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3.4k · Mar 2015
effaced Mar 2015
******  *me with
every look,
every word
every touch
you own me,
even after all this time
**even though i dont own you
2.3k · Jan 2015
Dance For You- Beyonce
effaced Jan 2015
Love ruined my favorite song...
2.0k · Jan 2015
effaced Jan 2015
1.8k · Mar 2016
fuck you
effaced Mar 2016
your name is everywhere and i ******* hate it.
i hate you.
i hate what you've done to me.
you convinced me you loved me,
and then you left.
and i see you everywhere now,
and every time i think of you,
suicide comes into mind.
are you proud of what you've done?
1.6k · Apr 2015
effaced Apr 2015
we are soulmates
she and i,
and no, not of
the romantic kind.
we both believe that
soulmates arent just
who we are to marry,
but, soulmates are the ones
that we are supposed to
meet and love in life,
and never ever forget,
even if you grow apart,
your soulmate is that
one person who you'll
tell your kids and
grandkids about,
the one who you loved
and had to learn to live
and now, thats what im doing

1.6k · Mar 2016
what greys anatomy taught me
effaced Mar 2016
"You didn't love her! You just didn't want to be alone. Or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego. Or, or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn't love her, because you don't destroy the person that you love!"

you never loved me.
effaced Jan 2015
                        ­             precious...
Words like "princess, darling, love, sweetheart", etc. i feel are meant to be for someone you love in a relationship way. Nowadays, everyone seems to consider everything cliche, but honestly they are precious.
effaced Apr 2016
there was a mother somewhere today
who held her child for the very first time

there was a mother somewhere today
who gave birth to a stillborn child

there was a mother somewhere today
who made the hard decision of abortion

there was a mother somewhere today
who was allowed to use a stethoscope to listen to her childs last heartbeats as the doctors unplugged him

there was a mother somewhere today
whos child came out to them

there was a mother somewhere today
1.4k · May 2015
effaced May 2015
i crave for the  blood flow

i cry for the **non-existent love
1.3k · Feb 2016
dont fucking start with me.
effaced Feb 2016
you cant ******* say that my act will be selfish.  
you cant ******* say it.
i am doing this to make your lives better.
i am doing this to make sure i dont hurt you anymore.
if i do this one last thing that hurts you, and i succeed, it will be the last.
if i continue, ill continue to hurt you, and i would rather leave than hurt you for the rest of my life.
you cant ******* say that my act will be selfish.
effaced Feb 2016
ive made my choice
and now i have to follow through.

i told you i wouldnt bother you
and soon enough i wont be bothering anyone anymore.
1.2k · Mar 2016
effaced Mar 2016
im stuck.
between hating you
hating myself for loving you.

im stuck.
between wanting to live
wanting to die.

im stuck.
between a family religion
my own identity.

im stuck.



help me...
1.2k · May 2015
me...(not a poem)
effaced May 2015
no one really understands...
i feel fat, huge, disgusting, to  the point that i am uncomfortable in social scenes and my own body...
nothing fits my body right, at all.
and they say its because im 'so curvy for my age', please just quit lying to me.
quit telling me im pretty, or im so skinny, and curvy.
im disgusting.
i dont understand why other people dont see it...
i can list something wrong with every part of my body... and the fact that im friends with this one girl who is just gorgeous at all times, just hurts more, but its not her fault im ugly...
its not her fault that she lies to me,
society tells her its okay to.
just so it will make me feel a little better for a fraction of a second.
but i see through the lies,
i feel the nasty looks and looks of pity i get.
i see the looks that i get that say 'i cant believe shes so ugly...'
1.2k · Jan 2015
effaced Jan 2015
they all have something that relate them...
they are all *painful.
1.2k · Apr 2015
effaced Apr 2015
as she walked out of that door,
she took all my emotions,
the love, the hate, all of them
now im stuck here trying to
find me,  without her
and i know that this 'me'
wont be as good as the last,
even though the last wasnt
good either.
1.1k · Mar 2016
effaced Mar 2016
ready to do it,

very worried about

granddaddy and my baby girl
1.0k · Apr 2016
effaced Apr 2016
i keep my head down
and my mouth shut

and when some looks my way,

i smile, wave, walk like i have life
and act loud and happy
effaced Feb 2015
ive done this all for him,
and he doesnt even see.
how pathetic can i be?
but i love him you see.
i really shouldn't feel this way,
without him i feel a slow decay rotting me   a
                                                                ­                  w
                                                                ­                       a
                                                               ­                            y...
i dont want to be this way.
everyone that i love has hurt me,
the ones that i will forever love have hurt me the worst...
i havent seen my mother in 2 years.
i havent touched his skin, like those times late night spent.
i wonder where all these things that i loved went,
and why it was replaced with aching pain
925 · Mar 2015
you broke my heart today...
effaced Mar 2015
Dear Love,
you broke my heart today,
and even with my tear-stained cheeks i will stay,
and defend you when people talk bad about you
and hope that you will love me again, the way you used to...
924 · Feb 2016
todays thoughts
effaced Feb 2016
i just want to die.
893 · Feb 2015
love and hate
effaced Feb 2015
i love and hate my body,
because even when i am dying inside,
my lungs are inhaling and exhaling air,
oxygenating my brain,
making blood flow,
causing my heart to beat,
even when im wishing it to stop.
839 · Jan 2015
effaced Jan 2015
I dont know what to do.
Ive been feeling oh so blue.

i dont know why i always want to cry.
sometimes i just want to die.

but i want to live, so badly, i want to live,
and have glorious kids, who grow up and give me grandkids.

but theres always this part of my mind
that says i don't deserve it.
I just dont know...
834 · Apr 2015
handed vs. earning
effaced Apr 2015
they get everything handed to them
and i get everything ripped from me.
but that's how it goes, i guess.
they'll get the perfect job,
psh, more like sleeping with the boss.
i'll get the perfect job,
work my way to the top.
all blood, sweat, and tears,
breaking all of my fears.
those stories are the best right?
the one where the trillionaire
made herself, she couldn't
get a break, and then she decided
that she didn't need one,
and that instead of ******* her
way to the top,
she took it.
she didnt have
the best childhood,
in fact, she doesn't
talk to her family,
she lives in luxury.
something she's never
had before.
they may have everything handed to them,
but if its given, is it really theirs?
because doesn't that mean that whoever
gave it to them, has the power to take it away.
and i may get everything ripped from me,
but, one day, they will have everything
ripped from them,
and i shall finally be at peace.
820 · Mar 2015
Alone by Alex Gross©
effaced Mar 2015
What do you say when you
Are with people? You say you
Want to be alone. What do you say
When you are alone? You say you
Want to be with people.

I'll tell you why that is. It's because
You are never alone. Your thoughts
Are always there. Sometimes you
May welcome them, but other times
They scare you.

You remember things that you don't
Want to. The less you want them there,
The more they stay. They torture you.
They infect your mind like a disease.
The more you tell them to go away,
The more they defy you.

They come in all forms. They're words,
Or they're pictures, maybe moving pictures.
The only sure-fire way to stop this virus, is
To leak a new one. This one must be pleasant.
Just like Peter Pan, you must think happy thoughts.
all rights to Alex Gross
791 · Jan 2015
effaced Jan 2015
I'm afraid our love will fade, with each passing day.
790 · May 2015
effaced May 2015
i love when people who have
blame their problems on
anyone and everyone
that they can.
so to make

*look victimized.
762 · Jan 2015
effaced Jan 2015
229 weeks
1608 days
38598 hours
2315891 minutes
138953472 seconds
until graduation... and i move out.
It's not like i'm counting down or anything...
760 · Feb 2015
effaced Feb 2015
you say im the most important,
and i end up second.
752 · Feb 2015
effaced Feb 2015
'everyone has changed since the beginning of the year'*

'yeah, everyone is broken...'
744 · Mar 2015
effaced Mar 2015
we weren't, aren't and never will be, in love
718 · Feb 2016
what are the odds?
effaced Feb 2016
decided to use an computer generated date system, to pick the day of my demise.

what were the odds of in the first set of 5 dates, one was my mothers birthday, only 5 days before my own?

what were the odds that 2 of the 5 dates were alone in my birth month?

what were the odds that 2 of the dates were EXACTLY a month apart.

what were the odds that all the dates would have my favorite numbers?

what were the odds that the second group of numbers was my birthday, or even almost a month before so?

what were the odds of all of those numbers looking right on a tombstone?
effaced Jan 2015
L oveless
I nfectious
F earless
E mpty
I solated
S uffering
N otorious
O ver-rated
T erminal
W oeful
O dible
R uthless
T ime-consuming
H ateful
L onely
I ntoxicating
V icious
I illaqueates
N narquois
G leek
697 · Dec 2014
effaced Dec 2014
I lay here crying,
Slowly, slowly dying.

I am gone.
I have drifted away.

One tragic event,
has left me so bent.

I have screamed,
and cried.
Yelling "I WISH I COULD DIE!!!"

You *****,
You ripped it away from me.

My life, my little bit of normal-ness.
Can't you see what you have done?!
I can't miss my friends without getting a knot in my throat.

I still love my old friends
I don't know where to begin...

Here in my new home...

695 · Feb 2015
seulement maintenant
effaced Feb 2015
seulement maintenant
vous avez pris du temps pour me parler,
pour me faire savoir que vous allez pour me aider.
seulement maintenant que vous venez à moi à ce sujet,
car une autre fille dans la ville se est suicidée.*

only now
you took time off to talk to me,
to let me know that you are going to get me help.
only now do you come to me about this,
because another girl in town killed herself.
686 · Feb 2016
effaced Feb 2016
you dont understand that leaving is the right thing to do.
that i have to, in order to cause you minimal pain.
the pain that i would cause by staying and continuing to hurt you would build up to be more than the pain i will cause by leaving.

my last relationship i ****** up and honestly i dont even know how i did it. the one person who loved me truly and purely, i pushed away for you and then you left and im not so sure what to do anymore.

your sister wrote down something and shared it anonymously but i knew who it was... i knew. and it hurt me, and made me think that if i leave and i fail, my sister will be in your sisters place. so i need to leave and i need to do it fast, and soon.

you dont understand my reasons but i know that someone someday someone will read this and know exactly why.

my mother doesnt really love me, and i dont know what the **** my father is to me. my step mom is overbearing and wont leave me alone...

my granddaddy told me days ago that i was his reason for living. i wish he hadnt told me that.

i have lost a lot of my friends... im stupid and i dont know why i do or say things. one of my cousins hates me, and i pretend to hate them too.

i could have been friends with my ex but i ****** that up.

i have all of these valid reasons in doing this. and still im a ******* coward and wont leave.

im overthinking.

so ill write. to everyone, and once i am finished, ill leave.

ill tie up all the lose ends, maybe ill even do it up in a nice little bow.
667 · Nov 2015
i am
effaced Nov 2015
i am young and old
i wonder what life has in store for me
i hear the pattering feet of mini me's
i see my face aged with wrinkles, arms full of babies
i desire a family
i am young and old
i pretend to be happy
i feel longingly for my future
i touch the new skin of my babies feet
i worry my children will hate me
i cry for the mother i never had
i am young and old
i understand i still have a life not lived
i say i'll love you with every breath i take
i dream of the first time you're in my arms
i try to be strong for you
i hope to be the mother i never had
i am young and old
648 · Feb 2015
effaced Feb 2015
i wish i had any other addiction than this;

641 · Feb 2015
effaced Feb 2015
moving on auto-pilot
i walk to the bathroom
run the bath
grab the pills
shake off the doubt
grab a knife
swallow the pills
get ready to end your life
slit-wrist to elbow-both arms
slide to the bottom
moving on auto-pilot
effaced Feb 2015
boy meets girl
fall in love
live happily ever after.
so... cliché right?
1 out of ever 2 marriages end in divorce
1 out of every 2 marriages have had a spouse cheat..
so when you think happily ever after is cliché, think again.
in 5, 10, 20 years people won't even want to get married.
would you?
knowing that you have a 50% chance of divorcing 'the love of  your life' and even if it doesn't end in divorce there is a 50% chance that you will cheat, or will be cheated on?
602 · Dec 2014
Time After Time~
effaced Dec 2014
Time after time,
my first instinct is right.
"This winter break is going to  be hell."
~Two Days Later~
"This isn't so bad...Maybe i was wrong..."
~Two Hours Later~
Step Mom ******, Screaming...
"Jesus, I'm a *******."
Time after time,  
I should have learned by now.
"You're the pastors daughter, why do you look so depressed?"
"What's wrong with you? Why do you always have a bad look on your face?"

*I don't know, what is wrong with me...?
Christmas *****...
595 · Feb 2015
am i even me?
effaced Feb 2015
'why? please dont leave me...'
'how can i leave you when ive already left myself...?'
592 · Mar 2015
you vs. me
effaced Mar 2015
you say these things
and their not true
sadly you believe them
you truly do.
i see a girl
***** blonde hair,
prettiest girl ive ever seen
if only she had confidence...
if only she saw herself the way that i see her
if only she could hear the thoughts that i think

i say these things
and they're so true
sadly you dont believe them
but i sure as hell do.
579 · Apr 2016
effaced Apr 2016
all i wanna ******* do is cry
and scream
and hurt myself everyone else
i want to be ******* okay.
561 · Mar 2015
effaced Mar 2015
time *****
it is always moving
never stopping
controlling our lives
it makes us late,
or unreasonably early
when relaxing
theres never enough
when suffering
there always too much
559 · Mar 2015
cease to exist
effaced Mar 2015
knowing that i mean nothing to you
makes me want to cease to exist
because if you, the one who chose to love me
cease to love me anymore
and i dont have you
what am i
556 · Mar 2015
effaced Mar 2015
i've tried so hard
in convincing myself
that i understand

but honestly,

*i don't
effaced Feb 2015
i cant tell
if you
have power over me,
or if i allow you too.
sure right now,
you have at least a little,
but in 1 year? 2?
ill be 16
ill already have
of course
"thats fine by you".
you beg and plead
"dont pull away."
im not pulling as
much as you are
im ready to walk away-
will i be ready to defy you in a year.
will i have the courage?
525 · Jan 2015
Family Vacay Convo.
effaced Jan 2015
me:"i wonder if anyone has jumped off of the top floor balcony here..."
step-monster:"only someone who was thinking about doing that would say that"
little sisters1&2:"we have come to an agreement, little sister 3 needs to be in a mental hospital"
step-monster:wierd face
me: mutters under breath "i need to be in an mental hospital"
step-monster:"-my name- your father and i notice way more than you think, we know your not in the right mental place."
me(thought):then why the hell are you sitting there not trying to help me? why are you letting rot away inside? why wont you get me help?
me:"whatever, you don't know the half of it."
524 · Feb 2015
run away
effaced Feb 2015
i will never find the one that i need and want.
i read too many fantasy books, about love and pain.
my expectations are too high...
had my home life been okay, i wouldn't have tried to run away through books.
once you run away through books it's hard to deal with the reality that:
no matter how flawed the characters in your books are, the people in this world will never be as perfect.
i will never find the one that i need and want, my expectations are too high, but for now i can blow this off through school work and reading more.
but one day it will catch up to me, and i will realize that i am old and alone, and i will die that way, broken and sad and, lonely.
520 · Apr 2016
effaced Apr 2016
ill never be the same.

im ruined.

im not nice, or pretty, or considerate.

i do not love my father nor my step mother.

i am not and never will be bubbly

and i will never be someone that everyone wants to be around.

i am not and never will be special, or worthy of love.

i will never love wholeheartedly again.

and no one will ever love me.
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