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 Mar 2015 Eccentric
harlee kae
your arms feel like home
and i've been homesick
for quite some time
 Mar 2015 Eccentric
This morning my green tea
It gave me an epiphany
That caffeine got to me
And man was I set free.
 Mar 2015 Eccentric
The snow crunches rhythmically
as I thump the ground.

and over
and over
they pound.

I run the streets in a sharp, cold air,
and oh how I've missed the running sound.
 Mar 2015 Eccentric
 Mar 2015 Eccentric
tap*  tap  tap...

say my hands that rhythmically drum the tables surface
goes my foot as I anxiously wait
sounds from my pen as it bumps a blank paper

tap  tap  tap...

are my fingers that dance on black and white keys
to my sister's door late at night
are the chimes of a spoon against a champagne glass

tap  tap  tap...

on the backspace of the keyboard, withholding
nervously on the shoulder, seeking attention
on the chest, pointing to the heart.

tap  tap  tap...
The many meanings of a tap.
 Mar 2015 Eccentric
I don't want to be wanderlust
I want to be wandering.
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