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Man from a worm
And the egg without a shell
Weak and feeble at the start
Yet mighty and smart at heart

He subdues all he sees
And sadly succumbs to all he can't see
Man mighty and glorious
But still plagued by the invisible

Who created life,
And filled it with strife?
Eat today to be eaten tomorrow
Lose today only to win tomorrow

Who thought of an eye
And all the things that surprise?
Or the tongue and the good food?
And the skin, which feels good?

I stand in awe
Because life is full
All the creatures
Are unique
And posses a great technique

Who thought of a man
And gave him this form?
Two firm legs
And two strong arms
Eyes above all
A mouth that speaks
And a mind that imagines

Imagine how easy it is to breath
Think, or to make a conversation
Who gave us words
Numbers, colors and what we own?

Who gave him this mind
One of a kind
He settles not
And searches everything

He finds meaning in the stars
And his mind runs wild
He finds meaning in the sounds
And makes decisions

Man from a worm
And the egg without a shell
Weak and feeble at the start
Yet mighty and smart at heart

Man from a worm
Made by the unseen
From the seen
A biological machine
And a house for ghosts
Unscathed I stand
Against the impetus
Of life with strife
Is rife but understand
That by every stride
You leave behind
The man you used to be...

To be ripe
Is to be ready
Like a serpent
Shed your skin
Let me chelate your doubts
Maybe you might make it out
I diagnosed your problems
I suggest you fix them
You follow no rhythm
No Wonder why you boring
Like waves in the ocean
Clearly you're flawless
No wonder I am careless
When minds I carass
With subtle gentleness
For the fun of writting.
Got no tattoos on my body
Tattoos in my heart
All your word is in my head
But living is still hard...
It's what you  want
That torments you
It's what you want
That you can't have

All you need you have
But still you crave
For what you want
Will **** you eventually
Then you will be satiated...
In your cold lonely grave?
Life is complicated... Human desire unquenchable
She has broken our hearts
and turned our sunny days to gloomy nights
But in the midst of our sorrow joy is always there.
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