stars. I have been searching for quite some time now and my hope begins to fade, for I don’t believe I will ever find her. Wandering the lone galaxy can be quite lonesome and I long for the desire to be wanted. Dear star child, will I ever find you? My time grows short, for soon I will shatter under pressure and my ashes spread into the never ending blackness that is our galaxy. My remains may once again be crafted into a star anew, but one cannot be so sure. I search for thee dear star child and hope our paths will cross soon
Nov 2015 · 272
A Helping Hand
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
We are who we are
We become what we become
We cannot change our future, but we can take steps to forge it
If we do not take these steps then our futures are doomed
So think before you act
Think before you speak
Don’t let life keep you down
Always rise to your feet
Treat others the way you wish to be treated
Remember to spread the peace
Don’t knock down others
Always help them to their feet
For we are all humans
Whose actions always make a difference
No matter how large or how small
So remember to think about others
Before you think about yourself
Because we’re all trying to move forward
And we could all use a little help
Nov 2015 · 142
The Human Definition
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
Here I am again, passing through the wind like dust, without a care and without a purpose. I am happy, unconditionally happy. I hope this feeling never leaves my body, I wish to be happy for all eternity, but unfortunately all good things must come to an end. It is unfortunate indeed but if happiness never ended we would not be human, but something much greater. Our sorrow is what defines us, it’s what drives us, it’s who we are, and it is us. When sorrow comes knocking, many dread that it will never leave, that it will forever linger on the edge of their emotional plain. But it won’t, I promise, sorrow never lasts forever. It comes as it wishes and leaves just the same, but I promise you sweet child that the storm will pass, light will shine through the darkness. I do however wish that you would learn to live with the sadness when it does come knocking, open the door with open arms and embrace the pain and enjoy it’s company when it’s available because if you take it for granted you will miss it when it’s gone, forever hoping for its return, missing its lingering taste, sour and bitter while at the same time sweet, sweet beyond belief. Happiness may reign king, but sadness is a cruel and rewarding queen always leaving her mark on her subjects. Next time you experience happiness always remember this, sadness is close to follow but unlike happiness you will always remember it. You will remember how it destroyed you and rebuilt you all in the same lifetime. How it whispered sweet nothings in your ear and how it left your heart cold and desolate, and warm, and kind, and humble, and filled with all sorts of goodness. Embrace the dark cloud sweet child and do not submit to defeat, for sadness will break you down and help you rise to your feet.

— The End —